Why do you want to join?: because i like factions
Did you read the rules?:yes i did
Have you been banned before? If so, why?:no i have never been banned from a server
Do you like pancakes?:i like pancakes and fish :tongue.gif:
IGN: jokerxsniipez (i like fish)
Age: 13
Why do you want to join?: I really like factions and want to meet new people.
Did you read the rules?: Yes (fish)
Have you been banned before? If so, why?: Yes, my friend got banned and i was trying to get him unbanned when he banned me.
Do you like pancakes?: It depends, do you like waffles?
IGN: Cosmin1215
Age: 16
Why do you want to join?: I want a nice community also i like to fish in minecraft :smile.gif:
Did you read the rules?: Yes.
Have you been banned before? If so, why?: No
Do you like pancakes?: Yes :X
Save your time, do not join this server. The Admins are corrupt 17 year olds who abuse their powers. I was recently banned because I did not find being spawned into a pool of creepers (By a warp from the admins) funny enough. So my lack of humor on that matter allowed them to banned me.
Also, the map is not by them by taken from another artists who have not even been credited in the server. I'll contact the creator of Fyre ASAP about this.
Sorry you took this so hard Nictos. I always kinda felt that the lighthearted undertone was never right for your hardcore ways. Good luck finding a new server!
Age: 17
Why do you want to join?: because i love faction servers
Did you read the rules?: yes i dont like fish >:C
Have you been banned before? If so, why?: no
Do you like pancakes?: hell ye!
how do i find the rules sounds like a cool server and id like to join but i just started playing and dont know how to get the rules without playing on the server!? can u help
Try looking at the original post :wink.gif:. The rules are listed there! (hint: it's near the diamond!) Hope to see you soon!
IGN: TheEpicBlock
Why do you want to join?:My other faction server shut down.
Did you read the rules?:Yes i did!
Have you been banned before? If so, why?:I was playing on a hardcore server. (You die, and get banned for 15 days.)
Do you like pancakes?:Yeah, i like pancakes. Do you like waffles? Yeah, i like waffles.
Please don't lie in your application, I know you did! (hint: read the rules)
Why do you want to join?:I want to join this server because it seems well protected,love fraction servers,no-lag, and my friend Igniser plays on it =P
Did you read the rules?:Yep =3
Have you been banned before? If so, why?:Nope, i hate griefers =3.
Do you like pancakes?:Hell yea!
Did yiu read the rules?:yes
Have you been banned before?:no
Why do i want to join?: i really like faction/raiding servers but its really hard to find a good one so i saw this and got very curious/it looks awesome.
Do i like pancakes?: who dosent?
Try again, maybe... reading the rules? We don't like liars!
IGN: tzodiack
Age: 19
Why do you want to join?: This looks like a nice server. i got tired of the one i used to play so here i am :biggrin.gif:
Did you read the rules?: Yes sir
Have you been banned before? If so, why?: No i havent
Do you like pancakes?: A lot :biggrin.gif:
Why do you want to join?:Looking for a chill dedicated community to play with
Did you read the rules?:Yea
Have you been banned before? nope
Do you like pancakes?:All day, erry day
Please don't lie in your applications. I know you did. Read the rules. :wink.gif:
Hands down the best PvP server out there: HCSMP.com
Griefing, raiding, fire, tnt, lava, you name it, they have it! Everything is legal. Basically the only rules are no racisms, hacking, etc...
Oh yeah, and if you die, you get banned for a month!
They even have their own subreddit! Subreddit
See you there!
Both of you, welcome to FactionNations!
Accepted, welcome to FactionNations!
Sorry you took this so hard Nictos. I always kinda felt that the lighthearted undertone was never right for your hardcore ways. Good luck finding a new server!
seedtester I sent you the IP. Welcome to FactionNations
You didn't read the rules. We don't like liars!
Welcome to FactionNations! Sent you the ip
Try looking at the original post :wink.gif:. The rules are listed there! (hint: it's near the diamond!) Hope to see you soon!
Please don't lie in your application, I know you did! (hint: read the rules)
Welcome! I sent you the IP.
Accepted, sent you the IP
Try again, maybe... reading the rules? We don't like liars!
Please don't lie in your applications. I know you did. Read the rules. :wink.gif:
Griefing, raiding, fire, tnt, lava, you name it, they have it! Everything is legal. Basically the only rules are no racisms, hacking, etc...
Oh yeah, and if you die, you get banned for a month!
They even have their own subreddit! Subreddit
See you there!