Activity wise I would play for as long as I have so pretty much at least once every other day (except for vacations and irl related stuff)
Ive played since 2013 atmost i cant remember exactly since I've lost accounts
Strengths: I can make mob spawner mob farms and melon/Pumpkin farms I'm decent at building I just have trouble with getting the blocks and not getting distracted.
I would like to join because I play anarchy servers and mini game servers a lot and it gets very Intense so I want a laid back sort of feel while playing that and this seems to fit that description.
You should invite me because I know what to do I own a realm myself and do a lot of the same things you do in your realm so I know how it feels to play this way also I would be extremely active and lastly I would try and build and work with giant community projects.
Anyway thats what I have to say I hope it works for you since I seem like a bit of a derp but thats what I would do.
Hi I bought a realm when they first came out and now I've reset the world a bit and I want to start a new world with active players to keep one of the survival worlds going. We will not have any command blocks associated with the gameplay all it will be used to do is make it the smallest bit easier. We will be playing in a random world and I suggest you move far away from spawn to prevent massive griefs. Anyway thats pretty much it give me your ign in the replies and I'll invite you ASAP.
IGN: WhyChiefHidName
Age: 18 I speak english
Activity wise I would play for as long as I have so pretty much at least once every other day (except for vacations and irl related stuff)
Ive played since 2013 atmost i cant remember exactly since I've lost accounts
Strengths: I can make mob spawner mob farms and melon/Pumpkin farms I'm decent at building I just have trouble with getting the blocks and not getting distracted.
I would like to join because I play anarchy servers and mini game servers a lot and it gets very Intense so I want a laid back sort of feel while playing that and this seems to fit that description.
You should invite me because I know what to do I own a realm myself and do a lot of the same things you do in your realm so I know how it feels to play this way also I would be extremely active and lastly I would try and build and work with giant community projects.
Anyway thats what I have to say I hope it works for you since I seem like a bit of a derp but thats what I would do.
All invited 28 players so far
All Invited 26 Players so far!
I would suggest not having a pre built spawn but it is a good realm
All invited 22 players so far!
you cant have a space in your name
Hi I bought a realm when they first came out and now I've reset the world a bit and I want to start a new world with active players to keep one of the survival worlds going. We will not have any command blocks associated with the gameplay all it will be used to do is make it the smallest bit easier. We will be playing in a random world and I suggest you move far away from spawn to prevent massive griefs. Anyway thats pretty much it give me your ign in the replies and I'll invite you ASAP.
1 No swearing
2 No sexism
3 No racism
4 No Griefing
5 No stealing
6 Don't be a jerk
7 Have Fun!
No pending invites My ign in WhyChiefHidName
You cant have a space in your name
Your username dosent work either you have spelt it wrong or you are on a cracked account
Both invited
Why was I banned?