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    posted a message on Whats disturbing about the above profile pic?

    Weird, dated 3D renders are always disturbing. Always.

    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Is the above avatar Good Or Evil?

    What in the world?


    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on What would you do with $2.5 billion?
    I would hire Liam Neeson to follow me around and make cool catchphrases all day.

    But seriously, with that much money, you, and anyone you care about will never have to work another day. Boring enough, I'd buy a nice house at the footing of the Sierra Nevada, and live my life in peace. You'd be able to do basically whatever you want, so fill in the blanks. Impulse buys are totally okay now!
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Any good image uploading websites unlike Imgur?
    What about Flickr? I have never used it personally, but from what I've seen you have permanent access to all the images you upload to it, you can categorize images into albums, have easy-to-access direct links as well as coding links that can simply be copied and pasted where ever you want them to, and even the option to link certain preset image sizes. So if you upload a 1600x900 image or whatever, there's a handfull of options you can select to link that image in a smaller or square format.

    Again, I've never personally used it, but from what I've seen it looks pretty handy dandy. Of course you need create a Yahoo! account for it. You simply cannot create an account for Flickr itself.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What is the best way to earn money?
    Going to elaborate on the whole "get a job" dealio.

    A lot of people can't simply just get a job. It can be quite a pain in the rump and a long process. What I recommend is to get a 'job' from family members, or friends your family are in frequent contact with. Your grandparents, your mom or dad's friends, aunts and uncles, you name it. You (most likely) won't have to send them an application and have other competition, so that's a huge plus. They will also most likely pay you fairly, or at least better than an entry level job would pay you. Y'know, since they're family. Even if it's simple house chores that they don't want to take care of, it's a hell of a lot easier than the normal job process you'd go through today.
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    posted a message on Introductions & Leavings
    It was a good run, but I think it's time for me to part with the Minecraft Forum. I've gotten to know a good amount of people on here, and I have made many friends. Thank you all for the good times! Goodbye!
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Would you use the above avatar as a pillow?
    Sure, who wouldn't use a cuddly kitten?
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on Need to decide on a domain name.
    I agree with Budgeh - I voted for EclipseForums.net, simply for the '.net'. It just sits better to me, as I rarely see '.us'.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on What areas are within walking distance from your house?
    As someone who don't mind a long walk, I've got as many restaurants as I'd ever need. There's also a handful of clothes stores and even a movie theater all within a 10, maybe 15 minute walk. Seems like it would be quite a busy town, and with about 55,000 people in it, I'd imagine I would feel slightly crowded. But nope, it's still a close little town and the population doesn't even feel that high.
    There is also a fairly large golf course and many parks around - just looking at a map of the town makes me surprised at how many green blotches there are.
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    posted a message on If you watch, Who do you watch on YouTube?
    Game Grumps, Saabkyle04, kurtjmac, Zemalf, Regularcars, Coop3rdrumm3r, and JonTron to name just a few. I have over one hundred people who I'm subscribed to, so these are just from the top of my head.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Would you use the above avatar as a pillow?
    Pocket-sized pillow acquired. As long as you're as soft as your appear, sure!
    Posted in: Forum Games
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    posted a message on If You Could Have Any Set of Superpowers, What Would it Be?
    To control time, or to time travel. Is that a super power? I'd hope so. I don't exactly own a TARDIS.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Delete
    Pretty much what Kakeli said - don't just let it fade away. Initiate more conversation and hangouts. If they don't go for it, you might as well just ask them about it honestly. It is much better to be straight forward about situations like this than to just let it slide. I've been in plenty of situations where I've let it slip to only blame myself for not doing anything about it. Try and get close to them again, for sure.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Describe yourself in one word
    Different. Different.
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    posted a message on Bye, Im quitting
    Well bye-bye, but perhaps you'd like to post that in this correct thread.
    Thank you.

    Posted in: General Off Topic
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