IGN: Walker5678 Age: 16 Region/Timezone(ex: US/east): East A sentence about why you want to play: I used to minecraft on a really nice server with a couple of friends a few years ago. It was purely survival and it was awesome. It slowly died out, so im looking for a new server now since I haven't played Minecraft in over a year.
I loved school I remember reading like over 100 books in 5th grade and 5th grade was the year that I actually learned what school is >.> My 5th grade teacher taught me everything and subtraction too! From then on, I loved school, learning and hanging out with my friends. When I got to high school, I loved my freshmen year, and sophmore year was great too despite some small things that I didn't like. Now I'm about to start my junior year.
However, even though I loved school. I still think the whole school system needs to be changed because its completely messed up. -.- I ranted about it in a different thread a long time ago xD
I'm going to follow the performace chart that is in one of the threads on Toms hardware. The 660 ti is like 36% faster than the 560 ti and its also 29% faster than 7850. So I would definitely go with the 660 ti. If the gtx 660 is 75% of the ti version than I would assume that the price would be around 200 since the 7850 is at like 230. http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/366387-33-tomshardware
Theres probably a bunch of other unnecessary programs on your computer that you could delete instead of those games. I would only delete a game if I hate it or if I know I'm not going to play it ever again.
It's Artur, but theres a million ways to say it. I'm Polish so the real way to say Artur in Polish is something like "ar-t-oor". The English way is "Ar-t-er". There's also "Ar-t-or" or Arthur etc =p
Age: 16
Region/Timezone(ex: US/east): East
A sentence about why you want to play: I used to minecraft on a really nice server with a couple of friends a few years ago. It was purely survival and it was awesome. It slowly died out, so im looking for a new server now since I haven't played Minecraft in over a year.
However, even though I loved school. I still think the whole school system needs to be changed because its completely messed up. -.- I ranted about it in a different thread a long time ago xD
I forgot who the hell said that, but they were serious about it >.>
No but seriously, 5-6:00 Am. However, I'm trying to go for 11 pm-12 now since waking up early feels better.
No seriously, Notch and Ez probably got into a fight about who would get the last cinammon bun. Stuff got ugly and I guess Ez got the cinammon bun.