I have been on these forums for around 10 years, first as a simple user and then very early on as a contributor with my one and only Glimmar's Steampunk resource pack.
I just want to say the very biggest and warmest thanks to all of you who have come along and shared in the experience over the years. I have conversed with so many of you in what is a unique an excellent environment for the exchange of ideas, support and encouragement. There will be nothing similar to these forums and Minecraft will never be the same without this place.
I am too old and too busy with RL at the moment to start over anywhere else, but if Curse/Forge/Twitch isn't effected by the Minecraft Forums closure then I will still hopefully be updating from time to time over there. Links below to my latest GS updates direct you to my CurseForge page, so that will hopefully continue.
My legal copyright licence, which also comes with the pack, will always be in force, so if I'm not updating as often as we'd both like, it is not a signal for anyone to take over and redistribute my artwork on any other website. This resource pack and the work therein is NOT being abandoned by it's creator, Glimmar.
Minecraft Forums was always my 'go to' place to meet with you all and to reliably find out info on Minecraft, to share ideas and be inspired. Nothing else compares...period.
Please keep an eye on my CurseForge page for updates:
My sincere thanks to Citric Squid for making all this happen in the first place and for help over the years and especially to you all for keeping this place so civilised and welcoming. I will miss not being able to post pics and videos and then getting your wonderful input by way of encouragement and ideas. Seriously, I have been very fortunate indeed to have such great support from all who have passed through.
At least I can say I was there at the beginning...and stayed standing through to the end!
End of an era.

.....Glimmar's 'Cinema Fantastique' Link
.....Glimmar's 'Gallery Eccentrique' Link
.....9 years and counting
I'm now in my 9th year of work on this pack. As added encouragement to continue even longer, I'd appreciate a click on my little green 'reputation' button (right at the bottom of this post - bottom left). Much appreciated if you do!
CURSE/FORGE Texture Pack Section: link
.....Awesome Patrons!
If you would like to continue to support my texture pack more actively outside this thread, please consider using my banner in your signature (space at the bottom of your posts) ...thanks again!
***Glimmar's Steampunk v.16 onwards contains a huge amount of new material. Commencing 2nd February 2015 all Glimmar's work, including the latest download, is subject to new conditions - for anything other than personal use, you must agree to these conditions before download and use***
Please remember that by downloading/using any of the Glimmar's Steampunk resource packs and artwork you agree to the following terms and conditions:
All content is protected as well as licenced under international copyright law.
By default it may only be distributed by the author on minecraftforums.net, or other sites The Owner personally posts it on.
In the event of Glimmar's extended absence from the Minecraft Forums, Glimmar's Steampunk remains copyright and the property of the Owner (Glimmar) according to the conditions laid out below. Any public distribution of the textures supplied within the 'Glimmar's Steampunk' resource pack and other downloadable Glimmar art assets, without Glimmar's written permission, is strictly forbidden.
The Minecraft EULA does NOT supersede the Owner's copyright, this licence or conditions herein.
You may:
Take screenshots and post them here in my thread, anywhere on the Minecraft Forums* or any other third party websites*.
Create videos and post them here on the Minecraft Forums* or any other third party websites*. Please let Glimmar know so he has the chance to add them to his user media gallery in the OP.
Link to Glimmar's Steampunk resource pack thread on the Minecraft Forums, so other Minecraft users can enjoy Glimmar's Steampunk.
*please attach appropriate credit and a link.
You may NOT:
Re-create any of the Glimmar's Steampunk packs.
Edit/use/modify the textures or any art assets, other than for personal use.
Upload any Glimmar's Steampunk resource pack files, textures or art assets to any third party servers, eg. Planetminecraft.com, etc.
Use the Owner's pack for public display purposes as a base for creating your own pack.
Claim as your own project / re-distribute in ANY way.
Use ANY part of Glimmar's Steampunk for profit using such things as Adfly links, etc.
Direct link to my downloads, or re-host my files or art assets. The Author considers this to be piracy, as it bypasses my offical thread and creates problems for both the Owner and the user when things don't work as expected. Instead please link to my official Minecraft Forum resource pack thread here.
Any contravention of the above conditions will be reported and where necessary the Owner may claim damages and/or take other appropriate action to rectify the situation.
Multiplayer Server/Map/Adventure Use
GSv.16 onwards contains a huge amount of new material, consequently the whole pack is subject to new conditions as laid out below - commencing 2nd February 2015 the following conditions must be adhered to:-
Distributing a seperate downloadable unmodified or modified version of Glimmar's Steampunk resource pack or any part thereof (eg. within 'mix' packs), for adventure maps or multiplayer server use, will be deemed as contravening my new licence, will be reported and may result in legal action.
