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    posted a message on BeastCraft KitPVP - Thats right! We changed to KitPVP! - NEED BUILDERS!
    BeastCraft KitPVP

    Need builders!
    5 spots open!

    I am Wrekless, BeastCraft headbuilder. We recently had the idea to create a Prison server, but we changed to KitPVP. All of our builders resigned. I'm the only one left, and I desperately need a team. I only have one builder that is still pending.

    Requirements to apply:
    14 years of age or older
    Doesn't goof around
    Good at minecraft building and detailing- Need good depth

    Skype (If you do not have skype it is fine):
    Anything you would like us to call you?
    Pictures of some builds (at least 3, and of separate builds):
    Why you want to be builder (Please explain in detail):
    Do you think you are mature on a scale of 1-10? (Please explain in detail):
    Anything else about yourself?:
    Do you comply with the requirements?:

    Okay. Thats the format.

    Our server staff team is highly trained and very mature, so if you think your maturity level is 1-5, please try to be more mature! If it IS 1-5, and your application is good, you will still be accepted. There is SOME goofing around, but not a lot. During free time monitor the server players, or have fun with KitPVP!

    Troll comments are not accepted, and bad applications will be DENIED! If you ARE denied, you have one more chance to apply. If that is also rejected, do not continue applying.

    If you are accepted, you will be sent a note and the ip to the server.

    If denied, you will also be sent a note that you are denied and you get one more chance to apply.





    Sneakpeak at a 2v2 arena in attachments!

    We do not pay builders, so if you want money this is not the place for you. Although we are professional, we still do it for fun!

    We do not pay normal staff either.

    THATS IT! Thank you for applying if you DID apply, and have a HAPPY NEWYEAR!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on BeastCRaft MC - Open For Builders! Need Builders!

    You were actually still kinda mad. It's not my server, and the spawn is downloaded. 2nd of all, I have to consider. The city wasn't bad, but it lacked detail. Give me a few days.

    Possible Builder!
    I may have found a possible builder. Give pancake some gratitude!

    But just so you know, our server doesn't get profit. We will not have donor ranks. We don't like to make people pay real money to get them to be all super-cool and stuff. XV runs on his own hard-work money, and that only. And the reason I wanted four paragraphs is to test people's writing skills, and to see whether or not they were mature enough to be part of the staff team.

    Now to finish this off, could you send me another one of your builds? Maybe just a house would be fine, honestly.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on BeastCRaft MC - Open For Builders! Need Builders!

    :/ You're still denied. The detail is not good enough, and I don't care if you have dyslexia. It's not four paragraphs. I don't count my own questions as one of your sentences.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on BeastCRaft MC - Open For Builders! Need Builders!
    Quote from GiorgosBuilder»

    hello, if you need builder add me on skype: giorgos_362

    Sorry, deals off. I can't pay you.

    Application DENIED!
    If you want money go to hypixel.
    Btw, dont ever say that my builds are bad again.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on BeastCRaft MC - Open For Builders! Need Builders!
    Quote from pancakepanlh»

    Minecraft Name:pancakepanlh
    Anything you would like us to call you?:pancake is fine
    Skype (If you do not have Skype, do not continue on with this application):pancakepanlh
    Why do you want to be a Builder?:i like buildeing for other peaple to see so single player is kind of boring
    Why do you think you would be a good addition to the server?:because you need builders and im a builder who can build
    Have you had any experience in the past with building on a server?:yes i have bean head bulders on a veriaty of servers which of other peaple stoping going on made me alone
    Are you mature? (Yes or no, but explain in detail):Yes i think im am ( http://www.dictionary.com/browse/mature ) but i still like jokes but i am not crazy ,weird ,a pervert or ,inmature
    Pictures of your builds (Use gyazo, imgur and so on):http://imgur.com/a/Zabwb
    Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?:i am hard working and will not abandon a server and like whatching progress of others skills as well as my own
    Do you comply with the requirements? (Yes or no):YES

    Right off the bat, I can tell you did not check your spelling, grammar, or anything else. Your picture does not look like you made it, it looks like it was professionally taken. This is not 4 paragraphs, and based off of your writing skills we can tell you do NOT comply with the requirements.

    Application DENIED!
    You may apply one more time.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on BeastCRaft MC - Open For Builders! Need Builders!

