Currency and trading = great!
Especially if the trading is for all resources and not just some select ones.
Rubies as currency = OK.
Frankly, gold would make a better currency. It is more commonly associated with money in the real world, plus (except for powered rails) it pretty much has no other uses in minecraft.
Also, great ideas... so long as they don't delay or cripple the Mod API release.
- XMdead
- Registered Member
Member for 13 years, 5 months, and 21 days
Last active Wed, Dec, 4 2013 19:11:41
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May 8, 2012XMdead posted a message on MCX360 - The Good, The Bad, The AwesomeI am sure somebody commented on it already, but here it goes anyway: 1000x1000 multiplayer... ROFL!!!Posted in: News
That is fine for a few friends that trust each other, but it is certainly idiotic for an open server. With no plugins to stop griefers and no "distance" to go hide your place, this is going to be griefer central. A miserable experience for most players who try it.
But then, maybe they "fixed it" by not allowing open servers. It would be a typical Microsoft "feature". -
May 3, 2012XMdead posted a message on Snapshot 12w18a Is Here For Testing!Posted in: News
I would think feature. Cocoa beans come from the jungle (, so it makes sense.
Of course, it would be nice to have something useful to do with cocoa beans. Those cookies are pretty worthless, and not worth the trouble of making them. -
May 3, 2012XMdead posted a message on Snapshot 12w18a Is Here For Testing!From what I see, it is a very nice set of changes. As a developer I see the value of the client/server code cleanup.Posted in: News
At the same time I look forward to the changes... and hope that it will be a month or two before we see the next formal release (hopefully 1.3 with the mod api), because there is still way too much impact on real-life servers every time a new release comes out. -
Apr 24, 2012XMdead posted a message on Pocket Edition Update Available!Posted in: News
LOL, they don't have them yet? Yes, they are absolutely essential. And here I was worrying that there is no server yet, ROFL!!! -
Apr 24, 2012XMdead posted a message on Pocket Edition Update Available!Is there a server for pocket edition yet?Posted in: News
Pocket edition seems to be mature enough to play, but I don't see myself buying it until multiplayer becomes possible. -
Apr 5, 2012XMdead posted a message on Version 1.2.5 is Officially Out!MOJANG DID SOMETHING RIGHT!!!Posted in: News
For the first time ever, you can use the old client on new servers. Yes, 1.2.4 client can be used on 1.2.5 server.
So, we can wait for our favorite plugins to become available on 1.2.5 before updating.
Well, done! -
Mar 24, 2012XMdead posted a message on 1.2.4 Update Is Out; XBLA Release DateI am glad to see a bug fix release but I am disappointed that it did not fix the two most annoying bugs:Posted in: News
- Game often starting with no sound (failure to detect the correct sound device?)
- After any form of teleportation (i.e.: /home or warp), if the chunk wasn't already loaded the player renders before the blocks, starts falling, and suffocates once the blocks he should be standing on render.
Mar 1, 2012XMdead posted a message on 1.2 Update is Released!Just wanted to say congratulations. This was the most entertaining trailer ever.Posted in: News
Jan 30, 2012XMdead posted a message on Community Spotlight Series Begins; The Laser ModFinally had a chance to watch the video. I can think of one improvement, and as a matter of fact I was surprised that it wasn't there already:Posted in: News
It needs:
- An infrared (or microwave) laser - invisible to the naked eye - and that kills with heat just like the red laser.
- A low power UV laser - also invisible to the naked eye - to trigger sensors.
With those 2 additions this mod would be absolutely perfect. -
Jan 30, 2012XMdead posted a message on Community Spotlight Series Begins; The Laser ModI haven't even watched it and already I must say... finally!Posted in: News
Why? Because sensors and other forms of detection have been missing in minecraft for a long time. How else would you make a proper trap where someone can walk in and trigger it without seeing anything visible? Or, how would you detect that someone entered a room, without filling the floor with pressure plates?