Please direct all your players to download the base GS resource pack from Glimmar's thread here on the Minecraft Forums (This means I get fair recognition for my original artwork, and your users understand properly where the textures you are recommending come from).
You do not have permission to redistribute or host a modified stand alone version of the Glimmar's Steampunk resource pack or to 'direct link' to any of my resource pack files.
ANY necessary modifications to my textures that you feel would be necessary for your world must be made as a separate add-on (ie. not a standalone complete) resource pack, with instructions on how to select and overlay Glimmar's base pack in the 'resource pack folder' in game.
ANY modifications of Glimmar's Steampunk textures must be your own work. Mixing GS textures with work from any other publicly available resource pack is strictly forbidden.
ANY modifications of Glimmar's Steampunk textures used for the purposes of making an 'add-on' resource pack remain the property of the owner of Glimmar's Steampunk, any original artwork you create is your own.
Any 'add-on' resource pack made under the above conditions must be distributed through Glimmar's Resource Pack thread on the Minecraft Forums here, not hosted on your own website, separate MC forum thread or any other website.
Post a link to your modified pack download in a comment post in Glimmar's Resource Pack thread on the Minecraft Forums and redirect your users to use this link (that way they can always get the most up to date official pack without having to wait for you to update your custom add-on version).
Server admins, do not allow members to upload your modified pack on yours or other websites. They will be breaking the Owners terms of use and permission for your server to distribute a modified version of my pack through my thread may be withdrawn.
Any contravention of the above conditions will be reported and where necessary the Owner may claim damages and/or take other appropriate action to rectify the situation.
Mod Support Textures Use
Conditions for making supporting textures for mods in the style of this pack are now the same as for Multiplayer/Server/Map/Adventure (see above). Exceptions to some of the above conditions may be made for existing Glimmer's Steampunk mod support artists, to give time to re-direct all users to download mod textures from the Glimmar's Steampunk thread on the Minecraft Forums. Please see the 'Fan Made Mod Support' section below for further clarification.
To get the very best out of Glimmar's Steampunk please first install Optifine. Here's the link: https://optifine.net/home
The Optifine mod makes use of my CTM 'connected textures', my animated 'BetterSkies', random animated extra mobs and villagers, animated GUIs, extended range of animated paintings, Better Colors, BetterLighting, etc.
Without Optifine you will be missing out on all of the above and much more! This pack is now designed to take full advantage of the appropriate version of the Optifine mod.
Glimmar's Steampunk resource pack will still work without installing Optifine, but your 'in-Minecraft' experience will not compare with what you see in the above showcase videos or pics.
Please note: If minecraft begins to lag severely for you after installing Optifine, this is most likely due to the number of extra animated blocks, items, gui, mobs, etc. included in the GS resource pack. To fix, play around with options within Minecraft where, if you have installed Optifine, you'll now be able to switch off animations, and alter many other video settings, etc. I believe this can greatly increase frame rate for some, whilst still retaining the benefit of all those thousands of extra ctm textures.
MINECRAFT FORUMS Texture Pack Section (you're here now)
CURSE/FORGE Texture Pack Section: link
By downloading and/or using my 'Glimmar's Steampunk' texture pack, you agree and validate my licence and conditions of use, as laid out in my 'Legal' section above.
***Important note: all previous permissions granted for use of Glimmar's Steampunk are now deemed invalid as of 2nd Feb 2015. see my 'Legal' section above for new conditions.***
Main Pack Download: Glimmar's Steampunk
.....Special Thanks & Credits
In the Standard Pack:
Vondell...chicken, some weapon and tool items, cowhide.
asikar...Gold and diamond swords have been upgrade.
BloodJack...for providing the original crafting and furnace gui layout - still partly used as the basis for my current extensively modified animated versions.
Features in the Standard Pack but 'activated' by Optifine:
Animated Terrain Blocks and Items:
PATR101...for animating the flowing lines on my eye of ender block*, originally animating my craftbench* and musicplayer* blocks. Giving me the time to work on other things!
Submissions used in addition to any made by me (Glimmar):
Glimmar...randommob chickens (simple edits of Vondell's chicken)
No 44...squid2 *
Balduran...pigzombie15* Adapted by Glimmar to fit his new 'pigzombieman' design.
* partially or completely derived from my textures.
I am always happy to receive original alternative contributions in this thread, but I no longer wish to use the work of others directly in the texture pack. Unfortunately I now no longer have time to keep updating my Alternate Textures pack with contributions. If your submission makes use of my own work, please keep your posts within my Glimmar's Steampunk thread, as such derived artwork remains the property of the owner...me!