    Hey! I'm Wrekless, from Beastcraft MC Prison server. We are a WIP server. I am the head-builder of Beastcraft, and it's my job to send out a notification. We currently need 5 builders.

    Our server is a group of highly trained staff that work with players to create a better Beastcraft community. Beastcraft is also a WIP Prison server. We still need some things built. I am in need of a Build Team. The rest of our staff team CAN build, but they aren't official builders. Of course, we need Builders. Did I say Builders too much?

    ", sans-serif">Versions!
    Currently, our server version is 1.8 - 1.10.2
    We are working on adding 1.11 at the moment.


    Currently, spots are:

    0/10 Builders
    Yeah, that's how desperate we are.

    We are desperately in need of 5-10 builders. If you are interesting in a Build spot, please apply below.

    PERMS!! :D

    Currently, Builders perms are:
    //brush (You only need worldedit for Terraforming).
    (All other basic Essentials commands).

    Format for application

    The format is a simple application to test your writing, building, and personality. Your application will either be accepted or denied. If you are denied, you will have one more chance to apply. If you apply further more after 2 applications, each elaborated application will be ignored.

    Your application must be at least 4 paragraphs. Make sure to use detail in your writing, and if you slack and give me an application that says:
    "Hi i wunt to be builder on ur server plz i like bilding alot and i am nice and i am a good mod pls accept Pickture of bild: https://gyazo.com/7a4c08ef05cdfb42da35717310064268"

    You will be instantly denied. No questions asked. At least 4 paragraphs, and make sure your grammar is corrected.

    Must have Skype
    Must be 13 years of age or older (For Builder) So we know you are responsible.

    Minecraft Name:
    Anything you would like us to call you?:
    Skype (If you do not have Skype, do not continue on with this application):
    Why do you want to be a Builder?:
    Why do you think you would be a good addition to the server?:
    Have you had any experience in the past with building on a server?:
    Are you mature? (Yes or no, but explain in detail):
    Pictures of your builds (Use gyazo, imgur and so on):
    Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?:
    Do you comply with the requirements? (Yes or no):

    If you start building and we find you are immature, you will be removed of your building privileges and demoted back to Member.

    Thats it guys! Make sure to apply and, as I always say,

    Troll comments and troll applications will not be accepted. If one is found, this player will be denied and never accepted again.

    If accepted, I will message you a note that you have been accepted and give you the ip of the server. If we find you have leaked the ip, you will be permanently banned from Beastcraft.

    If denied, you will also be sent a note that you have been denied and that you will get one more chance to apply.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this post! Happy Building!
    Needs Builders! 10 spots open, so apply with your heart!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on BeastCraft MC Prison || Needs Builders! || Please Apply For Builder Under This Thread
    Age: 16
    Minecraft Name: YahooMail
    Anything you would like us to call you?: No thank you.
    Skype (If you do not have Skype, do not continue on with this application): I would prefer to keep that private in a private message.
    Why do you want to be a Builder?: I love building, but I haven't build in awhile. I've been wanting to get back into building and was able to come across this fourm that is hiring.
    Why do you think you would be a good addition to the server?: I build in very good detail, spawns, shops, etc. Pretty much whatever you need I can do it.
    Have you had any experience in the past with building on a server?: I've owned 3 of my own factions servers that I built everything for.
    Are you mature? (Yes or no, but explain in detail): I would say so yes, when it comes to a job I like to be on top of my game.
    Pictures of your builds (Use gyazo, imgur and so on): http://i.imgur.com/xJk3OTD.png , http://i.imgur.com/xwGhmaq.png , http://i.imgur.com/0gt36Zl.png, http://i.imgur.com/MZ6pA7z.png , http://i.imgur.com/gT1ftkN.png , http://i.imgur.com/nFPmEVd.png ( Like I said I haven't posted any pictures or built in awhile, so these are a year old).
    Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?: Nope!
    Do you comply with the requirements? (Yes or no): Yes

    From a quickscan I can tell that this is not 4 paragraphs, and that 4 pictures are of one build. Your builds have some detail, but not enough. You may apply one more time.

    Application Denied!
    You may apply ONE more time!
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on BeastCraft MC Prison || Needs Builders! || Please Apply For Builder Under This Thread

    Mostly Terrain is handmade, but basic things like worldedit will do the trick for little things. I will ask XV about downloading VoxelSniper, it's a good plugin.

