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    posted a message on I don't understand
    Quote from minecrafter302

    Take your own advice on the trolling thing :wink.gif:

    Hahahahahahaha, okay you got me. I love this game. It really is good. I just had to troll a bit. I'm sorry that a lot of you can't pick that out. It wasn't really necessary of me to do that. I just saw a very negative comment on IGN and so I thought I'd try that out here and see what happened. I was being honest about the forums, though. They kind of suck. I used to waste so much of my time on them. And I'm sure eventually most of you will regret it like me.

    I'd like to see you make a better game.

    I don't need to in order to criticize another game. Since when has that been a requirement?

    I have to agree with the OP on some parts. Like how Notch has stopped caring about his fanbase and pretty much "sold-out."

    And yes, this was the main point I was trying to make. He just forgot about those of us who really care about this game, and it sucks. I miss checking his blog everyday for updates. I still have it bookmarked but it's just pointless. He rarely talks about the game itself. Also, the adventure update is making it sound more RPG-ish. Which is NOT what Notch was ever going for before. Perhaps there is outside influence? :ohmy.gif:
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on I don't understand
    Why do people continue to play this game? I have played it plenty, hours upon hours, and I've just started to realize how much it really isn't good at all.
    Oh wow, so you can build stuff. Why not just use legos or something? Randomly generated maps? Play a freaking roguelike, or go outside. The world is so beautiful and people are wasting their lives playing this game.
    The worst part of this is the person who created this terrible plague of a game. Notch. At one point, sure he did Friday updates and committed himself to the game somewhat. He went on his blog and talked to his fans about the game regularly. But he got money. He sold out. He updates the blog maybe once every two to three weeks. He's branching this piece of crap game to different consoles. People are creating mods and skins just because of how bored they are getting with it. And Mojang won't even add mod support. It's been months, and they should get to it already. I just see this game EVERYWHERE, and there's no need. Thousands of Minecraft Let's Play videos plague youtube.
    No wonder so many people pirate this game, though. I bought it because I had high hopes for it, but it looks like it's going no where.
    Oh lastly, this forum sucks too. People waste their lives here posting all day. Arguing, trolling, greifing. It's just so pointless. Play a game and enjoy it. Nothing can come from jumping on this website and squandering your time. I'm guessing just because I put a little bit of emotion into my post and it's not something the mods want to hear they will delete it.
    I just recommend that you don't waste your time with this abomination of a game. And if you haven't bought it yet, don't waste your money.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Very, Very Relaxing Songs.
    Quote from Stealth_Nachos

    If you're not relaxed by the first six seconds of this song, you're not a man.

    I'm not a man. I'm not a man at all.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Good free to play/cheap mmorpg?
    Quote from Locclo

    Man, there is some MMO hatred flying about in this thread.

    That's because, at least in my opinion, most MMOs are very shallow games. They are just too grind-erific. I haven't ever kept interest in an MMO of any kind. No one likes the same thing over and over. Well, some people do. But I don't have a very addictive personality. Out of all the ones I've played here are the ones I would reccomend.

    Trickster. High level cap, lots of extra stuff in there. Kind of has a story, but it's told in engrish. Cutesy graphics, which may or may not be your thing.

    DDO(Dungeons and Dragons Online) Pretty fun, mos def a unique MMO.

    RoM(Runes of Magic) WoW clone. So if that's your thing, go for it. Very hands on, has a lot of payers.

    But basically your only bet for it not being a fantasy/medieval is that it will either be a sci-fi game, or a non-rpg/action game like racing or an FPS. Good luck, though. I've yet to find an MMO worth my time.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Very, Very Relaxing Songs.
    Chiiiiiiiiiiiiilwave, dude. It's the most relaxing out there.


    I love sidechaining.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on A real MMORPG
    mabinogi is as close as you'll get

    Meh. I've played it, and I don't really dig it. It's all right, I guess. And it is probably the closest game to what I want that is somewhat popular. But still, couldn't really get into it. Much too MMORPG-ish than RP-ish.

    The World, though I wish it were real, it would still be an awesome game if it were ever developed. .hack// just makes it seem too awesome. I've played some doujin MMO's of it, but it's not as fun as I would like it.

