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    posted a message on Skyblock 1.6.2
    Quote from MrRedstone

    Also, we really DONT need ANOTHER SKYBLOCK.

    That's your opinion. I'd actually like to see someone take this map and get it more up to speed with recent game changes. You know, improve it. But some of you think that the original version is sacrosanct and no one should ever try to do it again, or better. That never made sense to me.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [Jul.08] Rei's Minimap v3.4_01
    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound defensive of as if you thought I was lying, etc. I have edited my previous post with more (full) details of the procedure, to help you and anyone else. I lay it out step by step.
    Hope to help.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 2

    posted a message on [Jul.08] Rei's Minimap v3.4_01
    Quote from Hohen

    To be honest this isn't working... I tried yesterday too and nothing. It happens the same in both cases (extracting and draggin to minecraft.jar or MCPatcher way): the screen goes black and nothing happens from there. My .jar is unmodded with version 1.3.1

    I'm sorry it doesn't work for you, but it does work. I tried it because I saw others who did it successfully.

    I blanked out my .minecraft install before updating.. keeping just savegames and the like. Wipe the bin folder for sure.

    Downloaded 1.3.1 in full.

    Then in the .minecraft/mods folder I created a 1.3.1 folder. So .minecraft/mods/1.3.1/

    (this is in your %appdata% system folders. If you are not sure where that is, click start, and in the RUN box type %appdata% and hit enter, and it will open an explorer window to that folder. The .minecraft folder is in there)

    In that folder (.minecraft/mods/1.3.1/) I put the [1.3.1]ReiMinimap_v3.2_05.zip file.

    Then I ran MCPatcher, and turned only only the mods I wanted. Then click the plus sign (+) button at the bottom of the window, just above the "patch" button.

    It should auto search to the .minecraft/mods/1.3.1 folder, and you should see the minimap .zip file there. Select it.

    Then I clicked the "patch" button on the patcher. Then I ran the game, and it's working 100%. I've played a few hours already of 1.3.1 with the minimap.

    It's working fine for myself and others. I'm not sure what you are doing wrong. I hope this helps.
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
  • 1

    posted a message on Bonus chests, minecraft is already too easy.
    Quote from Rafe

    As if Minecraft isn't easy enough as it is now there is an option for bonus chests at teh begging ? If your that handicapped you might as well play on creative.


    So don't freaking use it then.

    Who are you to decide how others should play?

    This will open up options for strange custom survival maps scenarios. It's similar to the starting chest on skyblock. It opens up many new possibilities for custom maps combined with the option.

    But you'd rather whine that it may make it easier for someone else.. this is a great new addition that adds variety to the game.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Minecraft XBLA will NOT have infinite terrain!
    Gotta love all the people who are all "I'm not buying it unless this changes".

    The fact you are even here means you likely are already a PC registered owner, and not even their target demographic... which is all those fresh, young XBOX 360 players who have never even seen the game; or know little to nothing about it.

    Trust me, they are going to do just fine without you. Get over yourselves. It's like you think that your posts are causing employees to race back to their desks to immediately recode the game to your satisfaction for fear of losing your sale.

    They aren't. They'll be fine. Don't buy it. No one here gives a damn.
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on So how about that new world height?
    Quote from Tummie_Hugz

    Sea level at y=128?? We'd all be swimming with the fishes, literally.

    He's talking about adjusting world generation so that instead of the world being terrain in the 0-128 range, with sea level at 64.. terrain would go from 0-256, with sea level at 128.

    This would give more underground exploration and depth. And would thrust mountains up into the sky to the new height range limit.

    You wouldn't be swimming. You'd spawn at 128, and the main sea level of the world would be at that same level, 128.

    It had already been tried with some height mods, but was problematic. I haven't followed what progress was made since then. But I would love to see a completely double scaled world like this.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 3

    posted a message on More server friendly updates, please
    How many threads do we need saying the exact same thing?

    You know what is going on right now is NOT that uncommon from the past, actually. When major revision changes have had bugs, they issue minor revision change fixes.

    Some patches throughout have not needed further fixing. But others have had multiple additional smaller, incremental patches applied, between major versions.


    They are under no obligation to consider mods, or server operators.

    This whining is really annoying. Think about it guys, you have the whole rest of your life ahead of you to play Minecraft to your hearts content. Soon we'll have mod api, and all these problems will go away. Can't you exhibit even the tiniest amount of patience? We are so close now.. So close to finally having a game that will be able to grow and expand without all this extra work..

    Just a little patience.. You'll live.. It's not the end of the world. It's a damn video game. One that still has a very bright and long future ahead of it. This is just the beginning. Settle down and stop being so demanding, and expecting instant gratification. Stop whining. Please.. Stop whining.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on 1.2.5 pointless?
    Quote from leaveittosteven

    Is this the new "ALPHA"/"BETA"? How about Mojang step aside and let the big boys fix the problems with the game by allowing mod support before making their stupid little bug updates?

    No, it's not remotely the new "alpha/beta". That's hyperbole.

    Mods are not officially supported. Until they are, they are always a use at the risk that updates break them until they are updated, or the MOD api is finished. That's responsibility that YOU are to take for YOURSELF when you use mods. Instead of blaming Mojang for actually fixing their own game!

    This is standard operating procedure for virtually any game. Just some have mod support earlier.. maybe right out of the box.. but this one is not ready for that yet.

    You guys keep spinning and rationalizing to find ways to justify your whining, but you are failing at it.. horribly.

    Modding is not officially supported. What that means is that updates do not need to take Mods into consideration at all. Not even one smegging inch. It's their game to update how they please, and their bugs to fix how they please.

    Don't like it? Tough. Stop crying about it. It's pitiful.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
  • 8

    posted a message on Update Awful,
    Quote from Adamchrisp

    GOOD JOB! Here comes 1.2.6....annoy us server owners some more please!

    I am absolutely fed up with you petulant, whining children and your constant whining about updates. Pathetic, infantile whining. Like babies. Literally.

    Pure sense of entitlement.. Like the world revolves around you and your damn server.

    I can't be part of these forums anymore. It's one of the worst forums it's ever been my displeasure to be a part of. Full of petulant spoiled children who have absolutely no patience or rational thought. Just constant ****ing crying.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on Just because something is promised does in NO WAY mean it will come out immediately.
    Wow, this is the most captain obvious thread I've seen here in ages.

    Seriously.. why does such obvious crap even need to be posted?

    Just because it's being worked on doesn't mean it's coming immediately?

    Wow, really? NO ****.

    They are working on it? It could be out in a week? Or maybe a month? Or longer?

    Wow, really? NO ****.

    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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