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    posted a message on How to use BufferedImage as Block Texture?

    Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().getDynamicTextureLocation(" ", new DynamicTexture(bufferedImage)); 
    I'm fairly sure that works, it returns a resourcelocation.

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Is there a way to use blocksates to imitate metadata

    I've not played around with the new block system yet but it seems like you have to provide your own implementation of State->Meta via the Block#getMetaFromState(IBlockState).
    Doors seems to implement this

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on Mcreator problems

    I'd assume that you haven't set a JAVA_HOME path?

    If not:


    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on [solved] Rendering Steve fails to apply texture correctly

    Solved it by switching the texture height that is passed to the model to 64.
    Apparently I didn't know this..

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on [solved] Rendering Steve fails to apply texture correctly

    I'm no expert at rendering mobs, but somehow the texture is not applied correctly. It makes Steve look like a demon spawn from hell basically.
    If somebody could look into the code and maybe point me in the direction of where I can modify the texture so it ends up in the correct locations.
    Image describing the problem.

    Render code (basically a copied and edited version of RenderZombie)
    class RenderNPC(renderManager: RenderManager, modelBiped: ModelBiped, float: Float, field_77070_b : Float) extends RenderLiving(renderManager, modelBiped, float) {[/p]
    [p]private var armourList: List[_] = null[/p]
    [p]this.addLayer(new LayerHeldItem(this))
     val layerbipedarmour: LayerBipedArmor = new LayerBipedArmor(this) {
     protected override def func_177177_a() {
     this.field_177189_c = new ModelBiped(0.5F, 0f, 64, 32)
     this.field_177186_d = new ModelBiped(1.0F, 0f, 64, 32)
     this.armourList = Lists.newArrayList(this.layerRenderers)
    [p]def func_180579_a(p_180579_1_ : NPC, p_180579_2_ : Double, p_180579_4_ : Double, p_180579_6_ : Double, p_180579_8_ : Float, p_180579_9_ : Float) {
     super.doRender(p_180579_1_, p_180579_2_, p_180579_4_, p_180579_6_, p_180579_8_, p_180579_9_)
    [p]override def doRender(entity: EntityLiving, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, p_76986_8_ : Float, partialTicks: Float) {
     this.func_180579_a(entity.asInstanceOf[NPC], x, y, z, p_76986_8_, partialTicks)
    [p]override def doRender(entity: EntityLivingBase, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, p_76986_8_ : Float, partialTicks: Float) {
     this.func_180579_a(entity.asInstanceOf[NPC], x, y, z, p_76986_8_, partialTicks)
    [p]override def doRender(entity: Entity, x: Double, y: Double, z: Double, p_76986_8_ : Float, partialTicks: Float) {
     this.func_180579_a(entity.asInstanceOf[NPC], x, y, z, p_76986_8_, partialTicks)
    [p]protected override def getEntityTexture(entity: Entity): ResourceLocation = {
    object RenderNPC {
     val DEFAULT_RES_LOC: ResourceLocation = new ResourceLocation("textures/entity/steve.png")
    How I register the Entity (probably doesn't matter)
    RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(classOf[NPC], new RenderNPC(Minecraft.getMinecraft.getRenderManager, new ModelBiped(), 1f, 0f))
    Thanks in advance!

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on New mob won't spawn

    I don't know if I do something different but I can't get any watermobs to spawn anywhere unless I append

    EntitySpawnPlacementRegistry.setPlacementType(EntitySheep2.class, EntityLiving.SpawnPlacementType.IN_WATER);
    after the EntityRegistry.addSpawn(); call..
    Might be worth a try? And I also extend EntityWaterMob in EntityWWFish

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on New mob won't spawn

    So I did some testing and I am able to get a custom mob that extends EntityWaterMob to successfully spawn in water in oceans.
    But I don't know how why your mobs spawn in caves ... Mind if you'd share the code for one of your water mobs?

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on New mob won't spawn

    I've never actually made a mob/water mob or anything at all in 1.8 but are your water mobs extending EntityWaterMob? I took a look at the EnumCreatureType.WATER_CREATURE and is used in:

    public boolean isCreatureType(EnumCreatureType type, boolean forSpawnCount)
     return type.getCreatureClass().isAssignableFrom(this.getClass());
    I am not sure what it is used for but if your mob doesn't extend EntityWaterMob at some point it should technically return false ... possibly?
    I'm not sure why they are spawning in caves though

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on section sign & books ...

    Awh ;/ That is a real bummer. Oh well, at least it can be used for formatting in books which is better than nothing. Thanks!

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on section sign & books ...

    Hello fellow forum users!
    I know that the section sign (§) is used for formatting but I was wondering if there is anyway of not using it for that and just using it as just a symbol without it screwing with the formatting?

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on ColoredLightsAPI Block Help

    The code you have on GitHub must be outdated, as none of those blocks contain any code for the lighting

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on ColoredLightsAPI Block Help

    Which blocks uses the api? And where can I find the usages in your code?

    Posted in: Modification Development
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    posted a message on .project missing, can't work on my mod anymore! Please Help!

    You could create a new project and take the source from the old project into that, unless your whole workspace is wiped, then it is impossible to recover without a backup.

    Posted in: Modification Development
  • 1

    posted a message on ColoredLightsAPI Block Help

    first of all, are you running the Coloured Light Mod in your mod environment?

    if that's the case, your mod might be initialized before the CLC.

    @Mod(modid = StringLibrary.MODID, name = StringLibrary.name, version = StringLibrary.version, dependencies = "after:coloredlightscore")
    Posted in: Modification Development
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