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    posted a message on What have you done to my beautiful swamp?
    I really like the new swamp. It could be more gritty, imho.

    But, I'm sure if a rainforest comes by there'll be all bright and happy, chipper, swamps agian.

    Though, I'm not sure why anyone would want a happy swamp. When i think of swamps, I always think of disgusting mucky, backed up water, foggy places.
    Posted in: 1.0 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on Endermen moving blocks : stupid idea
    Too bad you can defend against Creepers, and not Endermen. Atleast not without making things look terrible.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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    posted a message on How 1.8 has affect my views of Mojang
    Quote from Kaldurenik

    For example?

    Honestly? Its math most likely not as much time as you think it take the main thing would be bugs but with only 1 person working on it... yeah so like i said i dont blame Jeb i blame the others and mostly notch.

    Good for you. And there are a few more things not in the game, volcano, mushroom bio, npc villager's with ai that cna trade and do other things, bosses and better made dungeons with i guess something special that drop from said bosses (else its pointless) + i guess unique boss textures (or i will laugh). So yeah the list is long.

    I play beta to give feedback not to ass lick the devs.

    @Matuzz - The dungeons are "better" as they said they were going to be. Said they were getting a size tweak.

    Volcano was never supposed to be for 1.8, Notch just said it's for an eventual future, like dragons. Not an exact quote, mind you.
    Also, where the heck did you find any information on a "mushroom biome"?

    About NPC's, the only thing said about that was they were being added. Maybe that you can interact with them, etc.
    Posted in: 1.8 Update Discussion
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