I finally finished this arena that I've been working on for the past month as part of the RPG Map I've been working on for almost a year
It has 3 separate tiers that each have their own amount of waves, and are easily resettable!
I made a video tutorial for a working XP Shop without using mods that works on all console versions of minecraft. If you need help building it, add me on xbox and I can make one for you, or ask in the comment section in the video. I'm not very active on this site.
After 8 months, my RPG Map is almost done!
If you want to see the map for yourself or help out, comment or message me on xbox at WalrusPrince16.
Here's links to tutorials for everything you saw in the video:
Shop Design:
Door with Key:
Arena (didn't have time to go over):
After 8 months, my RPG Map is almost done!
If you want to see the map for yourself or help out, comment or message me on xbox at WalrusPrince16.
Here's links to tutorials for everything you saw in the video:
Shop Design:
Door with Key:
Arena (didn't have time to go over):
I finally finished this arena that I've been working on for the past month as part of the RPG Map I've been working on for almost a year
It has 3 separate tiers that each have their own amount of waves, and are easily resettable!
Link to the Video
Let me know in the comments, or on xbox @ WalrusPrince16 if you have any questions
I finally finished this arena that I've been working on for the past month as part of the RPG Map I've been working on for almost a year
It has 3 separate tiers that each have their own amount of waves, and are easily resettable!
Link to the Video
Let me know in the comments, or on xbox @ WalrusPrince16 if you have any questions
I made this tutorial awhile ago, but didn't post it in the 360 section
This is the fastest, smallest, quietest and easiest to build item shop on console to my knowledge, and has zero problems.
There are two designs for my shop, the first being for prices between 1-18 items
The second link will show you how to set prices above 18, and up to 64 (technically, you can set a prices into the 100s)
If you have any questions, ask me on the comments of the video
I'm on Xbox One; WalrusPrince16
I made a boss battle, involves a lot of redstone.
If you have questions, ask me in the comments of the video, or on Xbox GT= WalrusPrince16
Heres a tutorial video on how to build my latest shop design. its the smallest and fastest one I've seen on console versions.
if anyones built a better one, post it in the comments on my video, thanks!
I can answer any questions in the comments of the video, I'm not active on here.
I made two tutorial videos on new redstone shop designs that I made.
This one allows you to sell items for a 64 stack of items.
This one shows you to make a shop that can't be overflowed with items.
if you have a question, message me on xbox, gt WalrusPrince16
or use the comments section in the videos.
Im hardly ever on this site, so those are more effective than commenting on the post.
Hi, I just thought of an idea for how to implement custom villager trades on console editions.
Custom Trades would only be available to create in Creative mode, but could be used in survival, or adv mode.
They would work like this:
1. Spawn a villager.
2. Enter its trading screen.
3. Drag items from your inventory over to the Required to Trade slot, and to the top bar where the villager offers trades.
Example, if you wanted to make a villager sell an iron sword for 20 wood, you'd drag the 20 wood to the required for trade slot,
and put the iron sword in the top slot bar.
This would be useful for
1. Adventure maps
2. Obtaining multiple enchanted items easily
3. Shops
Hopefully I'm not copying someones idea.
I think this would be an awesome addition in the next big update, and is reasonable because the trading ui already has your inventory on it.
Comment if you want me to reword anything to explain it easier. I'm not very active on here, so it might take me a few days to reply.
In no particular order.
1. Mob Spawners.
2. Transparent Unbreakable Blocks.
3. Option to make all mobs able to pick up and equip items.
4. Custom Villager Trades.
5. Host Option to Disable Ender Pearl Teleporting.
6. All Enchanted Books in Creative Inventory.
7. Unbreakable Item Frames. (Separate item from normal item frame, Creative only)
8. Host Option to Disable Crafting.
9. Spectator Mode.
10. Option to Disable Passive Mob Spawning. (animals)
If you like these features (or don't) and think that they could (or couldn't) be implemented in the next big update, please respond to the poll.
I posted while ago that i was making an RPG map. Since then, Ive added several features that make it a lot better.
The map is designed for 1-4 players.
Features so far:
-Working shops, currency
-XP shop (made with no mods)
-Two arenas (PVE, PVP is disabled)
-Caves (4 planned, 1 done, 2 in progress, I want 8 in all, caves are resetable)
-Buyable homes
-Simple quests (things like find 5 bones for 100$)
-Upgradable farms
-Slot machines
-Rank system
If you want to see or help me with the map, add me on Xbox
GT=WalrusPrince16 (im not active on these forums)
I mostly need help with making the map look better and help designing the caves.
Heres a video that shows you the map
And heres how to build the XP shop without modding
These videos aren't very well done, Ill be uploading better versions in a month or two.
Made for 4 players.
Goal is to get 25 crystals, here's a video on it :3=
gt= WalrusPrince16
i made a cookie clicker type map :3=
Im not active on here, message me on xbox or comment in the video :3=
I made a video about some changes to adventure mode that have went pretty much unnoticed.
Some of these changes are pretty good. Didn't see anything about any of this stuff in the change log,
I made a video tutorial for a working XP Shop without using mods that works on all console versions of minecraft. If you need help building it, add me on xbox and I can make one for you, or ask in the comment section in the video. I'm not very active on this site.
gamertag is WalrusPrince16