I'm currently spending most of my time in a survival world that I started in Alpha 1.2.0. I created it a few days after the big Halloween update. There is one big problem that I hope will be fixed some day and that is the spawning of Strongholds. I currently do not have access to The End, but everything else works just fine.
My world is in a way split in two. It's the part of the world that was generated in the time before 1.8 and it's the part that has been generated after the release of 1.2.3. (The time between was spent in temporary worlds.) The two parts are linked together with a very long tunnel in The Nether. My Speed II potion buff runs out before I get from one side to the other.
I've made sure to explore a fair amount of the area around my new 1.2.3 base so that I have plenty of areas to exploit even if the generator is changed yet again. And one day I'll make a brach tunnel in The Nether in search of the riches given with the future updates. So in a way you could say I start a new world, but I do so in the same save I've always used.
So i evaded the trigger mechenism then a chicken stood on it ._.
But cheated in the cobweb just cause wool doesnt look as nice