This + limb specific targeting (so that attackinga zombie's head does more damage than attacking it's arm) would make combat so much better.
I support.
Too bad we're talking about the golden porkchop suggestion. You can stop trying to redirect people to your thread.
That was not my intent; I was giving my opinion on the topic at hand by providing an alternative solution to the problem that the original poster has brought up. You make it seem as if I simply linked to my topic, which isn't the case - I still gave a legitimate criticism and simply provided what I think is a better solution. Surely you see that both suggestions are about the exact same problem but with different proposed solutions - I added to the discussion by adressing the problem at hand ('pigs are useless') by providing an alternative solution to said problem.
Another criticism that just popped into my head: if anything, this suggestion is improving Zombie Pigmen more than it is improving ordinary Pigs! (because Zombie Pigmen drop both ingredients necessary for the Golden Porkchop - if this was implemented, I'd be better off just farming Zombie Pigmen)
I don't think I support this... the solution to pigs obsolescence should not be to simply take an already existing feature and make it more powerful.
Plus, I don't feel like we need any more gold-plated foods.
I don't think it's possible but support.
If you add a new structure so the pig can look for it, i think it's possible (like the strongholds)
Btw, I made some textures and recipes:
The "Nether Wart Dust"
The "Magic Mushroom"
An the "Mushroom on a Sitck"
(I know it looks odd)
Why that recipes? Because it makes it harder make a tool that lets you find a biome.
Those sprites look quite nice. The 'magic mushroom' (I still think that name should be changed ) could be a little bit more special-looking than just a half-brown half-red mushroom, but otherwise it is good.
I like the idea of Nether Wart being used - it should be something hard to obtain.
If we are going with the 'special item to tame' route, I think we should use this recipe.
I'm still not a fan of the 'mushroom on a stick' idea though. I think feeding it the 'magic mushroom' should be enough. But that's what the poll is for, to see what YOU guys think would be best.
Very interesting idea. I support! But I have my idea for locating it.
They shouldn't walk in the direction, they should instead oink repeatedly. The closer you are to the mushroom islands, the faster the pig oinks, kind of like a metal detector.
So when you are far away, the pig oinks every few seconds, and when you get closer to the islands, the pig will oink faster, until it starts squealing, which means you are very close.
Very interesting idea, I will add that as an option to the poll.
@Coneman50: Its not immune to arrows. It just has double the protection. Pretty much, the damage that an arrow does would be lessened, and some of the arrows would bounce off. That's just one of the benefits, but I think its weaknesses make it balanced.
How to obtain:
Naturally-occurring Jungle tree logs will have a 1/25 chance to spawn with a visible 'ore' inside it. Chopping it down will provide 1-3 'Resin'.
Resin can be smelted to produce 'Rubber'.
Rubber can be crafted into numerous things, which will be listed next.
Rubber Block:
Rubber blocks are crafted with 9 Rubber.
They have a blast resistance of 12. Any sword can be used to break it.
Rubber blocks burn as quickly as cloth.
Rubber blocks have a bouncy quality. If you simply walk onto them from another block from the same height, nothing will happen. But go at least one block higher, and drop down onto the rubber - then you will bounce. You initially bounce as high as where you fell from, for example - if I jump onto rubber from 10 blocks high, I will bounce 10 blocks up. With each bounce, however, the number of blocks goes down.
This has the same effect on all mobs. Some exceptions include:
-Iron golems - how high they bounce is halved each time because they are heavy
-Endermen teleport away after the first bounce
-Ghasts, bats, blazes usually just fly away
-Rubber has no effect on the ender dragon or the wither
There are so many possibilities for this block.
Rubber Armor:
Rubber armor is crafted like any other armor, instead using rubber.
Rubber armor has many interesting qualities.
From a defense and durability standpoint, its not very good:
However, Rubber armor has other properties:
-1/8 chance that any damage done will not deplete the durability
-Arrows, fall damage, and cacti have double protection (maybe arrows will even bounce off)
-Fire, lava, fireballs and explosion have halved protection (the armor is very weak to fire. Said hazards also deplete the durability faster)
-Lightning does no damage (full set only)
-Rubber armor has 2x knockback (you are very bouncy!)