    Oh, trust me. I have thought about that for hours. I would spend a lot of time in The World. If only...

    Oh, also- Harvest Moon is a good game to play as well.
    You can farm, mine, fish, etc, and live a second life in that little world. Harvest Moon = win.

    I agree! Harvest Moon really is a great game. But sadly, it's only a single player game.

    Also, thank you everyone for all of the recommendations. I really like Turtlejudges' the best, though. Illarion looks like an amazing game, and I can't wait for the graphical update. I'll check it out sometime soon, so you might see me on there.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on A real MMORPG
    Is there an MMO, or even as single player game where you can play a role? And I don't mean, a generic hero. I don't mean a generic Warrior, Mage, or Rogue.
    I mean a game where you take a role as a member of some world and you do stuff within that role. For example, say I start a game, and I'm a farmer. So I live in a cabin out somewhere, and I farm, and go to town and sell my crops and do other farmer like things. Or perhaps I am an adventurer going around the world helping people out. Or a theif, living in the woods, stealing from unsuspecting travellers. Maybe even a peasant that lives day by day just trying to make the most of what they have.

    I know it's not a very popular game type. A few I can think of are Haven and Hearth and certain Minecraft Multiplayer servers. Maybe Final Fantasy 14, if it's like what I think it is.

    I just thought of this idea, because I was listening to a Dwarf Fortress podcast and Toady was talking about all the possibilities for the different roles you could take. This idea fascinated me, and I don't really feel like waiting for Slaves of Armok to finish. :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on Hipsters
    Quote from Amberface »
    You might like this website


    Yeah, it's pretty funny. I always loved comedy that made fun of stereo-types.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on minecraft like games
    Roblox... sucks.
    Posted in: General Gaming
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    posted a message on I hate PETA so much
    I did a report on PETA once, and I can guarantee that it's probably most likely not a terrorist organization, nor do they support terrorist organizations.
    I don't really like the way they execute things either, but I don't think they throw blood on people. And I'm sure they don't support organization that bomb buildings. I would need proof before just believing that.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Boxxy...thoughts?
    I suppose she is cute. Really irritating, though. Voice wise.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Justin Beiber Slowed Down.
    So, you totally hate Justin Beiber, right? He's a total fagot and you hate his guts cause he sings like a *****, right?
    Well you haven't listened to him slowed down 8 times slower than his original self.
    http://gawker.com/5614579/how-to-make-j ... yline=true
    Click the orange play button, and get ready for the epic.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Hipsters
    Quote from Sirffuzzylogik »
    Quote from pyrefyre »
    Counter-culture? Hah, I'm a fan of counter-counter-culture.

    What? :Pig:

    I think it means he doesn't like people who don't like popular stuff. Or he likes popular stuff. Or both. I don't really know.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Hipsters
    No not really. Douche bag is more like an arrogant, buff, alcoholic, ass-hole. Kind of like a frat boy. Hipsters are more into fashion trends, don't listen to popular music, think highly of themselves. Not really the same at all. Of course these are all labels and generalizations, but... y'know.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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    posted a message on Hipsters
    Quote from Brain Slushy »
    Quote from Woodman1985 »
    I know it's a very broad statement, but try and imagine a stereotypical hipster. What do you like/dislike about those stereotypes, do you believe them? Do you hate all hipsters?
    I know a few arrogant people and a hipster ain't one.
    But seriously, what is your view on the whole "hipster" thing, yay or nay?
    I, for one, can't stand generalizations. Just because someone wears skinny jeans and horn-rimmed glasses doesn't mean they will be white, middle-class, arrogant, ass-holes who only care about themselves.

    Here's a brief outline of what a typical hipster would be described as;
    Have fun.

    I wear skin-tight jeans, I wear glasses (Becas-- long story.), I wear Vans slip-ons, and I have medium shaggy hair.
    But I will admit, I am not arrogant, or a hipster.

    Edit: Pretty much, I look generic.

    That's pretty much me, also. Except my Vans are shoelaced, and my hair is longer. I just hate labels.
    Posted in: General Off Topic
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