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    posted a message on The Olympus SMP *Applications Open*
    Keep applying :3
    Posted in: Let's Plays Help
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    posted a message on -=xBr0wnBear=- Village of Po - Heavenly Gate of Fire w Speed Build / Background Story
    Quote from ronnyjames

    This is really nice!

    Thanks! Glad you liked it :)
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on -=xBr0wnBear=- Village of Po - Heavenly Gate of Fire w Speed Build / Background Story
    Hey guys! I decided to build a monument today and this is what I came up with.

    Here's an Imgur album link: http://imgur.com/a/eyAYU

    Preview Image:

    Story behind it:

    Story Behind this Piece:

    Ages ago, as it has been told from generation to generation, Po the Magnificent Ancestor led our people through the Patagon Desert and over the End of the World Mountains to reach these fertile plains. As they descended into the green pastures, Picquechao emerged from the brush and began charging at the nomads. While others fled, Po readied his bow and challenged the giant boar. The Magnificent Ancestor fired arrow after arrow futilely as they bounced off Picquechao’s tough hide.

    In the distance, Po saw a great pool of fire and hatched an idea. He started to run towards the firepool in the ground as Picquechao readied his horns to gore the chieftain. Blinded by rage from the arrows shot into him, Picquechao charged straight forward. As the Magnificent Ancestor reached the edge of the lava, he stopped and made a yell at his adversary that shook the ground itself. The boar gored straight into the Magnificent Ancestor but in his death, our founder had saved his people. Picquechao charged straight into the molten fire and perished as well.

    Over generations, the people of this land erected a monument in respect to the Magnificent Ancestor. Orange lanterns were laid on the ground in front of the stone pillars to represent the lava pool where Po slayed Picquechao. Blue hanging lanterns were later added on the roofing to symbolize the heavens and from where the spirit of the Magnificent Ancestor now watches over our people.

    Speed Build Link (Go to 1:22 or click the annotation):

    Thanks for taking a look. Let me know what you think and how I can improve. :)
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on -=Stranded!=- An Interactive Survival Journal by XBr0wnBear (Ep.16)
    Sheryl the Hardworking Naturalist's Bio is out!

    I decided to expand on the various characters in the journal by designing unique skins for them and writing a little bio. It's not exactly a survival episode but it is relevant to the topic and hand and I hope it adds a little bit more immersion into this survival journal. :)

    Sheryl was the soft-spoken naturalist for the city-state of Po before she crash landed with the rest of the group on the island. With her gorgeous auburn hair and her fashionable yellow bow, she received a lot of attention back at the Academica but she was usually locked in her lab thus thwarting the ambitions of many a suitor. Now she works day and night trying to improve these strange magical plants that could be the source of unlimited resources on the island but so far has only found limited success. Her boots are covered in mud from the constant strolls down the fields but she wouldn't have it any other way.

    What she looks like:

    SpeedArt Video:
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on =-xBrownBear-= Sheryl - The Hardworking Naturalist w/ Speedart video!
    xBrownBear here!

    Image links:

    Speedart Video

    Thanks for taking a look at Sheryl. As the title states, she's serving as the naturalist of my survival series called Stranded!
    This series has a video series and a journal hosted on minecraftforums. I was getting a bit tired of using the generic Minecraft skins in the MinecraftComesAlive mod so I thought about making some of my own skins.

    Feel free to offer any constructive criticism. This is my very first skin I've ever made and also the first piece of artwork I've attempted to make on PC minus doodles on MSPaint. ^____^

    About Sheryl: Sheryl was the soft-spoken naturalist for the city-state of Po before she crash landed with the rest of the group on the island. With her gorgeous auburn hair and her fashionable yellow bow, she received a lot of attention back at the Academica but she was usually locked in her lab thus thwarting the ambitions of many a suitor. Now she works day and night trying to improve these strange magical plants that could be the source of unlimited resources on the island but so far has only found limited success. Her boots are covered in mud from the constant strolls down the fields but she wouldn't have it any other way.

    Thanks for watching everyone!

    Feel free to leave a comment and a Like if you enjoyed it and a Subscribe if for some reason you loved it and want to see more!

    All of this helps grow the channel :)

    Follow Me: https://twitter.com/xbr0wnbear

    Journal: http://www.minecraft...br0wnbear-ep16/

    Skin Link: http://www.planetmin...ing-naturalist/
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on -=Stranded!=- An Interactive Survival Journal by XBr0wnBear (Ep.16)
    Episode 16 is out!

    Hey guys, today's episode is out! I included our new named person into this series.
    I finally made some more progress on the house so check it out and let me know if you also would like to become a settler on our island. ^___^

    Also please give some suggestions on how I can improve my house. I'm only an amateur builder at best. :/
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on After a terribly long break, I've started again
    Welcome Back! Hope you enjoy your comeback haha.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on -=Stranded!=- An Interactive Survival Journal by XBr0wnBear (Ep.16)
    Quote from Ojoio

    My character is Norman. He's an alcoholic who says his past is behind him, but it really isn't. His wife died two years before the wreck, and ever since he's been moody and hard to work with. His role in the ship crash would be the person that everyone dislikes, except one person (any female character). This woman knows he is a good person, and loves him, but he doesn't. She tries very hard to change him, but he never does, until later on, when he realizes he really does love her.
    (the last part about the relationship is just my mind going wild. I only really care about the first part.)

    Haha sounds interesting ^____^. Even though you are hated, what job would you like. I was thinking a brewer since you're an alcoholic but I leave the option up to you. Also not as important but do you have a last name. I'll try to incorporate you in the next episode. :)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on -=Stranded!=- An Interactive Survival Journal by XBr0wnBear (Ep.16)
    Hey guys episode 15 is finally out!

    I hope you guys enjoyed it. Sorry I didn't post much lately, I was a bit unmotivated due to my brick shortage and I really wanted to start building a nice town for this journal with that as a crucial material. Luckily now our problems may have been alleviated so I'll be trying to post more soon. :)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on -=Stranded!=- An Interactive Survival Journal by XBr0wnBear (Ep.16)
    Quote from daredevil0828

    I like your series, keep up the good work.

    Thanks glad you like it ^___^

    Let me know how I can improve and what else you would like to see or if you want to join as a character ^____^
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on -=Stranded!=- An Interactive Survival Journal by XBr0wnBear (Ep.16)
    Episode 14 is out!

    Hey guys, we finally get our lava pump working today. We also have more fun with our friends in the village ^___^.

    Bricks seem so close now!!

    Also don't forget to check out the section where you can become a character in the journal. Read about it on the first post.

    Thanks for reading/watching guys. Please leave a comment here if you have any suggestions ^___^ and don't forget to subscribe to the post and to the YT channel to help grow everything. :)
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on How did you first die in minecraft(mob, lava, drowning etc)
    Probably while I was flailing wildly with my fists at an approaching horde of mobs.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on XBr0wnBear - Building, Dying, Playing

    Hey guys, today we get onto buildcraft and a jungle temple. Please subscribe if you want to see more ^___^
    Thanks for watching.
    Posted in: Let's Plays
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    posted a message on I have been building a colossal labyrinth for a year and a half.
    Looks nice!
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on -=Stranded!=- An Interactive Survival Journal by XBr0wnBear (Ep.16)
    Episode 13b is out!

    Just the video! I actually covered everything I wanted to write in the journal for 13a so I just released the video portion for 13b.

    Will I ever get bricks?....
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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