Description of your personality and play-style: I'm a pretty chill person, not good with redstone, but pretty alright at building and creativity. I like to gather ressources and build a mansion for exemple, kinda like my own "road to richness"
Anything else you wish to share: not really, just hope to get whitelisted and start enjoying this game once again didnt play minecraft in about a year, and i just want to get back to a
nice small server a great community to enjoy the more ... mature side of
this game
Your in-game name: MrWelsz
Your age:18
Location/Gender (optional): France / Male
Banana or Potato?: Hmm..BANANA FOR SCALE
Anything else you'd like to share: Hello, if you like 9gag i like you.
How often do you hop on the computer?:Pretty much everyday when I come from classes and stuff.
Well this wasn't a long post, so no potato for you
* Minecraft IGN: MrWelsz
* Age: 18
* Experience and Play STYLE: Well i have been playing Minecraft since 2011. I really don't have a play style, I just build whatever it comes to my mind at the moment, and mainly just want to have fun
* Tell us something about yourself: Well my real name is Ihab, I'm an 18 years old college student 'freshman'. I live in France. I like music, specialy old school Rock (AC/DC, Led zep, Queen, Hendrix, etc...) and I also play the guitar.
Hey guys this is my newest funny minecraft video, it will be a serie. So stay tuned to see what will notch do?
Feel free to subscribe and Like the video if you did enjoy it , and please give me your honest feedback !
I have a problem with the thumbnail , It doesnt want to upload
Hey guys so I'm MrWelsz, the cool cactus. And I make minecraft machinimas. I'll later start some series, but I'll wait until I have a good fanbase and equipement.
So enjoy this video and please give me your honest feedback !
Hi this is my new video called the coolcactus show.It's like a stand up comedy show where ,in this episode, I talk about my youtube channel and what will be in it
Hi guys, being a cactus in minecraft is quite hard. Players destroy you just for fun, they use you to dye their stuff, and sometimes they just use you as traps. I'm a pacifist for god sake . But the Players aren't just the only source of trouble for us, cactuses, tune in to see more
So it's my first video, I made it with two computers (one for acting and the other for filming, yeah I used both hands: Multitasking) because I don't have any actors. And I filmed it on my vanilla server with no payed account :/ (I can't afford one) .I did spend a lot of time editing, but I really enjoyed it and i'll continue no matter what.
Please feel free to give me your feed back , just make it constructive. And leave any suggestions for further videos. Thanks for your attention
In-Game Name: MrWelsz
Age: 20
Description of your personality and play-style: I'm a pretty chill person, not good with redstone, but pretty alright at building and creativity. I like to gather ressources and build a mansion for exemple, kinda like my own "road to richness"
Anything else you wish to share: not really, just hope to get whitelisted and start enjoying this game once again didnt play minecraft in about a year, and i just want to get back to a
nice small server a great community to enjoy the more ... mature side of
this game
MrWelsz 20 years ol i'd like to join
Your age:18
Location/Gender (optional): France / Male
Banana or Potato?: Hmm..BANANA FOR SCALE
Anything else you'd like to share: Hello, if you like 9gag i like you.
How often do you hop on the computer?:Pretty much everyday when I come from classes and stuff.
Well this wasn't a long post, so no potato for you
Ok no problem
Feel free to subscribe and Like the video if you did enjoy it , and please give me your honest feedback !
I have a problem with the thumbnail , It doesnt want to upload
Description: I want you to do the render from the front and make him look happy
It works just fine on MC
So here is my skin:
But when I put it in C4D i get this :
Help please
So check out this video, and if you liked it don't forget to subscribe and go check you my other videos
Enjoy !
I want you to focus on the face and make him surprised. Thanks
So enjoy this video and please give me your honest feedback !
It's a funny video so don't take it too seriously ^^
And don't forget to Subscribe if you liked it and please give me your feedbacks
so enjoy
Hi guys, being a cactus in minecraft is quite hard. Players destroy you just for fun, they use you to dye their stuff, and sometimes they just use you as traps. I'm a pacifist for god sake
So it's my first video, I made it with two computers (one for acting and the other for filming, yeah I used both hands: Multitasking) because I don't have any actors. And I filmed it on my vanilla server with no payed account :/ (I can't afford one) .I did spend a lot of time editing, but I really enjoyed it and i'll continue no matter what.
Please feel free to give me your feed back , just make it constructive. And leave any suggestions for further videos. Thanks for your attention