-After falling you will bounce up 1-2 blocks (full set only)
-1.5x water movement speed (think rubber boots, again full set only)
-Cannot be enchanted
As you can see, it has its upsides and downsides.
Other Ideas (Post some!):
-Rubber should work as a redstone insulator
-Rubber should be used to craft elastic cords? Think a lead, but stretchier.
If you like the idea, comment with your own suggestions or critiques!
Side note: Images will come soon!
I am going to attempt to explain my idea on how deserts could be improved.
In my personal opinion, deserts should be vastly different from other biomes, with various differences to make them worth exploring. I also think deserts should be much harsher than any other biome. I think other biomes should be as equally unique as deserts, but I want to focus on deserts for this post.
Absolutely NO water should spawn unless in the rare occasion of an Oasis (see 'Structures').
Sand should be mostly flat, except for some dunes - rolling hills made of sand.
Cacti should be less common and should spawn in clusters, up to four blocks high now.
Dry shrubs should also be rarer (I find them ugly). Instead, Dry Grass should be in its place. It will look like a shorter patch of tall grass that is a sandy-brown.
The first 20 or so layers of stone should be replaces with hardened clay.
Clay, Coal, Gold, Redstone and Lapis Lazuli should be more common in deserts.
Dry Grass (Common tall grass type spawn in deserts)
Cactus Flower (Pink flower that rarely spawns on top of a fully grown cactus)
Dry Shrubs should drop 0-1 sticks.
Oasis: Oases should spawn very rarely. They should be roughly circular patches of flat grass with a small pool of water in the middle. Tropical trees should spawn around as well as ferns and tall grass.
Canyon: Canyons are just like ravines, but they are made of hardened clay, sandstone and sand, and have much less water.
Villages: Desert villages should have hardened clay paths and sandstone houses. Their should be reed and cactus farms instead of standard farms. Wells should be much less common. Otherwise they should be very similar to the normal village.
Dungeons: Desert dungeons should be different - they should spawn with sandstone and carved sandstone walls instead of cobblestone and mossy cobblestone. The chests loot should be the same. The spawners should spawn the hostile mobs I will list in the 'mobs' section.
Pyramids: Pyramids should be similar to as they are now, but make them more of a challenge - as well as increase the rewards. The cloth in the pyramid should be replaced with gold and lapis lazuli blocks - cloth makes it seem completely underwhelming and unthreatening. However, I think the threat should be this: http://www.minecraft...d-easy-day-338/
Thank DINGO_WINTERWOLF for that amazing suggestion!
I also think a possibility could be having a Mummy (See 'mobs' section) spawner on the main floor.
The loot should be Bones, Rotten Flesh, Bread, White Wool, Gold Ingots, Diamonds and Lapis Lazuli.
Mummy: Mummies should replace Zombies in deserts. They should behave basically the same, with a few differences: They walk a bit faster but have a 2x weakness to fire. They're drops should be 1-2 Rotten Flesh, 0-2 Bones, 0-2 Sand, and 1-2 Cloth. Rare drops should be 0-2 Gold Nuggets or 0-3 Lapis Lazuli. Mummies should spawn slightly less commonly than zombies.
Antlion: Antlions should spawn like silverfish, but in sandstone blocks instead of stone. However, sandstone trap blocks should be more common naturally compared to stone trap blocks. Sandstone traps blocks should be very common in pyramids.
Other mob-related tweaks:
Creepers should have a sand texture
Zombies should not spawn
Slimes should not spawn
Skeleton spawn rates should be higher
Enderman spawn rates should be lower
Spider spawn rates should be lower
When a thunderstorm is happening in any other biome, a sandstorm should occur in the desert. This would have a very thick particle effect of sand flying around and the sky should be beige. This would limit vision as well as deal half a heart of damage every five seconds if you aren't wearing a full suit of armor. Movement speed would be half if you aren't inside an enclosed area.
Desert villages should witness Mummy Sieges, which would be pretty much the same as a Zombie Siege.
When bonemeal is used in deserts is should generate a patch of Dry Grass and a few Dry Shrubs.
Fire should spread much faster in deserts.
Hunger should deplete faster in deserts.
Why the hell a PIG would be able to find a MOOshroom biome? I am not quite sure if I missed something but I do remember that Mooshrooms are actually cows that grows mushrooms on their back.
