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    posted a message on (Mc 1.4.6)Creative Mod Tab(v1.5)
    Ok I tested this mod, and only had 1 problem... When I use a texture pack, .. well ill let u see for yourself.

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on How to bake an over easy Minecraft world
    Another piece of amazing creative writing, and this Lore to me is more realistic then any of the others.
    Posted in: Fan Art
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    posted a message on Upgrading Minecraft account??
    Try buying Minecraft...
    Posted in: Legacy Support
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    posted a message on Enderman Drawing Contest!
    Quote from imnumberfour

    No more entries? :sad.gif:

    Well they saw your post and ran away
    Posted in: Fan Art
  • 1

    posted a message on wanna be the next youtube star?! look no further!!!
    Quote from MrHourlyCookie

    lol you banned me.


    Ditto, He thinks he will be successful ... pfff HAHAHAHAA!
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
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    posted a message on [API] Minecraft Forge
    Quote from thekillman

    quite happy to hear that Jens will be talking to various important Mod API's for the Mojang Minecraft API.

    To be honest I was waiting for him to take the lead role, He might actually upgrade what they already have
    instead of making new things that are useless :tongue.gif:... Like Snow Golems
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.1] XP Orb Sounds in Multiplayer
    Quote from r3Fuze

    Is this a client or server mod?

    ( ).( )
    Its kinda... (got ninja'd :tongue.gif:)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.8.1] Building A Pokemon Server [Hamachi] [Limited]
    The regions name has been chosen, it was decided by using a few of the creators first letters of there IGN. We are happy with the progress, is getting a banner and we will have a clan name in the future for easy use :biggrin.gif:

    Mods not needed, For 1.8.1, will feature Pokemon ++ and possibly Pokemobs.

    Well Hi there, I am hosting a server and with a few people we are making
    a Pokemon Region for when Pokemobs and Pokemon ++ goes SMP(not for a while) but its all
    about preparation and we are needing help to build these cities and towns
    we need plenty of ideas and any body no matter how crap your skills are
    Hamachi is needed.

    Thanks to all who helps and you names will be added into the creators list
    and we will make you op if you're wishing to be there for a long time :biggrin.gif: Thanks Again
    1.8 only, This server is based around Pokemon++ and Possibly Pokemobs
    If i'm offline that means that the Minecraft server is off (im usually on)

    Quick Mod Updates:

    Pokemobs by Seagoingmanatee: Will be adding a new feature, adding your own pokemon
    (since Sea is only doing 151 he will add a feature to add more pokemon)

    Pokemon ++ by Infernocem: Adding Bikes, More Pokemon and Acorns :biggrin.gif: YAY :biggrin.gif:

    Hamachi Servers:

    Hamachi Server: Pokemon Reigon ( Owner Saf0002 )
    Hamachi Password: 123
    Server ID:

    Second Hamachi Server: Pokemon Reigon-2 ( Owner Saf0002 )
    Hamachi Password: 123
    Server ID:[/color]

    Third Hamachi Server: Pokemon Region-3 ( Owner EvilTweak )
    Hamachi Password: 123
    Sever ID :

    Mods that might be used IF they go SMP (Support them since there ace) are:
    Pokemon ++ by Infernocem http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/694751-181-pokemon-16-by-inferno-cem-with-ridable-latios/
    Pokemobs by seagoingmanatee http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/519098-181-the-official-pokemobs-v047/

    Daily updates on server progress:

    * Names of the towns/cities will be hidden to remove spoilers. :biggrin.gif:
    * Minor things like parks or features will not be added.
    Green = Complete
    Purple = Worked On
    Red = Haven't Started
    Yellow = Might Happen

    Town 1 = [color="#00FF00"]FINISHED[/color]
    Town 2 = [color="#00FF00"]FINISHED[/color]
    City 1 = [color="#00FF00"]FINISHED[/color]
    Town 3 = [color="#00FF00"]FINISHED[/color]
    City 2 = [color="#00FF00"]FINISHED[/color]
    City 3 = [color="#00FF00"]FINISHED[/color]
    Town 4 = [color="#00FF00"]FINISHED[/color]
    City 4 = [color="#800080"]FINISHED[/color]
    Town 5 = [color="#FF0000"]Haven't Started[/color]
    Town 6 = [color="#FF0000"]Haven't Started [/color]
    City 5 = [color="#FF0000"]Haven't Started[/color]
    City 6 = [color="#FF0000"]Haven't Started[/color]
    Town 7 = [color="#FF0000"]Haven't Started[/color]
    Town 8 = [color="#FF0000"]Haven't Started[/color]
    City 7 = [color="#FF0000"]Haven't Started[/color]
    Town 8 = [color="#FF0000"]Haven't Started[/color]
    City 8 = [color="#FF0000"]Haven't Started[/color]
    POKEMON LEAGUE = [color="#FF0000"]Haven't Started[/color]
    Region 2 = [color="#FFFF00"]Might Happen[/color]
    Region 3 = [color="#FFFF00"]Might Happen[/color]
    Region 4 = [color="#FFFF00"]Might Happen[/color]

    CREATORS LIST (If you have toured around and looked around.. doesn't mean you created anything so make something positive and your name will be up.)


    In game list pics:

    *NEW* The server max has been upgraded to 15 and will to 17 (if required) since i got a
    high number of requests to join the Hamachi server. Op status will not be given out unless all previous ops agree to avoid hassles.


    There will be SMP and a SP version of the map available when finished but the SP version wont have any of Legendary pokemon since they will be given out on the SMP version as event pokemon to avoid multiple catches of a single pokemon.
    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 1

    posted a message on [1.2.5] Pokémon ++ V2.1.1 By InfernoCem [FINALLY UPDATED!]
    Quote from MRshaftyy

    how bout i tell mewtwo see what what he thinks of that idea?

    Okay look at Mewtwo... now look at Rayquaza's mouth... now look back at Mewtwo... OM NOM NOM.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.2.5] Goboy's Weapons Pack v1.9
    Quote from x still alive x

    i am 13 btw. its just you seem to be about 8. anyway, I dont care that its coping balkons ideas, just that there no reason on the earth why you would get this mod when you could get balkons mod. now go, and succeed in life!

    Wait.... this is nothing like Balkons.... it has cannons and guns and all that other crap that ruins minecraft...
    GOBOY'S WEAPONS PACK FTW :biggrin.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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