About Me
Welcome To My Profile! I am Wild07010 And Welcome To My Profile
And Even A Story of My Life For Those Who Love Them!
Serperior Please Read The Story If You Are Here Now.
I am Wild07010 but my friends call me Wild for short. I am a expert map maker and have been making MCPE maps for over two years and hoping to keep it up for a while more. I greatly enjoy playing Minecraft, Terraria, and making graphics for myself and others. Since the day I arrived here at MC forums I was thrilled to see all of the map makers here make maps for fun. I played a few and realised that this was a really cool thing to do, so I started making maps myself. My very first map was The Death Arena which took over 4 months to make and unfortunately received little comments which greatly disappointed me. After my first failed attempt to catch MCPE players attention, I started making a few smaller maps to catch people's attention and soon got enough attention to be known as a true map maker. Then one day as I was searching through the MCPE maps section I saw a post from another map maker, Serperior, who back then wasn't known by very many people as he is today. I read the post's title and it read "Team Serperior - MCPE Map Making Team - Members Wanted : Wild07010..." and right there I noticed that it said my name. I was as excited as children on christmas morning. Not long after my arrival to the post, I was quickly a part of what would soon be the biggest and most well known MCPE map making team. But unfortunately the tensions between the group members became to much for me, and I left with a simple apology. Not long after my departure from the team, a few of the members were distraught by the tension, and left as well. Later, the founder of the group Serperior called me back to join the group. When I re-joined, I came back to find that things hadn't changed, and I left again. After my second time leaving the group, I stayed in the shadows for over 2 months. I then became aware that I still had the urge to make MCPE maps, and began making a few small maps to get myself out of the sad feelings I had deep down inside of me. Soon enough, I was back in the game making MCPE maps for people. A few months later, as I was searching through the MCPE : Clans section, I noticed a Team Serperior Boot Camp post, and I decided to check it out. What I found was what seemed to me to be a second chance. The boot camp was another way for members to join the team, other then the founder coming to you, you came to him. So I entered the boot camp. What we had to do, was make three different maps that revolved around a certain category, one was a 50 x 50 Super Craft Bros map which Serperior had now become famous for, an adventure map, and a survival map. I was gun hough about getting back into the team, and I completed all three challenges. Roughly a month after the contest ended, we heard back from the team. They decided that both me, and RubikCubezzz (my now close friend) would be able to join the team. I was so excited, being able to join back into the team was like the second great awakening for me and I wasn't ready to let this second opportunity go to waste. Unfortunately, little did I know that those few weeks of hard work making those maps would turn out useless. Not long after my arrival back in the team, Khooplah, who was a talented MCPE map maker and texture pack maker quit, for he didn't find the game to be much as exciting that the rest of the team had found it to be. Serperior who was and still is dear friends with Khooplah was poisoned by an invisible needle that sent him in a spiral of confusion. Later, Tengus who also was a talented MCPE map maker quit because school was getting in his way. Now Serperior was more upset then anybody could understand. He disbanded the team without a second word. Everybody was confused, but upset by the change of events within the past few weeks, going from excited to depressed. We all left the team and went our separate ways, working on our own projects and getting use to the way things were. We went on making maps as individuals for about a month until one day on twitter, me and Serperior went at it, we argued for what seemed like hours, until we both decided that it was enough. For weeks, we butt heads, day after day until I was so upset I couldn't even keep my grades up. My grades fell dramatically, A's to C's, and B's to D's. I was on a train to what seemed like a bottomless pit, until one day, Khooplah had had enough of our fighting and put an end to this. He showed us a video that answered the question we had been fighting over. I was in the wrong, and I knew it. I thought that I was right and that it was clearly obvious that I was right, but I wasn't. I apologized to Serperior, and he forgave me. But not long after did I release that we were never to be true friends again like we used to. We stopped talking, we stopped giving each other ideas, and I knew that because of my ignorance, I lost a dear friend. Surprisingly I recoiled back out of the bottomless pit and started making MCPE maps again like the old days. I made The Nameless Village which became quite popular, but the popularity ended as quickly as it began. I founded a team, The Elite Builders of MCPE of which we are now making SCB Extreme, continuing the legacy that Team Serperior had created, and spreading on the legacy that Team Serperior had on my life, and the lesson that it taught me.
I hope to make my way to a college at some point, and I hope to get a degree in either, Music, Graphics or Technology. I hope to get a job as either a video game developer, video game music or sound developer, music conductor in small schools or high schools, or my life long dream is to become a part of the Mojang Team.
I have a lot of interests in music, especially music from video games. From the time I was young, listening to the great music and sounds in the game astounded me, and interested me. I also listen to music outside of video games, mostly Heavy Metal but others to. I love to make graphics, I find it a lot of fun to look at my creations and to see how much I have accomplished.
I have created many things in my time on the forums, a lot of maps but one of my greatest accomplishments is my Herobrine - Texture Pack for pocket edition! You can download it Here. Spread the word of my Texture Pack, just take my banner and use it as your own!
(No Particular Order)
- PAPERCHIPS - Helped Me Through The Thick & Thin. Kind of The Same Here. Best Friend.
- Anbu/Hexdro - Always Got Ma' Back.
- RubenPE - We've Had Our Differences, But He Is a Good Friend.
- IAbstract - Don't Talk Much.
- Khooplah - First Friend on The Forums. A Great Friend.
- Furminator - Helped Me Be The Man I Am Today.
- XxHexEditorxX - Big Heart This One Has.
- MCMan132 - Never Let Me Down, A Great Friend
- xXBlueManXx - Quite, Nice, But Quiet.
- IckyAwesomeness - One of My First Friends.
- Mofa99_MeinCraftFan - One of My First Friends, Don Talk Much Anymore.
- Sirius - First Member of The Wild Builders, He's Ma Right Hand Man.
- Chimeratech - Don't Talk Much, But He's A Good Guy.
- Link - Never Upset Me, Hopefully Never Will.
- Lucario9 - A Good Friend.
- 9999999az - A Fellow Graphics Maker. A Good Friend And Member of W9 Graphics.
- rubixcubezzz - Good Man, Chears Me Up When I'm Feeling Like Poop.
- MrEnderPerson - First Member of The Lost Miners, He's Quiet, But Nice!
- 99FireMan99 - Quiet, For A While. "Your Biggest Fan".
- AceCraftGaming - Uh hu. He has helped me as a friend and made me a video of my map.
- Serperior - Long Time Friends, Though We Have Had Our Different Oppinions, We Still Find A Way To Get A Long. He Reminds Me of A Brother, A Pain Sometimes But You Get Used To It.
If I'm forgetting anyone, feel free to PM Me! Please Subsribe to my Youtube channel, I have tutorials, gaming reviews and more! Thank you for reading my profile! Have Some Wheat!
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