Also carrots aren't rare at all. You only need to find 1 carrot and you'll have plenty afterwards. Same goes with the pumpkins and melons.
Firstly, I explained in the first post. Pigs are used in real life to find mushrooms and truffles, so I decided to add a minecraft twists.
Secondly, carrots are reasonably rarer than seeds and wheat in such a way that it makes pigs pointlessly hard to breed.
Finally, why did you pretty much bash the idea and then say you support? :/
The idea is original and clear however more detail could be provided. How does the pig guide you? Does it walk towards it, face it or do something else? Perhaps if you put a leash on a pig it will do it although will also be attracted to mushrooms, forcing you to remove them? Like metal detecting.
Result Breakdown
Originality: 5/5
Usefulness and Logic: 3.5/4
Clarity: 2.5/3
Detail: 8/10
Grammar and Spelling: 5/5
Personality: 5/5
Rule-Abiding: 4/4 Total: 33/37
Thank you, sir, I appreciate the rating. This will really help me with future post-making. I will improve the first post as soon as I finalize the method of mushroom-seeking.
in one sense you're right. but also you can't just have the pig take off and never stop, because eventually it will exit loaded chunks.
perhaps the game could have the pig travel on straight north-south and east-west lines, with randomly determined switching points, so you can't know when the path will change until the pig gets there:
I'm liking this idea, it will make it harder to predict, and will also give it a more realistic approach. I mean, truffle hogs in real life don't mindlessly march directly towards the nearest truffle. They will be sniffing around on the ground and searching it out.
However, there will definitely need to be a cap on the length of the lines, because we don't want a massive angle - a long distance away and an equally long distance back. Keep them at like 10-60 blocks, maybe?
Maybe as they walk in the rough zigzag pattern, they should be looking back and forth down at the ground and perhaps have a new animation: their nose wiggling or something (to represent sniffing).
I disagree that pigs are useless. As I posted in another thread, I prefer pork to beef, and it's my opinion that beef should be removed, and that's my preferred solution to making pigs matter again.
That said, I like this idea. I have some experience with trying to find a mushroom biome in a Large Biomes world, and believe me, it was a lot of work (there's a video in my Let's Play series about it, if you're interested). I think a mushroom-hunting pig mechanic is just what the doctor ordered.
As to how to implement? It seems wrong to feed the pig a mushroom and then expect it to hunt for more mushrooms. Seems to me the thing to do would be to tempt the pig with a mushroom, not let the pig eat it, and then let the pig do its own hunting. Or maybe make a "Mushroom on a Stick" item, that only works while you're riding the pig, and instead of going where you point, the pig heads for the nearest mushroom biome. You need something to block the pig's natural senses though. I would think that your standard mushroom on a stick would simply lead the pig to the nearest mushroom (within a large but finite number of blocks).
To take an example from another part of the game, an ender eye is analogous, and it's pretty expensive, requiring ender pearls and blaze powder. Maybe what we need is a "Magic Mushroom on a Stick", so now all we need are some ingredients. I'm thinking gunpowder, to block the pig's normal sense of smell. And maybe an ender pearl, because that's really what gives "eyes of ender" their far-seeing magical power.
So Mushroom on a Stick = Mushroom + Fishing Rod
Magic Mushroom = Mushroom + Gunpowder + Ender Pearl
Magic Mushroom on a Stick = Magic Mushroom + Fishing Rod
And for the actual use of the item, we'll say a Magic Mushroom on a Stick only causes the pig to hunt for mushroom biomes when the player right-clicks the pig while riding the pig. And this causes the MMoaS to lose durability, just like using a Carrot on a Stick.
This sounds like quite a good idea. I'm liking the mushroom on a stick concept.
Perhaps, though, the name 'magic mushroom' isn't the best, because of the easily drawn comparisons with drugs.
I support.
That was not my intent; I was giving my opinion on the topic at hand by providing an alternative solution to the problem that the original poster has brought up. You make it seem as if I simply linked to my topic, which isn't the case - I still gave a legitimate criticism and simply provided what I think is a better solution. Surely you see that both suggestions are about the exact same problem but with different proposed solutions - I added to the discussion by adressing the problem at hand ('pigs are useless') by providing an alternative solution to said problem.
