IGN: Rated1
Minecraft Experience: new to multiplayer did most my work offline
What you will do for the server:I just want to have fun and call a server my home
Bans: None
Faction you wish to be in: Merc
Minecraft In Game Name (case sensitive): Rated1
Where are you from?: United States.
Your age?: 24
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes I have.
Extra notes?: I am new to the game, but i love role playing. I cant wait to get into Super Earth!
Minecraft Experience: new to multiplayer did most my work offline
What you will do for the server:I just want to have fun and call a server my home
Bans: None
Faction you wish to be in: Merc
Where are you from?: United States.
Your age?: 24
Have you read and agreed to the rules in the post below? Yes I have.
Extra notes?: I am new to the game, but i love role playing. I cant wait to get into Super Earth!