
About Me
I am 13 years old, I built my own computer, and am commonly called a genius. Those are just rumors.

I am just a devoted kid who loves anything and everything to do with Computers, be it Software, Hardware or even Firmware.

I plan on starting my own company similar to Alienware, but MUCH cheaper. Price of Components+$10+Mailing= Total price.

If I had my dream build, it would be:
Intel i7 4770k

SLI GTX 970's

Asus Z77

16GB of DDR4

A Fractal Design r4 Black Pearl, Side window.

and last but not least, a 4k monitor ;p

Oh, and a Corsair 1k Power supply.
Interests Location Oklahoma

Profile Information

Minecraft Magikx Xbox MagikYT Steam MagikxWizard

Contact Methods

Website URL Skype MagikxWizard