All work must be original or adapted from my own work. Under no circumstances should you use work from another resource pack...even with the artist's permission, and please don't cut and paste images directly from Google. I wish to preserve the individual style of the pack and in so doing also avoid potential arguments regarding copyright.
I am very grateful for everyone's input, whether it's just a friendly compliment, suggestion or donated alternative edit...it's always encouraging!
.....GS Alternative Textures
Download: Glimmar's Steampunk Alternative Textures
Download: Glimmar's Steampunk 'User' Made Textures
Any modifications of my work donated for use in the 'Glimmar's Steampunk User Made Textures' download is subject to my legal conditions. If a user submits his own original artwork and you wish to make use of this outside the confines of Glimmar's Steampunk then you must first seek written permission of the contributing artist before commencing work.
Click the spoiler to see what's in the GS Alternative Textures downloads and some tips on swapping standard GS textures with my alternatives:
Amongst other things there are alternative:
boats and 'paddlesteamer' mod skins.
32 and 64x minecarts.
'airship' mod skins.
mob and steampunk character skins.
sets of stained clay
various animated spawn_eggs
sets of stained glass
zombie horses
animated redstone dust
fire and lava
and hundreds of miscellaneous textures.
In most cases, since MC 1.5, individual alternative textures can just be dropped into the appropriate folder in the resource pack, but you will need to check and change the file name, as all texture names were changed by Mojang in the MC 1.6 update. Some animated textures have accompanying '.mcmeta' or '.properties' files and if you wish to change these for an alt, you may need to edit or delete these particular files or Minecraft/MCPatcher might get a little confused. Some alternate textures like the steampunk clock or lo-res Better Skies will work fine with the '.mcmeta' and '.properties' files that are in the pack...it's just a case of dropping the alt texture in the right place (again, just make sure the alt file name is the same as the one you are replacing). Please check the 'Changelogs' in the pack or ask in my thread if something is still not clear.

No work included in my 'GS Alternative Textures' downloads has been acquired from any other thread within the Minecraft forums, it includes both original artwork by me and work edited by others derived from my own alternate textures. Any work that is not my own has been freely (and generously) donated within this thread for use within this pack. Permission and submissions granted throughout this thread.
.....Fan Made Mod Support
Glimmar's Introduction and Legal Conditions
There are so many mods I would love to support, but I have to be realistic and admit any spare time I have is expended on improving the main pack. I have provided probably one of the largest collections of alternative textures for any pack (still growing) and some GS fans are using these and their own artistic skills to create sympathetic Steampunk textures for mods that compliment my pack. I am very grateful for their input and support and in particular to MegistusEligius for creating such a massive selection of Glimmar mod support textures presented below.
If you would like to help support Glimmar's Steampunk by using my textures (see my collection of alts above) or your own skills to make Steampunk equivalent mod textures in the style of this pack, to add to the growing collection here, just give MegistusEligius a shout first or myself...and I'll give him a shout...he knows a lot more about Minecraft Mods and will probably know if something is already covered.
If your contribution is more than just the odd texture, then have a chat with Glimmar about making your own shop (banner-sized) sign to hang here in 'Glimmars Mod Emporium' (See Megistus' example) and help make the place look like a real Victorian emporium...the kind of quirky place you'd really like to peruse for those weird and ingenious must have gadgets and gifts!
Conditions for Submitting Mod Textures:
1. Any work submitted must only contain either your own original work and/or my own textures (found within this thread), modified/unmodified as you feel necessary to fit the mod.
2. Please remove any textures belonging to other artists before submitting your mod support file/s in the Glimmar's Steampunk Resource pack thread. With the best will in the world, I cannot be expected to be familiar with all your sources for the textures you submit, and what might be fine for personal use is not legal to distribute in this thread. Even if it was, it is a matter of principal and originality that we don't use work from other texture packs. If you're not sure where something came from...then leave it out...better to be safe than sorry!
3. Please upload your mod texture support link here in my thread as a post to be included in the Mod Emporium (consider making a banner and opening up a 'shop stall'. See Megistus' example). I now require all download links involving my textures to be exclusively sited in the Glimmar's Steampunk thread here on the MC forums.
4. Make sure I am clearly credited in your post in the mod thread for which you are making supporting textures and then link back to my thread here for the duration of your mod texture support pack availability. You may post screenshots and banners and other advertising material in the mod thread for the purposes of highlighting your Glimmar's Steampunk mod support.
