IGN - Wer_C
Age - 15
Why you want to help test/play on the server- I'm looking for a new server to join. I also see that you are looking for builders, which is something that I can do for you.
Suggestion (Cause we need them..)- Are you talking about the direction the server should take? If that, I suggest a non-pvp server. I have been looking for a good, non pvp server and it seems like all of them are largely pvp.
IGN: raph3000
Age: 15
Why do you want to join: To have fun and be around me buddies Wer and inventor xD
Did you read the rules: Of course
Have you been banned before: Nope!!
Do you like pancakes: WHO DOESNT!!!!!!
Fishy fishy swim swim xD :cool.gif:
IGN: morlock2200
Age: 16
Why do you want to join?: need a faction serve to play on
Did you read the rules?:yes
Have you been banned before? If so, why?: ye, because they belive i cheat both with xray and pvp cheats. its all ******** i do not have any cheat..
Do you like pancakes?: Hell ye! but i dont like fish...=( it makes you smart
Accepted, Welcome to FactionNations! Don't worry about being unfairly banned, we have a very good system for dealing with hackers and a considerate staff who actually read ban appeals.
Quick question in not a member yet but for ranks you need to put certain # of
Comments do you do that here or some where else and what do they have too
Be about
Thank you
Yes, if you are interested in going after a rank, then it is necessary to be active on our forums. The link is in the main topic right at the top, it's really hard to miss!
name: sssplayer12345
age: 15
i want to join because it seems like awesome server where i join people.
yes i read the rules
i have never been banned
do you like pancakes: yes i like pancakes lol best video ever
Please reread the rules and make sure your application is in the correct format, thank you!
1. Why did you get banned? Using color chat.
2. Who banned you? ZombieTurtleMan
4. Do you think you deserved to be unbanned? If so, why? Yes, because I no longer have it. I had to force update.
5. Are you observant? Yes, i'm quick to notice things.
I hope to see you guys later on.. :smile.gif:
It's funny because... you didn't notice it (hint: look at the numbers). But really, Zombie never checks this so please post a ban appeal on the forums Matt
Why do you want to join?:Because i like the look of this server well this one stood out to me the most + i love servers where you can be in factions.
Did you read the rules?:Yep! =)
Have you been banned before? If so, why?:I have not been banned
Do you like pancakes?:Yea
Please reread the rules, or read them if you haven't. (Although from your application one would assume you read them...)
Age: 15
IGN: Aargh349
How long have you played Minecraft?: since Beta 1.6.6
Any past Staff experience?: yes, i've been op on three servers and know a lot of commands
How would you make the server better?: By helping people who don't know what to do and also ill be on alot of the time as i don't have any other servers at the moment. (plus i'm gonna build an epic faction )
Are you willing to advertise the server?: yes, also as I said in my member post Ill be making a youtube factions lets play on the server so that'll help advertise it.
What makes you a good staff member?: I'm welcoming and helpful
I haven't seen you on! Better get playing if you ever want to be a staff member on this awesome server!
IGN: Toto9000
Age: 16
Why do you want to join?: I need a server to play on.
Did you read the rules?: yes.
Have you been banned before? If so, why?: 1 time on my friends server, he had got made at me.
Do you like pancakes?: why yes yes I do, and I like fish.
Age - 15
Why you want to help test/play on the server- I'm looking for a new server to join. I also see that you are looking for builders, which is something that I can do for you.
Suggestion (Cause we need them..)- Are you talking about the direction the server should take? If that, I suggest a non-pvp server. I have been looking for a good, non pvp server and it seems like all of them are largely pvp.
Accepted, Welcome to FactionNations!
Accepted, Welcome to FactionNations! Don't worry about being unfairly banned, we have a very good system for dealing with hackers and a considerate staff who actually read ban appeals.
Yes, if you are interested in going after a rank, then it is necessary to be active on our forums. The link is in the main topic right at the top, it's really hard to miss!
Please reread the rules and make sure your application is in the correct format, thank you!
It's funny because... you didn't notice it (hint: look at the numbers). But really, Zombie never checks this so please post a ban appeal on the forums Matt
Please reread the rules, or read them if you haven't. (Although from your application one would assume you read them...)
I haven't seen you on! Better get playing if you ever want to be a staff member on this awesome server!
Miss you too matt. We could have used you yesterday. I planned and conducted a large raid. The video will be on YouTube sometime soon.
Accepted, Welcome to FactionNations!
1. Did you only install modloader?
2. Are you sure you have the correct versions?