may I assume that being in this clan does not obligate someone to be part of the faction of the same name in Cavera? after all, MilanManiac isn't in the in-game faction. username: Willie900, of course!
Date of Birth:7/15/96
Sex: (Optional): Male
Are you already in a clan present in the server?:
If so, which one?:
Character Sheet:
**NB!: This is the most important part of the application**
Character's Name: William Magnus (called "Willie" by close friends)
Character's Sex: Male
Character's Age: 28
Describe your character's personality in one-two sentences: William is quite easygoing, but only in the right circumstances. inside a group of friends or friendly strangers, he will be open, talkative, and humorous. but whenever official matters come into play, he will be very serious and will not tolerate sillyness in such circumstances.
Describe your character's appearance in one-two sentences:
William is of moderate height, and has black hair and a black beard. he also wears a blue shirt.
Describe you character's History/life in a concise paragraph(5-6 sentences):
William was always aware of the politics around him. he knew when people were likely to agree, and when they were likely to fight. during his early years, he was the son of a simple blacksmith, though he followed politics wherever they went. when he heard of Cavera being re-discovered, he knew that it would create a titanic power struggle. he traveled to Cavera intending to take part in the conflict.
Is it safe to assume that when War is mentioned in the "forbidden topics", it is referring to RL war, not ingame war? after all, I imagine it is quite difficult to not talk about war in a faction-based PvP server XD
not yet. there will be (or is, and I just can't find it D:) a thread for the re-opened server, and that is where you need to apply for whitelisting. however, we aren't accepting applications yet, I belive.
I'd like to see what kinds of things can be found in the Dungeon. I found an invisibility cloak which I lost from a fall, and a phoenix bow from a silver dungeon I found all 3 Lore Books, a Flaming Sword and a Valkyrie Lance from a bronze dungeon.
What kinds of things did you guys find?
in just bronze dungeons, I've found a Surface lore book, a Hammer of Notch, two Flaming Swords, and a Pheonix Bow, among other stuff.
Oh and I suppose I should make an entirely new thread for the re-opening aye? Or no, I feel like "920 replies 13200 views" will draw in more players! We will also be re-naming the Server to Cavera as I own the copyright on Cavera and not Siegecraft.
I thought you said Owners/Admins/Mods are auto-whitelisted :wink.gif:
EDIT: anyone else having trouble connecting?
Favor of the gods?
Date of Birth:7/15/96
Sex: (Optional): Male
Are you already in a clan present in the server?:
If so, which one?:
Character Sheet:
**NB!: This is the most important part of the application**
Character's Name: William Magnus (called "Willie" by close friends)
Character's Sex: Male
Character's Age: 28
Describe your character's personality in one-two sentences: William is quite easygoing, but only in the right circumstances. inside a group of friends or friendly strangers, he will be open, talkative, and humorous. but whenever official matters come into play, he will be very serious and will not tolerate sillyness in such circumstances.
Describe your character's appearance in one-two sentences:
William is of moderate height, and has black hair and a black beard. he also wears a blue shirt.
Describe you character's History/life in a concise paragraph(5-6 sentences):
William was always aware of the politics around him. he knew when people were likely to agree, and when they were likely to fight. during his early years, he was the son of a simple blacksmith, though he followed politics wherever they went. when he heard of Cavera being re-discovered, he knew that it would create a titanic power struggle. he traveled to Cavera intending to take part in the conflict.
Palace, perhaps? or a congress/parliment/senate if this is a democracy XD
not yet. there will be (or is, and I just can't find it D:) a thread for the re-opened server, and that is where you need to apply for whitelisting. however, we aren't accepting applications yet, I belive.
in just bronze dungeons, I've found a Surface lore book, a Hammer of Notch, two Flaming Swords, and a Pheonix Bow, among other stuff.
...I always thought it was CavAra, not CavEra...
speaking of classes, how do we use class abilities? (I.E., the Light Mages' Levitate) and the Race bonuses?