Another criticism that just popped into my head: if anything, this suggestion is improving Zombie Pigmen more than it is improving ordinary Pigs! (because Zombie Pigmen drop both ingredients necessary for the Golden Porkchop - if this was implemented, I'd be better off just farming Zombie Pigmen)
Plus, I don't feel like we need any more gold-plated foods.
I personally feel like I've come up with a better use for pigs here:
But that's just my two cents.
Sorry, I don't support.
Those sprites look quite nice. The 'magic mushroom' (I still think that name should be changed
I like the idea of Nether Wart being used - it should be something hard to obtain.
If we are going with the 'special item to tame' route, I think we should use this recipe.
I'm still not a fan of the 'mushroom on a stick' idea though. I think feeding it the 'magic mushroom' should be enough. But that's what the poll is for, to see what YOU guys think would be best.
Very interesting idea, I will add that as an option to the poll.
You are correct, I'll change that.
New poll option - everybody cast your vote!
@Coneman50: Its not immune to arrows. It just has double the protection. Pretty much, the damage that an arrow does would be lessened, and some of the arrows would bounce off. That's just one of the benefits, but I think its weaknesses make it balanced.
Naturally-occurring Jungle tree logs will have a 1/25 chance to spawn with a visible 'ore' inside it. Chopping it down will provide 1-3 'Resin'.
Resin can be smelted to produce 'Rubber'.
Rubber can be crafted into numerous things, which will be listed next.
Rubber Block:
Rubber blocks are crafted with 9 Rubber.
They have a blast resistance of 12. Any sword can be used to break it.
Rubber blocks burn as quickly as cloth.
Rubber blocks have a bouncy quality. If you simply walk onto them from another block from the same height, nothing will happen. But go at least one block higher, and drop down onto the rubber - then you will bounce. You initially bounce as high as where you fell from, for example - if I jump onto rubber from 10 blocks high, I will bounce 10 blocks up. With each bounce, however, the number of blocks goes down.
This has the same effect on all mobs. Some exceptions include:
-Iron golems - how high they bounce is halved each time because they are heavy
-Endermen teleport away after the first bounce
-Ghasts, bats, blazes usually just fly away
-Rubber has no effect on the ender dragon or the wither
There are so many possibilities for this block.
Rubber Armor:
Rubber armor is crafted like any other armor, instead using rubber.
Rubber armor has many interesting qualities.
From a defense and durability standpoint, its not very good:
Defense Points:
Helmet: 1
Chestplate: 3
Leggings: 2
Boots: 2
Full Set: 8
Helmet: 64
Chestplate: 98
Leggings: 84
Boots: 72
However, Rubber armor has other properties:
-1/8 chance that any damage done will not deplete the durability
-Arrows, fall damage, and cacti have double protection (maybe arrows will even bounce off)
-Fire, lava, fireballs and explosion have halved protection (the armor is very weak to fire. Said hazards also deplete the durability faster)
-Lightning does no damage (full set only)
-Rubber armor has 2x knockback (you are very bouncy!)
-After falling you will bounce up 1-2 blocks (full set only)
-1.5x water movement speed (think rubber boots, again full set only)
-Cannot be enchanted
As you can see, it has its upsides and downsides.
Other Ideas (Post some!):
-Rubber should work as a redstone insulator
-Rubber should be used to craft elastic cords? Think a lead, but stretchier.
If you like the idea, comment with your own suggestions or critiques!
Side note: Images will come soon!
In my personal opinion, deserts should be vastly different from other biomes, with various differences to make them worth exploring. I also think deserts should be much harsher than any other biome. I think other biomes should be as equally unique as deserts, but I want to focus on deserts for this post.
Absolutely NO water should spawn unless in the rare occasion of an Oasis (see 'Structures').
Sand should be mostly flat, except for some dunes - rolling hills made of sand.
Cacti should be less common and should spawn in clusters, up to four blocks high now.
Dry shrubs should also be rarer (I find them ugly). Instead, Dry Grass should be in its place. It will look like a shorter patch of tall grass that is a sandy-brown.
The first 20 or so layers of stone should be replaces with hardened clay.
