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    posted a message on Mianite! Gods Needed!


    You should pick me to be on the server because I love mianite and watched all live streams and episodes.I am also a great Minecraft builder and I can make a bunch of YouTube videos when I play on the server.

    If I were to be a god I would be Ianite but if I can't be Ianite I would be Mianite or Dianite.I would be ok to be a normal player too.Or a king or a prince.

    It really doesn't matter to me who I am on the server but I would like to be on the server.

    If you want to contact me on gmail my email is: [email protected]

    My Skype name is: Hurculeon

    And I'm a fan of CaptainSparklez so hail Ianite as farmer Steve were to say.

    Posted in: MCPE: Servers
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