    Plus, Builder I couldn't think of anything else that a builder NEEDED. If they WANTED something I wouldn't add it, because it's not necessary.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on BeastCraft MC Prison || Needs Builders! || Please Apply For Builder Under This Thread

    Hey! I'm Wrekless, from Beastcraft MC Prison server. We are a WIP server. I am the head-builder of Beastcraft, and it's my job to send out a notification. We currently need 5 builders.

    Our server is a group of highly trained staff that work with players to create a better Beastcraft community. Beastcraft is also a WIP Prison server. We still need some things built. I am in need of a Build Team, considering that I am the only actual Builder on this server. The rest of our staff team CAN build, but they aren't official builders. Of course, we need Builders. Did I say Builders too much?


    Currently, spots are:

    0/10 Builders
    Yeah, that's how desperate we are.

    Me? I'm really stressed when I have to build everything. We are desperately in need of 5-10 builders. If you are interesting in a Build spot, please apply below.

    PERMS!! :D

    Currently, Builders perms are:
    //brush (You only need worldedit for Terraforming).
    (All other basic Essentials commands).

    Format for application

    The format is a simple application to test your writing, building, and personality. Your application will either be accepted or denied. If you are denied, you will have one more chance to apply. If you apply further more after 2 applications, each elaborated application will be ignored.

    Your application must be at least 4 paragraphs. Make sure to use detail in your writing, and if you slack and give me an application that says:
    "Hi i wunt to be builder on ur server plz i like bilding alot and i am nice and i am a good mod pls accept Pickture of bild: https://gyazo.com/7a4c08ef05cdfb42da35717310064268"

    You will be instantly denied. No questions asked. At least 4 paragraphs, and make sure your grammar is corrected.

    Must have Skype
    Must be 13 years of age or older (For Builder) So we know you are responsible.

    Minecraft Name:
    Anything you would like us to call you?:
    Skype (If you do not have Skype, do not continue on with this application):
    Why do you want to be a Builder?:
    Why do you think you would be a good addition to the server?:
    Have you had any experience in the past with building on a server?:
    Are you mature? (Yes or no, but explain in detail):
    Pictures of your builds (Use gyazo, imgur and so on):
    Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself?:
    Do you comply with the requirements? (Yes or no):

    If you start building and we find you are immature, you will be removed of your building privileges and demoted back to Member.

    Thats it guys! Make sure to apply and, as I always say,

    Troll comments and troll applications will not be accepted. If one is found, this player will be denied and never accepted again.

    If accepted, I will message you a note that you have been accepted and give you the ip of the server. If we find you have leaked the ip, you will be permanently banned from Beastcraft.

    If denied, you will also be sent a note that you have been denied and that you will get one more chance to apply.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this post! Happy Building!

    Needs Builders! 10 spots open, so apply with your heart!

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on BeastCraft - Minecraft Prison Server - Looking For Builders.

    Still no replies? Okay, here. Builders get gmc and Multiverse Access.

    And alot more.

    Posted in: Server Recruitment
  • 0

    posted a message on BeastCraft - Minecraft Prison Server - Looking For Builders.

    Hey everyone! I'm Wrekless, from the Minecraft server Beast-craft. I'm the Head-builder for this server. It is my job to recruit builders and tell them what to do. So, at first I was like: How am I going to recruit builders? My first thought was enjin. My second thought was PMC. My third thought was Minecraft Forum. SO, I came here. Now I need to ask. Our server is looking for a group of fine, hard-working builders to recruit to the servers Build-team. We basically need them. As of now, I have built everything on the server except for the mines and spawn. We really need builders.

    So, to top this off, we would like to invite you to Apply for Builder under this thread in the comments section. Please include your best builds, and please be detailed with your application.


    In-game Name:


    Why you want to be Builder (Please include your building skills and your Building history):

    Pictures of your builds (Use Gyazo, Imgur, and so forth):

    Skype: (If you do not have skype it is okay, if you do please write your name in this box)

    And please feel free to include anything else that you would like to tell us about yourself.

    Please give your application, using this exact format in the comments section below. If you succeed to obtain Builder, we will send you the IP and a note that proves to you that you are accepted.

    This server is currently version 1.8 and above.

    All decisions are final. Troll comments and troll pictures are not welcome. If we find any of these, this player will be denied instantly.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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