Slightly off-topic, but to those who fear laptop death, invest in a cooling pad. Not just something to rest the laptop on, but one with real fans that you plug into the USB port. I can play Minecraft hours on end when I use the cooling pad with no problems as compared to the half-hour I get otherwise.
Force update, error report looks like something in the lwjgl.jar is wrong
When you open Minecraft at the login screen, hit options then click force update. After that hit login like you normally would.
That would be a healing effect herbalism has if MCMMO is installed on the server. Bread and stew can be used to directly heal the player.
This is better fitted in modding discussion, but I'll still try and help.
Could you provide a list of the mods you are using? Depending on the abilities of the coder, the mods may or may not contribute more to lag. Try using optifine and change the settings so that it forces the game to maintain a constant framerate.
I'm not sure, but I think this is what you are talking about:
You can run mods like Rei's Minimap even if the server does not have it installed. This is because Rei's Minimap is designed to run on the client only. But if you had IndustrialCraft 2 installed, you could not craft, place, and use any of the items in the mod unless the server was running the same as your client.
In the plains situation, jumping to land critical hits is the best thing to do. Sprinting to knock them back works helps gain an upper hand as well.
In terms of demolishing players, I think potions are the best way to go. Surprise them with a splash poison II potion, followed by a few splash damage II potions, and then they're pretty much gone and you can finish them with your sword. Potions are also great for boosting your damage (strength potion) or if you need a quick getaway (swiftness potion).
I've got a bug with campfires. When I place one down, my game lags really hard, dropping my framerate down to 10-15 fps. On top of that, when the campfire is just about to burn out, I get the saving chunks screen and then my game closes.
Mods Installed:
-Latest modloader, modloader mp, and RB of forge
-Smart Moving
-Xie's default content and CTcore
The game crashes before I can get the error report
Whoops my bad. I thought on laptops it wasn't really possible to get a better graphics card because of the confined space, which is why the manufacturer used an integrated one?
Well I'm not really a computer expert, but if you head over to the Computers and Technology Forum, they might be able to help you if you give them your specs.
I was more referring to mods that make the game run smoother with graphics, not alter gameplay lol. I know two were mentioned at the beginning of this thread, I just don't know how to install them or how to go about the whole thing.
Well I actually wasn't replying directly do you, but I can give you a few tips:
-If you can, get a better graphics card, for obvious reasons
-Optifine, which I think you know about
Well, there are a ton of mods out there, so what kind are you looking to get into?
I love to play with industry-type mods, so these are the ones I recommend:
1. IndustrialCraft 2
-Great industry mod (who knew?), lots of amazing high-tech type things. Solar power, quantum suits, mining drills!
2. Buildcraft
-Tired of doing things manually? Why not use pipes, quarries, and auto crafting tables to do your work?
3. RedPower
-Redstone your thing? This mod is for you. It simplifies the gates and wiring, making it easier to make devices compacted and advanced.
4. RailCraft
-I recently started to use this, and I love it! Minecarts are amazing in vanilla, and this mod takes it to the next level. Speed rails, loaders/unloaders, and even rails that go up walls!
5. Xies Farming Mod
-Bored of wheat, melons, and pumpkins? This mod at LOADS of new food items, along with great ways to use them. Fruit trees, corn, and of course sandwiches!
6. Equivalent Exchange
-Alchemy. Changing diamonds into things that are better and more powerful than anything you have seen before. A great add-on to any mod collection.
7. MineChem
-Mystical alchemy not your thing? Do it for real! Split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Use them to make more compounds!
8. FiniteLiquids
-I don't recommend this for any computer that runs vanilla Minecraft slowly. Liquids are no longer infinite, they will get used up! Even water! Adds some realism to Minecraft (because that's what Minecraft is all about right?)
Hope this list helped. There are tons more good mods out there that I didn't include on this list, but these are my favorites.
Side question: How are you going to run these mods if your computer can't handle regular Minecraft that well?
In Game Name: Wer_C Age: 15 Did you read the Rules?: Yes I did &4 Why would you like to join us?: I have been spending a lot of time on purely PvP servers. I want more of a reason for this, as well as other things to do besides killing others. So I turned to role play, and this is the server I found.
When you open Minecraft at the login screen, hit options then click force update. After that hit login like you normally would.
Could you provide a list of the mods you are using? Depending on the abilities of the coder, the mods may or may not contribute more to lag. Try using optifine and change the settings so that it forces the game to maintain a constant framerate.
You can run mods like Rei's Minimap even if the server does not have it installed. This is because Rei's Minimap is designed to run on the client only. But if you had IndustrialCraft 2 installed, you could not craft, place, and use any of the items in the mod unless the server was running the same as your client.
In terms of demolishing players, I think potions are the best way to go. Surprise them with a splash poison II potion, followed by a few splash damage II potions, and then they're pretty much gone and you can finish them with your sword. Potions are also great for boosting your damage (strength potion) or if you need a quick getaway (swiftness potion).
Mods Installed:
-Latest modloader, modloader mp, and RB of forge
-Smart Moving
-Xie's default content and CTcore
The game crashes before I can get the error report
Well I'm not really a computer expert, but if you head over to the Computers and Technology Forum, they might be able to help you if you give them your specs.
Well I actually wasn't replying directly do you, but I can give you a few tips:
-If you can, get a better graphics card, for obvious reasons
-Optifine, which I think you know about
I love to play with industry-type mods, so these are the ones I recommend:
1. IndustrialCraft 2
-Great industry mod (who knew?), lots of amazing high-tech type things. Solar power, quantum suits, mining drills!
2. Buildcraft
-Tired of doing things manually? Why not use pipes, quarries, and auto crafting tables to do your work?
3. RedPower
-Redstone your thing? This mod is for you. It simplifies the gates and wiring, making it easier to make devices compacted and advanced.
4. RailCraft
-I recently started to use this, and I love it! Minecarts are amazing in vanilla, and this mod takes it to the next level. Speed rails, loaders/unloaders, and even rails that go up walls!
5. Xies Farming Mod
-Bored of wheat, melons, and pumpkins? This mod at LOADS of new food items, along with great ways to use them. Fruit trees, corn, and of course sandwiches!
6. Equivalent Exchange
-Alchemy. Changing diamonds into things that are better and more powerful than anything you have seen before. A great add-on to any mod collection.
7. MineChem
-Mystical alchemy not your thing? Do it for real! Split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Use them to make more compounds!
8. FiniteLiquids
-I don't recommend this for any computer that runs vanilla Minecraft slowly. Liquids are no longer infinite, they will get used up! Even water! Adds some realism to Minecraft (because that's what Minecraft is all about right?)
Hope this list helped. There are tons more good mods out there that I didn't include on this list, but these are my favorites.
Side question: How are you going to run these mods if your computer can't handle regular Minecraft that well?
Age: 15
Did you read the Rules?: Yes I did &4
Why would you like to join us?: I have been spending a lot of time on purely PvP servers. I want more of a reason for this, as well as other things to do besides killing others. So I turned to role play, and this is the server I found.