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    posted a message on FactionNations [1.1] [No Whitelist!] [PvP] [Factions] [MCMMO] [Ranks] [Events]
    Quote from pooba3

    ign: pooba3
    Why do you want to join: i want to join because fish are awesome and i think this is a great server!!!
    Did you read the rules: i have read the rules and i love fish!!!!
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: i have not been banned before Mr. Fishy!!!!
    Do you like pancakes?:i like pancakes with fish on them(powdered sugar)
    P.S. FISH ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!! :cool.gif:

    Accepted, Welcome to FactionNations. Please see the post on the top of page seven

    Check out my cool signature guys! If you want the code to put in your own signature to show your support of the server, send me a pm!
    Also, if you think you can do better, do it! Send me the file and if I like it, I'll change it the official one! I just did the current signature in GIMP in like 20 mins...
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on FactionNations [1.1] [No Whitelist!] [PvP] [Factions] [MCMMO] [Ranks] [Events]
    Quote from XziiLe

    IGN: Filuhpino
    Age: 14
    Why do you want to join?: Have fun with friends, and meet others. Destroy other factions.
    Did you read the rules?: Every letter.
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: Nope.
    Do you like pancakes?: Yup.

    PS: Is it okay if I submit applications for my friends?
    Fish is good.

    Welcome to FactionNations!
    You can put applications for your friends, but if they have their own MC Forums account they should post it themselves

    Quote from xrandomzxj

    I'm not Whitelisted but have been approved

    The current whitelist is staff only. Once bukkit is updated for 1.1, it will be reopened.

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on FactionNations [1.1] [No Whitelist!] [PvP] [Factions] [MCMMO] [Ranks] [Events]
    Woah. I need to check this more often... Here we go!

    Quote from xrandomzxj


    Why do you want to join?:Singleplayer is lonely
    Did you read the rules?: Yes
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: No
    Do you like pancakes?:Yeah I suppose

    I'm vegetarian so i don't eat fish

    Accepted, Welcome to FactionNations

    Quote from DOOOORD

    IGN: jordan_mckenna
    Age: 18
    Why do you want to join?: because im looking for a factions server to play on, and hopefully be a long time member and maybe in the future become a staff member
    Did you read the rules?: yes
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: no
    Do you like pancakes?: not really, but i like fish!

    Accepted, Welcome to FactionNations

    Quote from Monthral21

    IGN: Monthral21
    Age: 14
    Why do you want to join?: Looking for a good factions server
    Did you read the rules?: Yes, PS i hate fishing
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: Once because the owner of the server didnt trust anybody, and with that i was stuck in creative for at least a week with him NEVER on to change it so i eventually did some things that he did not like.
    Do you like pancakes?: Yes

    Accepted, Welcome to FactionNations

    Quote from Draqulous

    IGN: Reaver15
    Age: 18
    Why do you want to join?: I'm sick of putting so much effort into a server and then I get griefed and the admins do nothing
    Did you read the rules?: yes I have
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: No I haven't
    Do you like pancakes? yes with lemon and sugar

    The server admins are very good when it comes to dealing with problems. Unfortunatly, you should reread (or read for the first time if you're a liar) the rules. No accepted for you!

    Quote from pooba3

    ign: pooba3
    i want to join because fish are awesome and i think this is a great server!!!
    i have read the rules and i love fish!!!!
    i have not been banned before Mr. Fishy!!!!
    i like pancakes with fish on them(powdered sugar)
    P.S. FISH ARE AWESOME!!!!!!!! :cool.gif:

    Please put this in the standard application format. Copy and paste will do.

    Quote from 0_Matthew_0

    You know what this server is?


    In other news, I updated the pictures! Get a sneak peek on what the new server looks like!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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    posted a message on FactionNations [1.1] [No Whitelist!] [PvP] [Factions] [MCMMO] [Ranks] [Events]
    So it looks like we are running a temp map on 1.1 for now. Waiting for bukkit to update.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on Looking for hardcore pvp server
    We're a thirty slot faction server. Fairly new, so you have a chance to make youself known. There are even open positions on the server council for those who are extra special.

    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
  • 0

    posted a message on FactionNations [1.1] [No Whitelist!] [PvP] [Factions] [MCMMO] [Ranks] [Events]
    Quote from XxforensicxX

    IGN: Buttermynipple
    Age: 14
    Why do you want to join?: Cause me and my mate wanna do survival together and record to put on tube
    Did you read the rules?: yes
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: haven't been banned
    Do you like pancakes?: on pancake tuesday, i made 300 pancakes :biggrin.gif: :biggrin.gif:

    Please go back in and reread the rules. Or read them if you lied to me!

    In other news: 30 Slots!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on [Vanilla-ish] Zombie Apocalypse! [Bukkit]
    I don't think this is really a vanilla server with all the plug-ins you included.
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on FactionNations [1.1] [No Whitelist!] [PvP] [Factions] [MCMMO] [Ranks] [Events]
    Quote from wandering_soul

    IGN: CaptainAether
    Why do you want to join?: I'm looking for a fun server to play on that has factions, and yours seems to be a good match!
    Did you read the rules?: I did, right before I tried to kill a powered creeper with a fish. (It sounded so fun at the time....)
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: Nope.
    Do you like pancakes?: I do enjoy my pancakes, thanks for asking.

