No. Nononononono! This dosent fit! I dont want to find a lot of powerfull mobs once every while everywhere! This would be OP against newly spawned players. No. Just no.
For the millionth time, this won't be a problem for newly spawned players.
In SP, the spawn rate is almost nothing at the start.
In servers, the land would probably be bled dry of monsters near spawn.
Remember, before you complain, read more carefully.
Chances are I've already covered your issue.
I disagree with this. Minecraft is supposed to be open-ended and it's purpose directed solely by the intentions of the player. This would actually give an emphatic push toward "collecting achievements" which is to say, a directed goal as opposed to an optional bonus.
By that logic, achievements should be removed.
Which I think should be done, as a matter of fact.
The spawning rules I created were to counter the same problem, but to change the one thing I didn't like about your spawning rules: The possibility of a beast spawning in a piece of land previously thought to be safe. The "FB chunk" would only ever spawn one FB, and give the impression it had been there all along (which it had, by being spawned as soon as you load the chunk).
And you may be right about paralize. It does sound a little (or a lot) annoying, but I was attempting to copy the effect snakes have on some animals. Though a new player would pretty much just do that on their own when they see a FB for the first time.
And the neutral beasts wouldn't be harmless; Just being bumped accidentally may take quite a few hearts off, and due to their size they would have enormous "steps", etc. I just thought that it wouid be strange for a skyscraper sized monster to even acknowlage the tiny speck that is you, at least untill you become a threat.
The probablity of spawn rules are a better solution than specific chunks.
Because it means that rather than only knowing whether a chunk is safe or not when a beast spawns, you know that plains are far safer than forests or caves, so if you don't want much threat you can build there.
I support this! The idea of randomly generated mobs is facinating.
The only thing I would change is how they spawn:
They should have specific chunks in which they can spawn, like slime chunks, but much rarer, which are defined by the world seed, and would spawn the instant that chunk is loaded. This gives the impression that they were there the whole time, and stops you suddenly having a forgotten beast in your cave.
Different types of beasts can only be spawned in specific places: Winged beasts would only spawn above y=127, sea beasts only in oceans, below y=62 and above y=48, lake beasts (ampibuous) only there where lakes spawn, cave beasts in caves below y=32 etc. Only one beast is generated per chunk, and if it it is killed or it failed to spawn, no other beast spawns in its' place. Beasts tend to stay near to their own spawn chunk; they may venture out, but always return.
I would add another special ability: Paralize. The beast will have golden eyes to show you it has this ability, and it works like this: If you look at the creature's head, you get slowness (level 6-9), weakness (level 6-9) and mining fatiuge (level 6-9) for as long as you look, and if the creature is charging towards you headfirst, it is hard not to look at it. A pumpkin fixes this, obviously.
Another idea I had was that while huge beasts may have increased health and damage, the larger they are, the more chance they have of being neutral, not hostile. This is because if you encounter godzilla on your first adventure, you can safely bet he will ignore you, the insignificant speck that you are. But you can't be entirely sure, as you notice when he steps on you.
Sorry to keep you hanging, thought this thread had died.
Also, nice job on somehow not making the mods angry.
My spawning rules are to make it impossible to have a fully automated FB farm.
Paralyze doesn't sound fun at all. Not powerful, just annoying.
As for neutral beasts, that's no fun.
I'm not sure you need a change to Minecraft for faction skins to work.
If you can get players looking like moving blocks for unmodded clients, you can surely change their skin.
Anyway, all the important stuff that isn't already planned is stuff that you can already do.
I loled at the elder scrolls website. "Please select your country: North america/International." Typical Americains. Anyway, so they're suing over 1 word, just because scrolls is more popular. Sorry Bethesda, but you lost out, you just weren't popular enough to retain your position on google search. At least go down gracefully!
Tulpas deserve rights too!
This idea came from a game that was inspiration for Minecraft, so that's impossible.
Automatically generated textures were mentioned nowhere.
For the millionth time, this won't be a problem for newly spawned players.
In SP, the spawn rate is almost nothing at the start.
In servers, the land would probably be bled dry of monsters near spawn.
Remember, before you complain, read more carefully.
Chances are I've already covered your issue.
By that logic, achievements should be removed.
Which I think should be done, as a matter of fact.
Well, that freediving training paid off.
Who ever heard of a determined griefer?
Except for the griefers who are so good at griefing that it's worth the chaos for the hilarity.
The probablity of spawn rules are a better solution than specific chunks.
Because it means that rather than only knowing whether a chunk is safe or not when a beast spawns, you know that plains are far safer than forests or caves, so if you don't want much threat you can build there.
Sorry to keep you hanging, thought this thread had died.
Also, nice job on somehow not making the mods angry.
My spawning rules are to make it impossible to have a fully automated FB farm.
Paralyze doesn't sound fun at all. Not powerful, just annoying.
As for neutral beasts, that's no fun.
If you can get players looking like moving blocks for unmodded clients, you can surely change their skin.
Anyway, all the important stuff that isn't already planned is stuff that you can already do.
You've forgotten about Dwarf Fortress. How could you forget about one of Minecraft's inspirations?
*Ninja'd 6 times before first posting this
Why is my city fulled with structures consisting of two pink spheres and a pink tower?
Who set the giant barrel on fire?