Alright guys. The time is almost near for the first release of Shurtugal! I've updated the mod and nearly finished coded up the armor (again). The plan is to have it up by tomorrow afternoon at which we should have something presentable to show we are progressing. There will be no dragons in this update. For many of the items (scales and Brightsteel) you'll have to swap over to creative because we don't have the tree that the ores spawn under yet and scales we don't have any dragons for you to kill.
But yes. Tomorrow is the planned release day if there are no stupid export problems like there were last time that mugged up the release.
I just had an idea. Since in the books Saphira can hunt for herself, the dragons could hunt. Instead of animals evaporating when they die, it could have the animal just lay on it's side. You could have an option for dragons to hunt when they're low on health, and an option for them to eat their kills. If you break down the dead animal, it will just give you the meat and other drops. Since I don't know the limitations of modding, I don't expect it to be added.
I posted a similar idea back on the old thread, and I still want it, too! Your idea is a bit more refined, though. Hopefully this will be added. It'll give a bit more emersion to the mod, when released.
I don't see how they 'suck'. They have lives, and can't spend all there time working on the mod. To pass the time, I enjoy messing around with Dragon Mounts, which is similar, in a way. However, I DO think that they should at least comment on the forums, and let us know what is going on every week or two. It doesn't have to be everyday, but every know and then will reassure a lot of people.
Hi, I am interested in the revival of this mod and used it extensively in minecraft As you can probably tell I love the Inheritance cycle. I have absolutely no experience in coding or programming, but I have extensive knowledge about the Inheritance cycle and dragons in general. I am also a decent artist. If you have any need of concept art, law keeper or a tester then just let me know!
Thank you.
This is a more serious message. We are trying our hardest to get this mod out to you guys ASAP. Unfortunately sometimes life catches up with you and impedes progress. At this moment in time, that is what is occurring. Both LordUnitato and Myself are EXTREMELY busy with school work and have little to no time to work on the mod as of this moment. In about two to three weeks this burden should clear up. Patience is necessary for the sanity of the team at this moment. I have asked of this before and I do again; please just be patient. We appreciate all the ideas coming in. It is always good to see those. The one problem with that is that people are demanding features without actually asking. We appreciate the suggestion of ideas but being told what to implement tends to irritate some of the team. Regardless of this however, thank you all who have been Patient so far. A progress update will be coming out within the next couple weeks and we will go from there. Thanks All.
No problem here! School can get in the way sometimes. I understand. Hope everything clears up in the end. Looking forward to a release! Good luck!
Well, since you asked nicely, I can say that IAmShortman is returning with me on this one, he's working on back-end stuff at the moment, and the lore is done. So that's a thing.
Ah, sweet! Feel like dropping a hint as to what the mod is based on, or exactly what it is related to? I'm now quite curious as to where this goes.
It definitely wouldn't be Inheritance, but it would be Medieval/Sci-Fi Fantasy! This is going to be good.
Looking forward to both parts, Medieval and Sci-Fi Fantasy! I've always loved science-related mods, especially space-related. Let me know when you get somewhere!
I too hope for such a mod, even if I'm not that big into the modding community anymore. I am tempted to make my own, huge mod however, just for the sake of doing it. Very.... RPGish, very large, very wow. Would anyone here be interested if I worked on that?
I'm interested in seeing what you come up with; be it 'Inheritance' related or not. In fact, I'd like to see you work on a mod that isn't involved with Eragon. If you do this, let us know! I'll be sure to follow it.
Looks amazing! I'll give it a go if I can even get in. It's full right now. Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Your IGN: BattleDog249
Where did you hear about the server: The front page!
Do you understand and accept the rules: Yes, I read it and understand.
What's our policy on raging: Don't rage! It's a challenging server, but you can do it! If you get defeated, it's a temporary setback- don't give up! Build your base and ship better and get revenge!
dat was not an ancient language sentence words correct it has no meaning like i name my rider swords in the mod abr Aiedail meaning of it being of the morning star cuz brightsteel is "star metal" sorry for the run on sentence
Yeah, I've heard too. I can't wait to hop onto a dragon and start lagging and fall off and die, which will probably happen on my very slow computer.
I also used to have a cruddy computer, but I recently got a new one, and it runs Minecraft beautifully, including on the back of a dragon! Do you have a desktop or laptop?
I'm the same way, which is why I am so excited about this mod. Is that Saphira's eye for your picture?
Yes, it is. I saw the picture in the beginning of the first book, so I thought it would be cool to have that picture as my icon. Also, I see you also got an egg. I just can't wait for a working release of one of the revivals to come out. However, I think Forge and MCP have to update first, from what I know.
I don't see how they 'suck'. They have lives, and can't spend all there time working on the mod. To pass the time, I enjoy messing around with Dragon Mounts, which is similar, in a way. However, I DO think that they should at least comment on the forums, and let us know what is going on every week or two. It doesn't have to be everyday, but every know and then will reassure a lot of people.
Where did you hear about the server: The front page of the MF!
Do you understand and accept the rules: Yes, I do!
What's our policy on raging: Don't rage! If you are griefed, get revenge!
Your IGN: BattleDog249
Where did you hear about the server: The front page!
Do you understand and accept the rules: Yes, I read it and understand.
What's our policy on raging: Don't rage! It's a challenging server, but you can do it! If you get defeated, it's a temporary setback- don't give up! Build your base and ship better and get revenge!