Can you enchant mob heads or steve heads to make it like a enchanted mask. It would be really cool if you could make Corvo's mask with protection, fire resist, feather falling,etc. or the masque of calcius vile. Bascically, enchanted masks would be really cool.
I have an idea for a mob. When a zombie is on fire and has the invisibility potion effect, the zombie will disappear but the fire will remain.
So if you use a filter to make a spawner that spawns zombies on fire but with fire resistance and invisibility, you get a sort of 'walking fire'
mob. That is to say, a fire that is mobile. I think these mobs will suit the overall theme of inferno mines.
Also, armours with fire protection's durability will decrease while the wearer is on fire or in fire [Not checked],an interesting starting area for a map may be an island surrounded by lava and a chest with leather boots of fire protection IV/4. The player will then have to swim across the lava before the armour breaks. This idea may not work.
As it stands right now, it's pretty good. I never died once, since I was able to get iron armor pretty quickly then diamond shortly after. Even in iron armor, I wasn't taking any damage from the mobs, so taking out the towers felt like just an annoying chore while being bounced around by spiders (I was on easy, no spider poison), silverfish, and skeletons.
The ghast spawners I didn't really understand. They're not close enough to do anything. I dug around and took one of them out pretty easily, but I ended up not even needing to do that. Once I got the 2 towers pacified on either side of the bridge, I was able to safely cross and get the portal.
In conclusion, I think it's a good design, just maybe a bit OP with the metal placement.
Thanks for testing my map :smile.gif: The ghast spawner were for... i dont really know.I will be making another map so your feedback is appreciated.
I have made this map during the past few days.
This is my first CTM map.I was boored so i decided to make a map,the map is centered around having materials at the start but a tough dungeon that you have to defeat.I have tried it,and you will die,you will rage quit.
And lastly,I would like to thank
Vechs for creating the first CTM
Mojang for creating minecraft
And,you,for veiwing this map.
One of the guardian towers and on the right,the fleecy box
Invisble bats that are on fire with fire resist? They can be cannon fodder for arrows in dungeons or just to distract you.
So if you use a filter to make a spawner that spawns zombies on fire but with fire resistance and invisibility, you get a sort of 'walking fire'
mob. That is to say, a fire that is mobile. I think these mobs will suit the overall theme of inferno mines.
Also, armours with fire protection's durability will decrease while the wearer is on fire or in fire [Not checked],an interesting starting area for a map may be an island surrounded by lava and a chest with leather boots of fire protection IV/4. The player will then have to swim across the lava before the armour breaks. This idea may not work.
2)Lure Him In
3)Iron golem spawner activates [25 villagers in a 1x1x2 space,Have 60 of those FYI
Map genre:CTM
Breif discription: A mini ctm map
Screenshot: In thread link
Thanks for testing my map :smile.gif: The ghast spawner were for... i dont really know.I will be making another map so your feedback is appreciated.
This is my first CTM map.I was boored so i decided to make a map,the map is centered around having materials at the start but a tough dungeon that you have to defeat.I have tried it,and you will die,you will rage quit.
And lastly,I would like to thank
Vechs for creating the first CTM
Mojang for creating minecraft
And,you,for veiwing this map.
One of the guardian towers and on the right,the fleecy box
Btw i know the link doesnt work,sorry
Download link: