Quote from PeanutBudderPlayz I don't know if this is a problem with your mod but when i got this mod all of the zombies where invisible, i had MoBends mod installed and everything was fine before I got this mod and when i got this mod I removed MoBends mod its all good now but I really liked that mod and are they compatible together and can you fix the bug if they aren't please. Also check out my Youtube Channel here
I don't see why it wouldn't be compatible... Metallurgy adds ores.. it has nothing to do with animations or mobs?
I second the golem idea! I think that would be a fantastic use for a lot of the metals that don't seem to have any major use right now due to the removal of the machine tiers. (As a side note, I was quite disappointed to see this go!) Go go golems! xD
YES! YES YES! Thank you SO much! I can't even tell you how much I've missed the hell out of this mod! You and your team are AWESOME and I love you ^.^!
Edit: Quick question! I didn't see any note about perms to add your mod to public modpacks. Metallurgy3 had a 'free to add' license. Do you guys follow that same line of thought for Metallurgy4? I would LOVE to add this to my RPG modpack for 1.7.2. I seriously can't tell you how much I've missed, and love this mod.
If you're still getting ID mismatches, and you have mods that aren't using the forge configs, that's probably why. The client and the server have different ID's for the mods that don't use forge configs. What you need to do is launch the client, let it crash, and find a text file in there that is hopefully labeled 'IDConficts' then go to the config files for those mods listed in that file and change the ID's to what the file recommends on the last line. Then, copy the config folder and idfix.txt to the server.
And what about Divine-RPG? Will it be released? Or should i play on 1.6.4 with a lot of bugs? Will they be fixed?
A lot of bugs is the biggest understatement ever. The 1.6.4 ver is an incomplete beta. None of the mobs will spawn. Anywhere. Really hoping they make this for 1.7.2 cause I never got to play the original version D:
Can I have for information on running Idfix (Not minus) on a server? If any client mods are installed like Damage indicators, minimap, and armor status, will it cause any problems? Also i'd like a step by step installation of Idfix. I've tried assing alll the non client sided mods to the server with the Idfix mod and I still get mismatched client/world stuff.
Firstly, you don't run this on the server. Just use minus, run it once on the client, remove it, and then copy over the config folder and the idfiximus.txt to the server. This will ensure there are no ID mismatches. Secondly, no, they can have those installed and it won't cause problems. As a matter of fact those mods won't work on a server and will cause it to crash, so don't put them into the mods folder.
This looks awesome! I might download it tonight when I have some time to play with it :3 Is there any info related to how to get started with the mod or current features? I'd love to jump right into this.
Since it's a brand new mod, there are no versions before 1.7.2 There IS Divine RPG which is the predecessor to this however. :3
Btw, anyone know where the configs are or what they're named? I really need to disable those clown mobs before I pass out from a heart attack. Every time I hear that horn I clench up a bit LOL
For some reason I can't find the config file location for eternal isles. Anyone know where it is and what it's named? I have to change some options in there D:
FYI for people who are using this who are saying they still get conflicts- I've used this for 3 modpacks with 80+ mods and I have discovered a few interesting things. For starters, some mods just straight up do NOT respect or acknowledge their item ID's being changed in the idfixminus.txt. For those you will have to open up said text file and the mods' config and manually input/replace them. Then, some mods will add 256 to the number they say they are in their configs (DivineRPG is an example of this, learned that the hard way) which will cause them to conflict with mods that -don't- add 256 and DO respect the idfixminus.txt. To see if this is the case, open up the mods config, and find an item to check, then look in game with the conflicting mod removed and see what the GAME says the items' ID is.
ID Conflicts are perhaps the simplest thing to resolve when mods don't want to work together. You just change the id in the config files into an unused id.
Yep! And if you're not sure how to change them, I would highly recommend IDFix Minus. It's a mod that will alter most item ID's for you so there are (usually, 95% of the time) no conflicts, and once its done, you remove it from the mods folder! (It makes a file called idfixminus.txt in the modpacks main folder that it uses to store the ID's) I use it when making new mod packs to get all the item IDs in order before I go at them manually. Helps when you have 80+ mods in the pack xD
Hmm.. I'll try removing that! I don't think I had it installed the last time I tried, but I'll try it again without it and try searching through the thread x_x Thank you!
Edit: Well, that seems to have been it o_o;; Thank you! Now to find the fix so I can keep using optifine xD! Thank you SO much! This has been driving me INSANE!
OMG. Magical Living Horse armor golem please. ;D
I don't see why it wouldn't be compatible... Metallurgy adds ores.. it has nothing to do with animations or mobs?
Edit: Quick question! I didn't see any note about perms to add your mod to public modpacks. Metallurgy3 had a 'free to add' license. Do you guys follow that same line of thought for Metallurgy4? I would LOVE to add this to my RPG modpack for 1.7.2. I seriously can't tell you how much I've missed, and love this mod.
A lot of bugs is the biggest understatement ever. The 1.6.4 ver is an incomplete beta. None of the mobs will spawn. Anywhere. Really hoping they make this for 1.7.2 cause I never got to play the original version D:
Firstly, you don't run this on the server. Just use minus, run it once on the client, remove it, and then copy over the config folder and the idfiximus.txt to the server. This will ensure there are no ID mismatches. Secondly, no, they can have those installed and it won't cause problems. As a matter of fact those mods won't work on a server and will cause it to crash, so don't put them into the mods folder.
Btw, anyone know where the configs are or what they're named? I really need to disable those clown mobs before I pass out from a heart attack. Every time I hear that horn I clench up a bit LOL
I hope this helps some people having issues! :3
Yep! And if you're not sure how to change them, I would highly recommend IDFix Minus. It's a mod that will alter most item ID's for you so there are (usually, 95% of the time) no conflicts, and once its done, you remove it from the mods folder! (It makes a file called idfixminus.txt in the modpacks main folder that it uses to store the ID's) I use it when making new mod packs to get all the item IDs in order before I go at them manually. Helps when you have 80+ mods in the pack xD
Edit: Well, that seems to have been it o_o;; Thank you! Now to find the fix so I can keep using optifine xD! Thank you SO much! This has been driving me INSANE!