5. Make sure you provide proper documentation in your mod support pack by way of a 'readme doc' including a statement that my modified textures are copyright, with clear credit and link information back to my thread .
4. Under no circumstances may my textures be redistributed in a standalone texture resource pack, ie as a Tekkit or FTB Glimmar's Steampunk pack. Mod support textures in the style of Glimmar's Steampunk, using the Owner's art assets, must only be offered as individual mod support texture files to work in conjuction with the Glimmar's Steampunk resource pack. Put simply, the Glimmar's Steampunk reource pack must only be downloaded via the Owner's official threads on the Minecraft Forums and Curse/Forge sites. Permission is not given to redistribute/host a complete modded standalone version of Glimmar's Steampunk resource pack, nor to redistribute/host an original complete texture resource pack with any of my textures included ('mix pack').
Mods Supported:
Enhanced Portals
Extra Doors
Forestry Extras
Mantle (TiC)
Minefactory Reloaded
Project Red
Thermal Expansion
Thermal Foundation
Tinkers Construct
Tinkers Mechworks
Balkon's Weapons Mod (Very WIP)
I am uploading the whole thing as its own texture pack - to install, just add it in conjunction with Glimmar's texture pack. What I am uploading is NOT a complete texture pack, though there are some alternate textures, it loads pretty much NO core textures. It is meant to compliment Glimmar's work, certainly not replace it. Ah, the joys of being able to load multiple texture packs

Glimmar Alts by Megistus.zip
Screen Shots:

Link: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/glimmars-steampunk-mod-support-resource-pack
.....Old Mod Support
compiled by ksheep
Updated 20th March 2013
Alright, here's Version 0.6.1 of the Mod Compendium. I fixed up Buildcraft so it'll actually work properly now, although I only added a few new textures (Emerald and Sandstone pipes). I also fixed the engines, as their textures had been shifted slightly in a previous update. Various other items are currently filler, but I hope to get to them… sometime next week. Unfortunately, my schedule is completely booked up through Sunday…
Furthermore, we have more textures for ComputerCraft, created by Blanco_Meneige and building off of VermillionTwilight's work in that area. We now have a rather good looking GUI for a fair number of the ComputerCraft devices, although I have been experiencing some odd behavior with the monitor. They are included in the above download, and if anyone can figure out how to get the monitor to work properly, it would be greatly appreciated.
Instructions and credits are included in the mod pack download.
.....9 Years of Fan Made World Views
Imgur Gallery link: http://imgur.com/a/2M7ep
Please note: Many images depicted here may be displaying very modded or outdated textures.
.....9 Years of User Videos
The_Claw95's 'Minecraft Bioshock City of Rapture - ]
The Erebus by Phosphorus Thoth -
Glimmar's Steampunk Better Than Wolves by JesterMailman89 -
The Lab by TVHead. Slime skin provided by Gestankfaust -
Welcome to PipeWorld by tvHead -
PAS Glimmar PB-01 a steampunk battleship of the skies - this is part 1 - the outside - Pipehead & Crew -
PAS Glimmar PB-01 a steampunk battleship of the skies - this is part 2 - the interior - Pipehead & Crew -
Open Air Temple by PipeHead -
PipeWorld Bridge Building. vid by Gestankfaust with kind permission of PipeHead (founder of PipeWOrld) -
Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany - Part 1 - by Pipehead -
Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany - Part 1 - by Pipehead -
PipeWorld by Pipehead and Friends. Video by Gestankfaust -
Airship tour by chrisman01. Texture glitches are fixed by Glimmar's Steampunk v2.2 -
Fortress of Doom by chrisman01 -
Nueschwanstein Castle by PipeHead - Part 1 -
Nueschwanstein Castle by PipeHead - Part 2 -
Glimmar's Steampunk on Yogcast!
.....So...What to Build in Your Own Steampunk World?
If you have ideas for any other steampunk world constructions, let me know and I'll add it to the list. Hello World.
.....Free P.A.S.C.I.B.O.R.D With Every Pack
Portable and Spatially Compact Inventory Box Of Relative Dimension

But, I'm sure if a rainforest comes by there'll be all bright and happy, chipper, swamps agian.
Though, I'm not sure why anyone would want a happy swamp. When i think of swamps, I always think of disgusting mucky, backed up water, foggy places.
@Matuzz - The dungeons are "better" as they said they were going to be. Said they were getting a size tweak.
Volcano was never supposed to be for 1.8, Notch just said it's for an eventual future, like dragons. Not an exact quote, mind you.
Also, where the heck did you find any information on a "mushroom biome"?
About NPC's, the only thing said about that was they were being added. Maybe that you can interact with them, etc.