Name:cade IGN: cadeamole Age: 18 Skype: yes (il PM you if i am accepted(who knows who is listening)) When did you start playing minecraft: alpha something or another How much time are you willing to spend building in my server: all the time i can get, i like building Why do you want to build in my server: whatever you want. i am very versatile What can you build (pictures please): Have you been staff on any other server (list the servers, I will be checking): i build on servers all the time. its kind of my thing. not really ever staff though. Can you do redstone. If yes, how good?: yes, i can redstone most practical things, i dont really care for computers and such
IGN: cadeamole Experience: yes, i am a hired gun of building on servers. thats why i have this forum name. I do builds for people all the time and this seems right up my alley Contact info: i have a skype i dont really want to give out to the public, but if i get the job ill PM you Dedicated time: Usually night time (pacific standard) after 6:00 Proof of work: yes,
IGN: cadeamole
Age: 17
Skype: yes, i dont want to post it here though
Timezone: pacific standard (california)
Favorite thing: Building
What can you contribute: buildings, myself.
Template; Username: Server applying for: Rank applying for: Past experiences:builder all the time on servers i am very experienced Age: 17 Skype: yes Minecraft history:got it in alpha Staffing/Building history: i am a hired builder a lot. thats my name. Testiomonials:"this guy is great" -me just now (Builder only) Screenshots/Videos:
I had a great experience on this server, built a house, got evaluated by competent mature people, very responsive and nice assessors. 10/10 would recommend. would eat again.
IGN: cadeamole Age: 17 Skype: Ill PM it if you accept me Position: builder, i also know redstone, im a better builder How long you've been playing minecraft: since alpha, a very long time Experience in that position: a lot Other comments:
IGN: cadeamole
Age: 18
Skype: yes (il PM you if i am accepted(who knows who is listening))
When did you start playing minecraft: alpha something or another
How much time are you willing to spend building in my server: all the time i can get, i like building
Why do you want to build in my server: whatever you want. i am very versatile
What can you build (pictures please):
Have you been staff on any other server (list the servers, I will be checking): i build on servers all the time. its kind of my thing. not really ever staff though.
Can you do redstone. If yes, how good?: yes, i can redstone most practical things, i dont really care for computers and such
IGN: cadeamole
Abilities: building, redstone. better builder.
TImezone: pacific standard (california)
Postion applying for:Builder, redstoner
Anything else: i like building
Experience: yes, i am a hired gun of building on servers. thats why i have this forum name. I do builds for people all the time and this seems right up my alley
Contact info: i have a skype i dont really want to give out to the public, but if i get the job ill PM you
Dedicated time: Usually night time (pacific standard) after 6:00
Proof of work: yes,
Age: 17
Skype: yes, i dont want to post it here though
Timezone: pacific standard (california)
Favorite thing: Building
What can you contribute: buildings, myself.
Server applying for:
Rank applying for:
Past experiences:builder all the time on servers i am very experienced
Age: 17
Skype: yes
Minecraft history:got it in alpha
Staffing/Building history: i am a hired builder a lot. thats my name.
Testiomonials:"this guy is great" -me just now
(Builder only) Screenshots/Videos:
Minecraft Username: cadeamole
Age: 17
Post pictures of things built by you:
Are you a griefer? no
Skype username: cadeamole
Age: 17
Timezone: Pacific Standard (california)
Daily playing hours: Whenever i can
How long have you been playing on the server: Never on this server
Do you have a microphone that you can use: yes
What rank are you applying for: Builder
Why do you want to be a part of our staff: To build
What could you bring to the team: Buildings
How would you do your job: Very well
Have you ever been banned/muted on the server, if so why: No
Do you understand that you can be removed from the moderator team at any time if not keeping up: Yes
heres a picture
Age: 17
Skype: Ill PM it if you accept me
Position: builder, i also know redstone, im a better builder
How long you've been playing minecraft: since alpha, a very long time
Experience in that position: a lot
Other comments: