there is no point, charcoal is the EXACT same and it just has a different name
in vanilla yes. but in some mods there is a difference. like in IC2 you can't make carbon fiber out of charcoal, or in Rail Craft you can't make coke coal out of charcoal. so there is a need for it.
that is why I need it I want to make an automated coke coal factory (to feed a steam boiler) and I need a constant stream of coal, mining isn't reliable enough but an auto tree farm will produce like clockwork.
If at all possible could it be created by using an industrial craft compressor to compress 4 charcoal into 1 coal? If not then a furnace works too..... Preferably the compressor though!
it might be hard to code that as most devices are designed for a 1 block input. the best way to do it might be the redpower alloy oven if heat and carbon is your goal.
would it be possible to get a 2k x 2k creative flat-map like 20 (or so) high made of glow stone? with the bottom 2 levels made out of bedrock(if possible). I plan on using it to replace the nether in my map to make a testing lab, and as the nether has no sun I would like the floor to light up.
Thank you.
PS: if the flat area could be centered around the origin(0N,0W) that would be awsome as it makes coordinating portals easier.
What exactly are you specs? Also, update Java (install the 64-bit version of Java if you can), and update your graphics drivers.
Windows Defender (in Windows 7; in Windows 8 it replaces MSE) is garbage. Most people go out of their way to disable it. You should probably install Microsoft Security Essentials for real-time protection, and run period scans with MBAM.
I cant rember off the top of my head and right now I don't have it with me, I think it runs a 2.something DC GHz processor, 4 Gb Ram, and 64-bit OS, It was marked as a "Desktop Replacement" when I bought it and it runs everything else quite nicely (but I don't usually game on it beside MC because it is the one I take to Collage and I don't want too many distractions I leave MC as a guilty pleasure) I might want to double check Java and the Drivers. and as I said the hardware is about 2 years old and I didn't get the top of the line then (as I am a collage student).
ya sorry I think i miss remembered maybe it was MSE. my memory sucks (cant remember a thing).
Well eventually you'll have to do some maintenance on your Windows install. If you do indeed have malware (which a scan w/ MBAM will usually resolve) and/or bloatware, and you're not going perform some maintenance on it, then you might as well re-install your entire Windows OS.
the only thing I get lag on is minecraft. the issue is a lot of the programs I have installed are programs that I use for classes and I am not currently using them for the classes I am in but I might in some of my later classes so it isn't neglect it's just that the computer is 2 years old and unlike my desktop I can't really do many upgrades on it (especially with my limited budget), and before you ask why I don't use my desktop is that my parents wont let me take it to college.
and I do take care of my laptop, I run the Windows defender once a week and run the windows updater about twice a month.
If you take care of your system/OS like you should, there would also be no difference.
Of course a fresh install would perform better, but it's a lot of work to go through for something so simple, why not just take a few minutes and clean your windows install?
windows key + R -> msconfig -> disable all unnecessary startup programs and non-microsoft services (check the box that says "hide microsoft services"), hit OK and don't restart now.
Uninstall any programs you don't use.
Run a full virus scan with MBAM. If it detects anything, remove and restart, scan again, if it doesn't detect anything go to the next step, if it does, remove and restart and rescan again. It's best if you do anything past the first restart in safe mode if it detects something.
Once that is done download CCleaner and clean your registry, keep scanning and fixing issues until there are no more.
Once that is finished, restart once more and it should be noticeably better.
Ok, it sounds easier to just use wubi and have two installs one windows and one linux.
Having tried both platforms, on the exact same hardware (dual boot), both on fresh installs, over 3 different machines (one "low end", one "mid-low end" and one "high end") I can safely say there is less than a 5FPS difference between running Minecraft on XP, 7, vista SP1, and Linux.
Switching to Linux will not reduce lag.
If you have Intel graphics or certain GPUs, in fact, your performance will get worse.
well part of the issue is that my OS isn't a clean version I have been using it for quite a while. so I was thinking a clean install of linux would be better than a well used version of windows.
On my junky laptop, I found that Minecraft ran much smoother on Ubuntu than Windows 7. The only bug was that in full screen, you couldn't move the mouse past the half way point. If you just maximized the widow, it would work and there's really no difference between the two.
I typically find almost any flavor of Linux to run faster at most things than Windows. Normal games will run better on Windows, though.
You have to update LWJGL and preferably install Optifine for the best experience.
So I should go ahead and use Wubi? and I haven't heard of LWJGL before but I am already using Optifine. and do you think a lighter version of Linux like Mint would work better?
