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    posted a message on Wheat Farm Designs
    I whipped this up in creative mode. It'll fit exactly within your 16x16 area, and conveniently funnels wheat to the entrance of the bottom (activated by a lever that, since 1.3, we can now place on the underside of a block; seen in the first screenshot and barely in the top of the 3rd).

    I'll leave you to figure out lighting/etc.

    Also, the blocks on the sides just mark the middle of the walls.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Your "noob" days
    I don't remember the exact day, but back in alpha when my friend and I were just starting out we didn't know about buckets and being able to carry water/lava around. I wanted us to have a moat of lava, but the only source of surface lava I found was like 200 blocks from our home and inside a hill. I ended up digging a very very very long trench from the lava to our home only to find that it would never flow back home without making the moat like 30 blocks deep.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on My friend doesn't trust the wiki.
    Quote from Pxex

    Deleting post, alot of people who replied were not helpful at all and called my friend "stupid" and/or "retarded". My friend is one of the smarted people in my grade, having getting almost straight As, and just because he thinks differently and doesn't trust the wiki does NOT make him an idiot/retard. Thats like saying "You don't trust this website and think it may have a virus? Your an idiot and retarded." All and all, thread not helpful and being very insulting. /end

    Grades do not equal intelligence, and they count for little when you're out in the real world. Grades just measure one's ability to digest and process academic garbage into a form accepted by instructors.

    Your friend is foolish, in any case. There is no reason to not trust the wiki; no good reasons at least. It is a wiki. It is derived from countless other non-malevolent wiki sites. Any malware would only be obtained by clicking on the ads (a dumb idea on most websites, even legitimate ones). Also, much of the information on the wiki can be tested first-hand in-game to confirm the validity of what is stated. It is good to be skeptical of things that can be edited by lots of people randomly, but that is no reason to absolutely discard the entire archive without appropriately appraising it. Recall that the only reason Wikipedia is not a valid cite-able source for academic papers (gradeschool or otherwise) is because the author of the articles cannot be adequately cited. Citation, not information validity and truthfulness, is the root of the problem schools have with Wikipedia as a source. Likewise the information in the Minecraft Wiki is still good, by and large (again, editable by many people), and can be trusted with the understanding that people are not entirely infallible and thus it should be of no surprise if something isn't 100% accurate. I've focused on the information and content in this response because it should be obvious to people who have regularly used the internet in the past decade or so that the Minecraft Wiki is just another wiki site that is formatted after Wikipedia and is a very typical, non-malicious, not-malware-ridden, format for an informational website. Thus, your friend is foolish. I would have more point by point responses if you had left your original post. Let it be known that foolish does not equal idiotic; it merely means to be mistaken in a silly way in the way I am using it. As in, your friend's mistrust of the wiki is silly. You just lost the game.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Any good 1.3.1 map seeds?
    Quote from rodabon

    What program are you mapping with out of curiosity?


    It's quick, but all you get is colored pixels representing blocks. Still, it's good for a quick render.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Any good 1.3.1 map seeds?
    A very plains-ridden seed I just found was 2907469241236178844.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on ░▒▓ ~~MEDIEVAL CRAFT~~▓▒░ [Nations] [Professions] [Semi RP] [& Much More!] Grey-list!
    Quote from ReduceKiller

    Player Info:

    IGN: Reducekiller

    Age: 14

    Previous Bans: No previous bans , I am not a greifer / Rule breaker.

    How did you hear about us (include referrals): I was just browsing around for medieval servers on youtube and didn't find any so i went on Minecraft forum and then i searched for a medieval server and found this , it looks great aswell i would love to join.

    A little about yourself: Hey my name is Sky i am a girl don't freak out or have a spaz attack haha i am not knew and i love gaming i have an Alienware Area 51 PC i love games and enjoy playing them.

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on ░▒▓ ~~MEDIEVAL CRAFT~~▓▒░ [Nations] [Professions] [Semi RP] [& Much More!] Grey-list!
    Player Info:
    IGN: ZAKK9090
    Age: 21
    Previous Bans: None.
    Reasoning if answered yes to above question: N/A
    How did you hear about us (include referrals): Minecraftforum.net
    A little about yourself: I'm wise, I'm a smartass on occasion, I'm a troll to those who take life too seriously, I love games and technology, I'm a chill dude. 'Nuff said.
    Character Info:
    Character name: Kaltesh
    House: None
    Age: 28
    Profession (can be different from our offered profession): Hunter/Ranger
    Background info: Taught from an early age to use a bow, Kaltesh uses stealth, caution, and his wits to survive perils that cross his path...
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 3

    posted a message on What are you going to do with Emerald Blocks?
    Quote from GorgeousTaylor

    Use them for fancy green decorations.
    Now we just need a fancy red block, and we'll have all the important colors.

    Maybe we should just get a redstone recipe wherein 9 redstone dust = 1 redstone block?
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on How to turn my old world into a larger biome world?
    You could always try using Worldedit to copy/paste over your designs from an old world to a new one. That's what I plan to do... Although things are made quite easy for me since I've been making just a bunch of sky islands lately.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Did the Terrain Become BORING? (UPDATE 6/5/13 - 1.7 is a biome update?)
    While I agree with the topic I find that the Wedge mod fixes this issue quite nicely. It is far from perfect; I think, ironically, most maps generated via Wedge don't have ENOUGH flat areas in them (far as I've experienced) while simultaneously keeping the terrain interesting and cool.

    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on ExtrabiomesXL Universal 3.16.3 for MC 1.7.10
    Quote from ScottKillen

    Edit: How is the publicity this mod would get from Yogscast "AMAZING?" Everyone who uses flog box will download the mod from the yog servers...bypassing the ad link that provides income for Mr. Fiber, skipping the OP, only ending up here to complain because they don't know anything about modding or installing mods, and can't figure out why the mod is yogging their game instead of working with the other mods in flog box... This does not sound like fun to me. It also doesn't sound like a party for all of the mod users who actively participate in the community here. Perhaps the word you really need to look up is AMAZING...

    Pretty sure that Mr. Fiber's and TDWP_FTP's work fits the bill. Pretty sure that the scenario you describe does not.

    I saw the mod as presented by the Yogscast, came here as they advertised, and then downloaded it via adf.ly. I seriously doubt I'm the only one that did this. Given their presence in the community it is a blessing, if anything, to have the likes of them giving publicity to someone's mod. Free advertising to a lot of people. At the least they spread the word of the mod even if everyone doesn't download it via adf.ly. Word of mouth can be worth mountains more than a few dollars anyways.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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