    Accpeted. Welcome to FactionNations. Unfortuatnly, there is a pay pal error and the server is currently down. All problems should be fixed (including the map reset) by the weekend, so hold on until then! If you want more information, check out our freeforms page!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on FactionNations [1.1] [No Whitelist!] [PvP] [Factions] [MCMMO] [Ranks] [Events]
    Quote from meltedt0aster

    IGN: meltedt0aster
    Age: 15
    Why do you want to join?: looking for a well managed faction pvp server, and I couldn't catch any fish on my old server :/.
    Did you read the rules?: yes.
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: no.
    Do you like pancakes?: Depends if there's syrup or not, and what kind of syrup.

    Ah, yes, I prefer the real maple syrup. Accepted. I've sent you the IP, but unfortunately we are having hosting problems. We also plan to have a map reset this weekend. Despite that, you will be allowed to transfer over an inventory of items (see our freeforums page for more information). You can also get a jump start on training your MCMMO skills! If you don't want to start yet, I'll see you on this weekend!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on looking to build
    You should make a more detailed application. Post some pictures, past experience, and best way to contact you. Also, look around, plenty of people need help with building!
    Posted in: Starting Up / Looking For Server
  • 0

    posted a message on FactionNations [1.1] [No Whitelist!] [PvP] [Factions] [MCMMO] [Ranks] [Events]

    IGN: shaggyXx
    Age: 14
    Why do you want to join?: because im looking for a hardcore server that ROCKS!
    Did you read the rules?:yes!
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: ive been banned for griefing but i was a beginner and didnt know what it was :tongue.gif:
    Do you like pancakes?: no i like Fish

    My Friend
    IGN: Babieroven
    Age: 14
    Why do you want to join?: because i wanna start fresh with a new server
    Did you read the rules?: yes
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: no
    Do you like pancakes?: Nope Fish

    Just be prepared for some... interesting happenings.

    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on FactionNations [1.1] [No Whitelist!] [PvP] [Factions] [MCMMO] [Ranks] [Events]
    Quote from EpicGamer

    IGN: EpicGamer
    Age: 14
    Why do you want to join?: Im looking for a server with a good community and not too much players (and fish). This server seems perfect!
    Did you read the rules?: Yessir Mr. Fishy sir!
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: Yes, but it was actually a joke from my friend (Banned for 1 second) (PS- His name is Sir-fishy) (PSS- Thats a lie)
    Do you like pancakes?: Only Fish pancakes.

    Accepted. This should be a good server for you. Btw, probably one of the most amusing apps so far. Make me :laugh.gif:
    Quote from EpicGamer

    IGN: EpicGamer
    Age: 14
    Why do you want to join?: Im looking for a server with a good community and not too much players (and fish). This server seems perfect!
    Did you read the rules?: Yessir Mr. Fishy sir!
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: Yes, but it was actually a joke from my friend (Banned for 1 second) (PS- His name is Sir-fishy) (PSS- Thats a lie)
    Do you like pancakes?: Only Fish pancakes.

    Accepted. This should be a good server for you. Btw, probably one of the most amusing apps so far. Make me :laugh.gif:
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on FactionNations [1.1] [No Whitelist!] [PvP] [Factions] [MCMMO] [Ranks] [Events]
    Quote from PHANTOM_OF_DARK

    Why do you want to join?: I want to find a permanent faction server
    Did you read the rules?:yes fish are cool
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?:no
    Do you like pancakes?:yes!

    Accepted, welcome to FactionNations
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on FactionNations [1.1] [No Whitelist!] [PvP] [Factions] [MCMMO] [Ranks] [Events]

    Why do you want to join?:to meet some cool people and have fun with friends
    Did you read the rules?:yes
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?:no never
    Do you like pancakes?:love them with bluberries

    Quote from RgKGjall

    Why do you want to join?:love factions have friends in the server
    Did you read the rules?:yes
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: yes leader hated me for killing me in war and takeing his stuff
    Do you like pancakes?:yes but fish are better

    Both of you, Welcome to FactionNations!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
  • 0

    posted a message on FactionNations [1.1] [No Whitelist!] [PvP] [Factions] [MCMMO] [Ranks] [Events]
    Quote from goku1223

    Why do you want to join?:because i like how it looks and i want to meet new people.
    Did you read the rules?: yes
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?: no
    Do you like pancakes?: do u like waffles??

    FISH ARE COOL :tongue.gif:

    Yeah I do like waffles. Welcome to FactionNations!

    Why do you want to join?:to meet some cool people and have fun with friends
    Did you read the rules?:yes
    Have you been banned before? If so, why?:no never
    Do you like pancakes?:love them with bluberries

    Please read the rules and then come talk to me. I like people who read rules!
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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