I want to reduce lag on minecraft and I was wondering if running it in a linux partion (weather using wubi or something similar) to run it would reduce lag? if it would is there a Distro that you would recommend?
and before you recommend hardware upgrades I am running it on a lap top and I really can't pay to upgrade. and the hardware is decent for most things but I am using a lot of mods.
UPDATE: I think I have made my decision, I will run an experiment. I will use Wubi and set up a Ubuntu system set for dual boot. and then I will run the same map at the same settings on both systems and just see what the FPS is for the same map doing the same thing(I will probably just leave it sitting for 10 min. and see what the FPS is). If windows works best than I can just uninstall the Ubuntu system and nothing changes if the Ubuntu system works best than I will just have a small Ubuntu system just for Minecraft. And if you wonder how I plan on doing the install and map transfer I already sync my Minecraft files between my two computers using cloud storage. When I am done I will post the results from my experiment and my full specs here.
Just a quick question. I have multiple mods installed and was wondering if animals will spawn on terrain from other mods. I want to build my building out of marble(from Red Power) and I don't want animals spawning in it.
This Mod looks Fantastic(in Nine's voice).
I can't wait for it to come out. I don't think I have seen a mod that changes Mine-craft this much it would be like a whole new game.
There is one important additional to this:
No machine block will be moved when it touches the frame via it's active face (for motor, deployer, assembler, breaker at minimum)
This does not depend on the microblock embedded in the frame. none, cover, panel, does not matter.
I've also been wondering. It will probably be extreme. no clue if good or bad, though
ya i know that i just don't want to have a whole wall of motors when i only need one or two to move a whole frame assembly. and next to the motors but still along the frame I want to put normal blocks.
i hope the creative mode includes something similar to too many items. i find it fun to build all sorts of crazy buildings and contraptions. and i think he is referring to a mode in beta 1.8 as a creative mode not minecraft classic (creative)
just curious because I am trying to prebuild coal farm.
in vanilla yes. but in some mods there is a difference. like in IC2 you can't make carbon fiber out of charcoal, or in Rail Craft you can't make coke coal out of charcoal. so there is a need for it.
that is why I need it I want to make an automated coke coal factory (to feed a steam boiler) and I need a constant stream of coal, mining isn't reliable enough but an auto tree farm will produce like clockwork.
it might be hard to code that as most devices are designed for a 1 block input. the best way to do it might be the redpower alloy oven if heat and carbon is your goal.
Thank you.
PS: if the flat area could be centered around the origin(0N,0W) that would be awsome as it makes coordinating portals easier.
I cant rember off the top of my head and right now I don't have it with me, I think it runs a 2.something DC GHz processor, 4 Gb Ram, and 64-bit OS, It was marked as a "Desktop Replacement" when I bought it and it runs everything else quite nicely (but I don't usually game on it beside MC because it is the one I take to Collage and I don't want too many distractions I leave MC as a guilty pleasure) I might want to double check Java and the Drivers. and as I said the hardware is about 2 years old and I didn't get the top of the line then (as I am a collage student).
ya sorry I think i miss remembered maybe it was MSE. my memory sucks (cant remember a thing).
the only thing I get lag on is minecraft. the issue is a lot of the programs I have installed are programs that I use for classes and I am not currently using them for the classes I am in but I might in some of my later classes so it isn't neglect it's just that the computer is 2 years old and unlike my desktop I can't really do many upgrades on it (especially with my limited budget), and before you ask why I don't use my desktop is that my parents wont let me take it to college.
and I do take care of my laptop, I run the Windows defender once a week and run the windows updater about twice a month.
Ok, it sounds easier to just use wubi and have two installs one windows and one linux.
well part of the issue is that my OS isn't a clean version I have been using it for quite a while. so I was thinking a clean install of linux would be better than a well used version of windows.
So I should go ahead and use Wubi? and I haven't heard of LWJGL before but I am already using Optifine. and do you think a lighter version of Linux like Mint would work better?
and before you recommend hardware upgrades I am running it on a lap top and I really can't pay to upgrade. and the hardware is decent for most things but I am using a lot of mods.
UPDATE: I think I have made my decision, I will run an experiment. I will use Wubi and set up a Ubuntu system set for dual boot. and then I will run the same map at the same settings on both systems and just see what the FPS is for the same map doing the same thing(I will probably just leave it sitting for 10 min. and see what the FPS is). If windows works best than I can just uninstall the Ubuntu system and nothing changes if the Ubuntu system works best than I will just have a small Ubuntu system just for Minecraft. And if you wonder how I plan on doing the install and map transfer I already sync my Minecraft files between my two computers using cloud storage. When I am done I will post the results from my experiment and my full specs here.
I can't wait for it to come out. I don't think I have seen a mod that changes Mine-craft this much it would be like a whole new game.