Kudos for filling a long awaited need. -
Dec 27, 2011XMdead posted a message on Mod API Coming in January?Could this mean that the long awaited 1.1 is coming out in January?Posted in: News
Dec 19, 2011XMdead posted a message on Weekly Recap - Better Sheep, Cobalt & MoreWhen, oh when! will this 1.1 bug fix release get released?Posted in: News
Pre-releases are a great thing when new features are introduced and those new features are (as is minecraft tradition) full of bugs and bad choices.
But bug fix releases (and "bad choice" fixes like when sheep lost the ability to regrow wool) should be frequent and released to the public shortly after they are tested and confirmed to work via a pre-release. The main criteria for one of these bug-fix releases is that it only fixes problems and doesn't cause any major disruptions to servers or players (like the infamous terrain generation changes). Given the auto-update system, it is not even painful.
This is not some great idea, it is just common sense. -
Dec 9, 2011XMdead posted a message on This Week's "Snapshot" ReleasedFinally! Long overdue "broken" things get fixed. Not just bugs but also fixing past bad choices like removing the wool regrowth and the trampling of land.Posted in: News
Looking forward to many more releases like this one, and hoping that they are released to the mainstream soon. -
Nov 18, 2011XMdead posted a message on Minecraft Forum ExchangeRofl, still not working.Posted in: News
Not in Firefox (empty sub-window) nor in IE (plenty of content on page, but sub-window says it has no connection). - To post a comment, please login.
Is this a normal occurrence now? Or is it a sign of a monster-spawner in the vicinity?
Also, are silverfish useful for anything? Or just a nuisance we must deal with?
But as long as you lose XP when you die, a linear progression is better.
It would even make more sense if experience wasn't a consumable at all. It should be something you earn over time and represents your long-term achievement. With such a thing you could only do level 1 enchantments when you start (better if you have enchantment table). Then as you play for a week, month, year... your overall enchanting ability would go up slower and slower (exponential curve) and eventually reach the maximum ability. That way XP would truly reflect your "experience" and would reward your commitment to the game and/or server.
But in short... no. Minecraft is about having fun, individually or as a group. Not about perceived value, hoarding or other such things.
Nerfings of tools/armor since 1.7 made the game less fun for "builders" and diamonds more necessary. An increase of availability by trading other items is a good thing, not bad.
Since I play SMP exclusively I see this as a positive thing... even if they only fix a few of the SMP problems, it will be an improvement **for me**. I do feel sorry for the SSP guys though.
I will start by saying that I have no problems with ANY other applications, only Minecraft. So, it is NOT the computer.
Other info:
Does anybody know of a fix for it? Or failing that, a mod that replaces minecraft's sound system?
That makes the ender chest a good concept... in principle. Limiting to one chest per server ruins it. Again, in public servers you would need an ender chest per person or per small cooperative team.
Finally, since most servers have /home /back abilities... limiting the capacity to one chest makes no difference. Given those abilities I foresee few people using ender chests unless it became possible to somehow increase their capacity. I don't think it would be a problem if increasing the ender chests capacity was expensive.
Especially if the trading is for all resources and not just some select ones.
Rubies as currency = OK.
Frankly, gold would make a better currency. It is more commonly associated with money in the real world, plus (except for powered rails) it pretty much has no other uses in minecraft.
Also, great ideas... so long as they don't delay or cripple the Mod API release.
The merge of server and client code is a mixed bag. Good because it will make it easier to maintain. Bad because the server code has so many problems that will bleed into the client code. They should have fixed all the server issues before even considering this.
That is fine for a few friends that trust each other, but it is certainly idiotic for an open server. With no plugins to stop griefers and no "distance" to go hide your place, this is going to be griefer central. A miserable experience for most players who try it.
But then, maybe they "fixed it" by not allowing open servers. It would be a typical Microsoft "feature".
But for those who enjoy open servers... it does nothing. This is why:
I agree, but for a different reason: LAG!!!
Too many mobs are one of the biggest causes of server lag. Already we have massive problems because of people breeding huge numbers of sheep for each color. Now people will breed huge numbers of cows.
Mojang, have you gone crazy???
Valid complaints, wrong conclusion... I hope.
As long as they address all of these issues before releasing it as a formal version, then there is no issue.
But if they are complete idiots and release a formal version in this conditions... all the complaints become totally valid.