- Walker5678
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Member for 13 years, 11 months, and 17 days
Last active Sat, Dec, 14 2013 18:09:13
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Machiavel posted a message on Post something to cheer me up :/This is the happiest thing I've seen in a while:Posted in: General Off Topic
Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and ScienceQuote from FireroseNekowolf
No. It's that he's speaking at Liberty University, which is a terribly anti-pagan institution. After all, apparently, we enabled 9/11.
I heard pagans are also responsible for pickles. Terrible people, those pagans. -
odiedodi posted a message on Obesity=Ugly?Posted in: General Off TopicQuote from Pork Master
ohai, I'll just leave this here.
from that article;
That article doesn't change my statement. You can have a natural tendency to put on weight. You won't put on weight if you don't take in 3000 calories of shitty food a day and sit at the computer writing furry fan fiction and arguing that you're naturally fat on the internet all day. -
pwntpants posted a message on [Poll] Voting for US President, (Underage welcome :D)Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and ScienceQuote from Walker5678
I don't know much about current politics, so I read all nine pages of this thread and I pretty much know for sure that Santorum is a idiot.
And I already know that Obama has been doing pretty good by improving the economy and getting some troops out of the middle-east.
So yeah my vote has always been for Obama =o
But I'm a bit confused on what Paul, Romney and Gingrich want. So can someone summarize each of them in a sentence or two for me?
Anti-War, Isolationist ideals towards the middle east. Pro Legalization and Decriminalization of all drugs and prostitution. Pro-life. I'm not much of an economist, but I think he wants to go back to the gold standard. He's probably the best Republican candidate. (Though Obama still wins for me, because I don't like some of his civil views.)
Can't make up his mind on anything, pretty much. I haven't fully looked into anyone besides Paul, Santorum, and Obama really, but I'm pretty sure he's pro-war and all that other conservative mumbo-jumbo.
Not really worth learning anything about. He'll be out soon enough. He's falling apart.
And, Santorum dropped out of the race. Probably the smartest thing that man has ever done in his entire life. -
Petra_Soft posted a message on [Poll] Voting for US President, (Underage welcome :D)Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and ScienceQuote from Michael7123
And a note about the abortion issue.
Let's say the fetus is a parasite. So what? It still has human DNA, and by calling it a parisite, you admit that it is alive. Henceforth, if it has human DNA, and is alive, it is a living human.
So even if it is a parisite, it is still human. Human beings have rights. Rights like not being killed.
I completely agree. But let me ask you this. Why should the mother be forced into slavery over a bad choice. Men suffer no risk from sex. If they have sex, they are not forced to do anything for the next 9 months. But a woman is forced to do something with her body that she is against. It does not seem right to enslave one person, because of a bad choice.
But lets move past that. At ever point in your life, you made a choice to be with your family. You decided to stay. At any point you could have just packed up and left. Why can't a woman have that same right. If you are so caring about a bunch of tissue, why just show up and take that living material home with you? Why not adopt that living material? I know you are going to say, you can't, because it requires the mother body in order to survive. If we are back to requiring a woman to do something against her will, we are now talking slavery or a crime. You are saying that it is a crime for a woman to get pregnant, and the punishment for that crime is to carry the child to term. Or you are saying that the woman has zero rights, and is just there to be a slave to your ideals.
Regardless, you are still punishing the woman for a crime. You are also punishing that unborn child to be born to a woman that does not care for him.
Now if you truly believe in the bible, you can't honestly be against abortion. You also understand the repetitive lessons in the bible that tell you, you can't control your neighbor, sinner or not. You should help your neighbor, love your neighbor, but you should not control your neighbor.
The book of Job teaches us that god has a plan for each of us. And we are here to full fill that plan. If a woman gets an abortion, that is gods plan. Because it should show you how to correctly live your life.
For anyone that can not see what the bible has to say on this subject. I will direct you to John 8 1:1.
John 8
but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery.
They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery.
In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.
When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground. At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
You are condemning someone. I ask you to change your thinking on that. It is better to ask them to seek the help of god, then condemn them for a sin. -
thebigbadwolf17 posted a message on Something weird you do?What is there that you do that's really weird?Posted in: General Off Topic
When i'm alone i'll take the collar off my dog and put it on, And i'll also make faint barking and howling noises.
What about you? -
GunY0uD0wn posted a message on Grammar.I would just like to begin this small rant with: Seriously?Posted in: General Off Topic
Some people, regardless of whether or not English is their first language, cannot properly utilize grammar in their everyday lives.
Saying you're only 11 or you are too lazy or it's stupid is not a good excuse. It's VERY easy to follow simple grammar rules.
For instance, certain people cannot properly use the apostrophe. Yes, it is confusing, but not hard to understand if you pay attention. The apostrophe is used to represent conjunction words or possession but this rule varies in different cases.
For example, "can't." "Can't" is a conjunction between "can" and "not".
In another case, "John's". This is used to show possession of something that belongs to John. An example, "That is John's cat."
That's really not hard to follow. Now, people often use the apostrophe to show plural nouns. "Cat's" is showing possession of something that the cat has. "Cats" is plural for cats. "There are many cats".
I cannot even begin to tell you how much it pisses me off when people overuse commas. Commas are commonly used to separate ideas, subjects or actions. An example could be "The cat sniffed the toy, hit it, and then ran away." I separated 3 ideas using a comma. It's not that hard to learn when to use a comma and when not to use it.
Do not even get me started on spelling mistakes. It's not hard to properly spell words when you have a full QWERTY keyboard in front of you and have all the time in the Goddamn world. There's no necessity to use "r" in the place of "are" or use "u" in the place of "you".
Please, refrain from making an ass of yourself and do research on common grammar and spelling rules. If not that, go back in time and pay attention in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. -
Wasabi_of_IP posted a message on What "Grinds Your Gears"?Overzealous bronies. People who feel the need to shove their opinions down your throat every second of the day (atheists and religious people). People who can't even just listen to someone else.Posted in: General Off Topic -
Squidling posted a message on Signature WatchingPosted in: General Off TopicQuote from Telbet
My favorite sig had about 50 spoilers, then an actual spoiler from Harry Potter at the very end.
That person is a complete monster. - To post a comment, please login.
And nuh uh, Celtics are going to win the finals ^.^ (I'm from Boston).
Hmm that just gave me a idea, maybe people should be tried for having an affair. I'm talking like 10 years in prison because it really does ruin the lives of your family.
@Rukario And yeah the same thing basically happened to my family too and my family had to suffer because of my idiot father.
Now if we were back in the past like around medieval times then dating at any age is fine to me. Why? Idk I guess when I think of kids dating in today's world, it makes me sick and disgusted rofl