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    posted a message on Ponies!
    We already have ponies in the game. Foals.

    Making ponies/foals tameable/rideable would probably be unfitting with how the growth of the rest of the animals work.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    I play Classic perhaps once every few months, but I agree wholeheartedly that the Classic version is a completely different experience.

    Posted in: Classic - Creative Mode
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    posted a message on Favorite thing about Minecraft
    I love being in a world that looks so beautiful just by its concept, without the need of breathtaking graphics, and how free you are in the game.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Refactoring the Player Skin for added detail (ALMOST IMPLEMENTED)
    There's no reason why we shouldn't have this. Support.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Would it be weird if this happened?
    It would render the game unplayable, but it sure would be awesome to play with.

    This needs a mod, definitely.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Stories of Survival and Hardship
    Do you guys even feel like you're playing Minecraft with the ­ ton of guns and tanks?

    Good storytelling anyways.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Embarressing Noob Stories
    On my first times playing, I noticed I could mine out iron and coal, so I intuitively thought a wide array of metals and their correspondent aleations could be available. Like trying to mine for tin and copper to craft bronze, and so on.

    P.S.: I never learned how to do proper farming and redstoning until after a year of gameplay. Never bothered with that before for some reason. Oh, and the first time I saw wheat farms I thought they were rice paddys.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Compact wall door/gate ideas for horses?
    Quote from Raidstra
    I didn't think at all about the tripwire for some reason. But it definitely seems like a good item to work around with in this. Thanks for the idea.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Finding Horses
    Quote from Verarticus
    Not sure if it's tracked (i'd have to read though the bug fixes thing to see if they said anything about it) But EVERY time I leave the leads all break. It has never failed to happen yet.
    Well, if that is so then for the time being I'd suggest you should leave your horses inside a pen made of fences.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Finding Horses
    Quote from Verarticus
    Problem is those break if the chunk unloads
    Never heard of that before nor saw it happening with leads. Is that a tracked bug?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Compact wall door/gate ideas for horses?
    For a little while now I have been experimenting with something I want to find: a good door model that offers as much protection as possible from mobs and that can be used to go both in and out while mounted on horseback. Sure, I could just make a two block high wall and place normal doors there; but what I'm looking for is a door design that will protect myself from mobs as well.

    As you all know, a player on horseback is more than two blocks tall, so normal doors with a row of solid blocks above them are a no-go. Moreover, a horse is a little over one block wide, so you can't get through a single door either. What I devised is this:

    Stone and iron were chosen as wall materials to offer creeper protection. The right door can be opened via either an inside or outside button next to it; the left door can be opened via the lever on the inside. There is a half slab joined to the upper half of the directly above row of wall blocks to make enough space for the player on horseback to ride in and out, but not enough for spiders to crawl in. To get to the outside, you open the left door with the lever, push the button to open the second door and while the button effect lasts, you get out. Now, given the player height when mounted and the space between the doors and the half blocks, there is enough space to activate the lever while mounted from the outside too. So, while one door will close itself automatically, you can close the other one from the outside while mounted using the lever. Likewise, to get in while mounted you switch the lever, push the button, get inside, switch back the lever.

    Now, while this works well enough for me, I feel it is too complicated when it could be made easier. Yet I can't figure out how. So, how do you guys build gates for mounted players, if you do?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Finding Horses
    Both tamed and untamed horses are very prone to wandering around. If you find your horse back or tame a new one, make sure to tie it up to a fence post with a lead.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on We want Savannah Biome (Big five, Baobab & Acacia)
    I would actually love to see savannah biomes (minus the extra mobs) if and only if the percentage of Overworld terrain that would be generated as savannahs was substracted from the percentage of desert and ice desert biomes. Otherwise, we would have too many desert/flat biomes already.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on More carpet placements
    Quote from make_me_food
    or yoou can just place wool on the walls...
    But this would allow for one block thick walls to have different colouring in each side.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on LEFTY MODE!!!!
    As a left-handed, I can say I'd love to see this implemented. Would surely use it.

    Plus it's not something hard to code. Support.

    Quote from Crafterguy3x3
    It would be cool to just change an option though. I can't imagine how hard it is for a left-handed person to play Minecraft with default controls. :/
    It's not that hard actually. I play Minecraft with WSAD controls and I just place my right hand over the keyboard and my left hand uses the mouse left of my laptop. The only control that does get complicated this way is jumping with the spacebar. So I set jump with left Ctrl and crouch with left Shift.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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