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    posted a message on Need advanced building team for massive project
    Alright, the IP is:


    When you join mention the inferno and we'll get started on training.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Need advanced building team for massive project
    As soon as I get one more person I'll PM you both the IP.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Need advanced building team for massive project
    No one?
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Need advanced building team for massive project
    Hello all, I come here today to look for a building team for the largest project ever attempted on minecraft.

    1:1 scale Dante's Inferno. I have the resources to build this, and this will be more than interlinked circles, this will be a large "quest" of sorts by using several plugins.

    I need about 10 builders to help with this, I have made an application for you to fill out below, if you are accepted, I will PM you the IP.

    Minecraft experience:
    Are you good with VoxelSniper?:
    Are you good with WorldEdit?:
    Are you good with Citizens?:
    Will you be willing to waste looots of time on this project?:
    A photo of some previous work:
    And lastly, why do you want to help?:

    Only advanced builders need apply.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Map generator MCTerra
    Quote from Stryk3r15

    Will you be able to eventually get it on MAC? It looks quite amazing!

    I can generate you some maps.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on Need 3 builders
    Quote from xXtylerkXx

    I need three builders and ill send the ip: after 2 or 3 people are accepted.
    To make sure we got good builder to build.

    How long have you played minecraft:
    Will you help with project:
    If you want you can put some screenshots of one of your projects will be helpful:

    IGN: awesomesauce777
    Age: 19
    Specialties: Arabesque structures, forts, medium level redstone, hellish structures.
    How long have you played minecraft?: Infdev.
    Will you help with the project?: Yes.

    Pfft, screenshots. I got a vidya.

    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Map generator MCTerra
    Quote from MysticalCookie

    So your new desert generator needs... some tweeking. I found floating mineshafts, Strongholds spread out. Btw its rare but every now and then a trees spawns randomly



    EDIT: Uncheck "Generate Features" (I think that's the option.)

    Don't ever check that when genning maps.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
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    posted a message on The Voxel Box! [Creative] Open to guests!.
    Quote from featherblade

    I noticed that you had your app denied, so I just went and had a read. You said multiple times that "there is nothing that makes me special", and stated that you only wanted to join to build your Dante's inferno idea.

    Make your app sparkle! Why would we want people who doubt their skills? We want to know that you can learn, and have tried to learn before. Put something about yourself in there too, we like personality just as much as a good build. You have three applications minimum to get in, and you've only used one so far.

    Really sell yourself. We've only got so much space, and we'd rather share it with people who try than people who give up :smile.gif:

    But why would I lie to get in to a server?

    I've become mostly disillusioned with minecraft. I wish only to find a server with a skilled enough team of people to construct the Inferno. As soon as that is completed there isn't much left for me to do.

    I do realize the application was most likely poorly worded. Alas, I was tired and just wanted to present myself as humble and straight to the point, which in hindsight, does not make a good application.

    Though, I must be a poor builder as nothing was said of the builds I submitted, so why lie to myself?
    Quote from thedeadlybutter

    If you never joined the server, how do you know our attitude?

    Members who join other servers and just ridicule other people's builds, saying everything on TVB is infinitely better. It's somewhat sickening.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on [Project] Dante's Inferno
    Quote from KaptainKesh

    Since I've only read the original book and not played the game, I have to ask: will you be doing all of the sub-levels of levels 7-9? There's a LOT of different forms of torture down there.

    Yes, I will.

    Honestly the hardest part has to be the gate, especially with all the wiring.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
  • 0

    posted a message on The Voxel Box! [Creative] Open to guests!.
    I'm not really sure why everyone considers The Voxel Box such a great server. They're pretentious and egotistical, honestly.

    Note I'm not trying to flame. That's pretty much the attitude of everyone on the server.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on Map generator MCTerra
    Quote from minecraftguy14

    umm it says it is not commonly downloaded and could harm my computer wat do i do?

    Get rid of norton and use real malware protection.
    Posted in: Minecraft Tools
  • 0

    posted a message on [Project] Dante's Inferno
    Quote from kennyyys

    Yeah, need to know which kind of Dante's Inferno, watched the animated film of the game. Looks so gruesome and the environments look so depressing.

    I'm going more for the game, not so much the animated film.

    Of course it's gruesome and depressing. It's hell.
    Quote from AlexisMachine

    Well could you exactly describe the project? Is it going to be based off Dante's Inferno from The Divine Comedy? The video game? The comic book? Or another source I havent heard about?

    Do need something like teamspeak or vent to communicate? Any other requirements we need to know about beforehand?

    All 3, it's sort of my vision of the inferno. I'd say it's closer the the game environment wise. Lots of cliffs and gruesome areas.

    Add me on skype, witchy.witchington
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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    posted a message on [Project] Dante's Inferno
    Note that I have not started this project yet.

    I have attempted this 3 times in the past two years. Each time the server has shut down, the farthest I have made is gluttony.

    Anyway, here is the idea.

    Each level is a generated flatmap. Some are connected whereas some are separate levels via multiverse. The flatmap is then edited using various tools such as worldedit and voxelsniper.

    Everyone on the theoretical server would have OP until the project is complete, when the project is complete the world files would be available for download and the server up for as long as the owner of it wished.

    Now, if anyone is insane enough to help me with this, I need:

    A building team.

    A texture packer.

    And a host for the server.

    As for the building team, all I need is that you are skilled in the use of plugins and good at building. This isn't your standard house making ****. This is extremely advanced, hell, an entire circle takes anywhere from 12+ hours to a week.

    And for the host and texture packer, I already love you if you've decided to help me with this insane idea.
    Posted in: Creative Mode
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