Clay, Coal, Gold, Redstone and Lapis Lazuli should be more common in deserts.
Dry Grass (Common tall grass type spawn in deserts)
Cactus Flower (Pink flower that rarely spawns on top of a fully grown cactus)
Dry Shrubs should drop 0-1 sticks.
Oasis: Oases should spawn very rarely. They should be roughly circular patches of flat grass with a small pool of water in the middle. Tropical trees should spawn around as well as ferns and tall grass.
Canyon: Canyons are just like ravines, but they are made of hardened clay, sandstone and sand, and have much less water.
Villages: Desert villages should have hardened clay paths and sandstone houses. Their should be reed and cactus farms instead of standard farms. Wells should be much less common. Otherwise they should be very similar to the normal village.
Dungeons: Desert dungeons should be different - they should spawn with sandstone and carved sandstone walls instead of cobblestone and mossy cobblestone. The chests loot should be the same. The spawners should spawn the hostile mobs I will list in the 'mobs' section.
Pyramids: Pyramids should be similar to as they are now, but make them more of a challenge - as well as increase the rewards. The cloth in the pyramid should be replaced with gold and lapis lazuli blocks - cloth makes it seem completely underwhelming and unthreatening. However, I think the threat should be this: http://www.minecraft...d-easy-day-338/
Thank DINGO_WINTERWOLF for that amazing suggestion!
I also think a possibility could be having a Mummy (See 'mobs' section) spawner on the main floor.
The loot should be Bones, Rotten Flesh, Bread, White Wool, Gold Ingots, Diamonds and Lapis Lazuli.
Mummy: Mummies should replace Zombies in deserts. They should behave basically the same, with a few differences: They walk a bit faster but have a 2x weakness to fire. They're drops should be 1-2 Rotten Flesh, 0-2 Bones, 0-2 Sand, and 1-2 Cloth. Rare drops should be 0-2 Gold Nuggets or 0-3 Lapis Lazuli. Mummies should spawn slightly less commonly than zombies.
Antlion: Antlions should spawn like silverfish, but in sandstone blocks instead of stone. However, sandstone trap blocks should be more common naturally compared to stone trap blocks. Sandstone traps blocks should be very common in pyramids.
Gold Golem: http://www.minecraft...d-easy-day-338/
Other mob-related tweaks:
Creepers should have a sand texture
Zombies should not spawn
Slimes should not spawn
Skeleton spawn rates should be higher
Enderman spawn rates should be lower
Spider spawn rates should be lower
When a thunderstorm is happening in any other biome, a sandstorm should occur in the desert. This would have a very thick particle effect of sand flying around and the sky should be beige. This would limit vision as well as deal half a heart of damage every five seconds if you aren't wearing a full suit of armor. Movement speed would be half if you aren't inside an enclosed area.
Desert villages should witness Mummy Sieges, which would be pretty much the same as a Zombie Siege.
When bonemeal is used in deserts is should generate a patch of Dry Grass and a few Dry Shrubs.
Fire should spread much faster in deserts.
Hunger should deplete faster in deserts.
Images may come soon!
Thank you!
Firstly, I explained in the first post. Pigs are used in real life to find mushrooms and truffles, so I decided to add a minecraft twists.
Secondly, carrots are reasonably rarer than seeds and wheat in such a way that it makes pigs pointlessly hard to breed.
Finally, why did you pretty much bash the idea and then say you support? :/
Thank you, sir, I appreciate the rating. This will really help me with future post-making. I will improve the first post as soon as I finalize the method of mushroom-seeking.
I'm liking this idea, it will make it harder to predict, and will also give it a more realistic approach. I mean, truffle hogs in real life don't mindlessly march directly towards the nearest truffle. They will be sniffing around on the ground and searching it out.
However, there will definitely need to be a cap on the length of the lines, because we don't want a massive angle - a long distance away and an equally long distance back. Keep them at like 10-60 blocks, maybe?
Maybe as they walk in the rough zigzag pattern, they should be looking back and forth down at the ground and perhaps have a new animation: their nose wiggling or something (to represent sniffing).
This sounds like quite a good idea. I'm liking the mushroom on a stick concept.
Perhaps, though, the name 'magic mushroom' isn't the best, because of the easily drawn comparisons with drugs.