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    posted a message on New Survival Server! No whitlelist!
    Planes mod? :3
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on We have a new map! Everyones a builder! JOIN US!
    Does it have planes mod?
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Looking for server with Planes Mod.
    I recently got the Planes mod, and I am now wanting to join a server that has it so I can build with other players, and use the AA guns to defend our base from enemy planes. If anyone knows of a server like this, please post a link in your reply, or don't post at all.
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on * The Lonely Vale * !!! GRAND OPENING !!! A Player-Oriented Heavy Fantasy RP Server. Create Your Story Today!
    OOC: Out of Character
    IGN: Xkrules
    Sources: I was a player of the old Kingdom of Aeonis
    Why do you want to join: I missed the old server after I died in lava, and who knows? Maybe it will be better!
    IC (In Character)
    Name: Neo, Controller of Time.
    Race: UNKNOWN
    Profession: UNKOWN
    Background: A warrior born on another plain. He has learned some secrets of time control on that plain, but not in this one. He is of unknown origins, and seems to be a cross between several races. He is kind-hearted and will help out someone in need. He is simply a wandering adventurer. Any family he had would be gone now, as the ancestors of the current Forerunner changed that place to a hellish world. Now, Neo stands alone as he tries to find the answer to return his home-world to it's original state.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Magicka LP! Come join us!
    Quote from Scoutfreak »
    Link to account please.

    You mean the youtube account? http://www.youtube.com/user/armorstamp
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Magicka LP! Come join us!
    Quote from Kaav »
    Quote from Xkrules »
    We are currently in need of some help on Chapter 8

    I don't see how. I did give you the help you asked for.

    Besides, even if I did want to join in, you'd have to deal with me living in a different timezone which makes it a tad more complicated. (I'm assuming you live in North America, feel free to prove me wrong.)

    We were asking people to join, not for spells to spam :sleep.gif: And yes, I do live in North America, and am in a different timezone (only 1 hour apart) from the guy I'm doing an LP with. My timezone is GMT -7:00
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Magicka LP! Come join us!
    Quote from Kaav »

    Congratulations on beating Magicka!

    Conragts, you just failed to realize the point of this thread.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Millénaire - NPC village - 16/09/18 : Millénaire 7 open beta
    Recently, I've been getting an 'update error' or something. Minecraft hasn't updated, but the same message keeps popping up CONSTANTLY!!! Can somebody please help me? :/
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Magicka LP! Come join us!
    Me and armorstamp are making a Magicka LP. We are currently in need of some help on Chapter 8 (too many baddies). So, how about it? Post a comment with your steam ID, and we might let you in :wink.gif:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Town of Mira V 0.1 (WIP)
    I thank the people that downloaded this map. I just checked, and it's got 25 downloads! Just for you guys, I might make an LP of the world with a friend. Sadly, I currently cannot record it or host the server :/ I'll likely start the LP sometime after the full version is released.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Town of Mira V 0.1 (WIP)
    Quote from DROJun1or »
    Yogscast anyone?

    :smile.gif: The Yogscast are actually going to play this. That's the entire point of the Shadow of Israphel references XD
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on Town of Mira V 0.1 (WIP)
    I recently made a map and I call it the Town of Mira. It's still in it's early stages, but I figured I'd let some people test each version ^.^ Not forcing you to play it, but it would be nice.
    You and your friends (up to 9 people total) were banished from your old kingdom... You began to wander, and in the town of Mistral, you hear of a long-abandoned town called Mira. Apparently, an "old" friend of yours used to live there, and owned an inn and tavern. In fact, his fiancee lived in the town as well. They lived there in their 20s, but left when they were 30 because undead and giant spiders came suddenly, along with green beasts called "Viners." But, they were more commonly referred to as Creepers. Then, a portal rose from the ground and beasts known as Ghasts and Zombie Pigmen. Then, 2 Heroes named Lord Jasper, and Israphel Reverand came and sealed up the portal. But, Israphel was taken over by the Portal's evil. Jasper took Israphel's axe and sword and used them to seal the portal and Israphel with it. He crafted 2 large swords, and used them to create a super strong seal over the cave the portal was in. Now, you have come to recreate the town, and make it a kingdom! However, behind the Crossed Swords lies great evil... Do not release it.

    1. No spawning items. This is a survival map.
    2. Try not to break the seal (though this one isn't important if you're not making a video series on it)

    Brick Structure Chests:
    First Floor: Wooden Tools, Stone Tools, Iron Tools, Iron, Diamond, Gold, Diamond Sword, Fireplace.
    Second Floor: Diamond Tools, Gold Tools, Hoes, Bows, Arrows, Armour.
    Roof: Farming materials, Building Materials, Redstone Stuff, Mine carts, Mine cart tracks, boats, Ore blocks, Brick

    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?jba1qvxkqenbe6b

    I hope you'll try it. Suggestions and Criticism welcome (as long as it's CONSTRUCTIVE criticism)
    EDIT: I forgot about this. Use the texture pack found here: viewtopic.php?t=170117&f=1021 to see the crossed swords.

    EDIT: Version 0.2 released!
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on ChaoticCraft Roleplaying Server Beta 1.5 Recruiting!!
    Name of what you would like to be(example farmer)? Hunter
    Minecraft name? Xkrules
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on 1.5 Survival Island - Are You Interested?
    Ah man :/ I wanted in... But I was too late... Maybe when another spot opens up?
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on minecraft server for fun and group adventuring!!
    :/ It's been 5 DAYS and I haven't been able to get on... You said it was up 24/5 >:sad.gif: LIES UPSET ME!!! It better be up on the weekend!!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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