I'm having issues using Spout, as well as this Texturepack.
There are no links in the main post about it, so I'm unsure what to do.
On regular Minecraft, I just have MC Patcher, and it allows me to use the Texturepack, as well as partially fix the "hd" text.
On Spout I can't seem to read the text at all, it's completely broken.
Aswell, my initial connection through Spoutcraft led me to "Bad Login"s multiple times. :c
I understand this point, I gave myself an illusion, and followed it. I had merely just thought that there might have been a lot more people who were more serious in to the rping, rather than "Look, I'm cloud from FF7!", but I digress, I understand the predicament, and my no means wish for you to change what you're doing. Especially since you wouldn't know who's good or not, until you start the world.
As for age restrictions, I never thought there were any age restrictions on this rp. I merely thought, since seeing initially so many 16 or older apps, that it would be people around that age or older. You can see how I'm uncomfortable playing with a 12 year old, when if you reverse that number it's my age. The age restriction was just suggested to me, in a post, in which I could also understand why that's a bad idea. Especially since I have seen younger players who are literate, etc. I mean I, myself, myself, am only semi-literate. So, who am I to judge, at times.
When I was stating the age, and the seriousness of the apps, I'm just expressing how I'm not as excited, or the illusion is now gone. Only because it's not as "hardcore", shall I say, as it first seemed.
But, as I stated, I'm still excited to play. I've set up such a character, that if I don't overly use him here, I'll write a story about him. But I do hope to use him here, and base a story on him, from my experiences.
I live in EST, so I assume that there will be many people online, but I could be wrong.
Ah. Well, the people who can't RP usually end up getting weeded out and banned. And there was a lot of discussion over this server becoming age restricted, but there are a few younger people who can RP so we decided it wouldn't be fair to leave them/us out, and even less fair to only let younger members who were known join the server. And yeah, I try not to be over the top, just a little weird. I have thought about several other possible chars, but I just find odd/messed up characters the most fun to play personally.
And I reported that guy.
I recognize some of the other younger members who seem legitimate in what they do.
I'll be sure to see if I can tolerate your character or not, then. xD
I don't mean to be rude, it's just my preference.
It sounds like those would be some intolerably annoying quirks that you'd have to work to make your character do. Odd that you'd restrict yourself so soon before you further devolop your character, and their traits.
I think he was referring more to the quality of some of the applicants, rather than anyone in particular.
I kind of had similar thoughts after posting my app, when reading through and realizing just how poor some of the applications were, but it doesn't worry me immensely. Still, I stand by the fact that the minecraft forum really isn't the greatest place to pick up a lot of roleplayers.
This is pretty much what I meant.
I wasn't referring to any specific peoples.
There seems to be a lot of people who have poor seeming applications, and they're accepted.
Or, they make a poor application, and are asked to correct specific things. So, in the end the person will have probably not have learnt anything, and by looking at what was initially posted shows how they will be, and act, within the RP server.
On top of that, I initially joined thinking atleast people who were of 16 and older were joining. Perhaps making this one of the few, first servers, where I'd seen an older majority. I had seen 19 - 25 year olds applying, and just assumed, which I shouldn't have.
I was just really excited in a plausibly interesting world, in which I could explore Minecraft RPing, and have a set with a really interesting community.
But alas, I suppose I agree with you, Whitellama.
As for your character specifically @Sir Freakshow - Although, I don't overly appreciate over-the-top people who are just being gross, or are purposely trying to be offensive, or illogical in some way, these types of people can exist in reality, and in RP. It just means I need to put work in to avoiding them, or otherwise. Though, I personally think there are other ways to be interesting or less "normal" without also being annoying, controversial, or over-the-top, which to some that type of character might not be annoying, but to me I just don't jive with it.
Hmm, I was hoping this would be a little more serious RP.
I see now, by the participants, that it might not actually end up as such.
I'm still semi-excited for the opening of the server. But not as much, anymore.
It shall be up Friday, my metallic comrade.
IP will be posted then.
Great, I can't wait to join. I'm excited already. I think, if I'm able, I'd like to contribute as much as I can.
I regret to say that I might be unable to join in on much until Sunday, I think. I'm usually busy of Fridays, and Saturdays.
What other RP experience have you had before?: I used to RP vastly when I was younger, I was hoping to get back in to the ring again.
Define Metagaming: Using knowledge your character wouldn't otherwise know to your advantage.
Define Powergaming: This sounds a lot like God Modding, which in turn is terrible, and shouldn't be used. Ie. "I am invincible, there is no element that can destroy me, your weapons are powerless, I literally control the universe."
If it's otherwise, please elaborate on what you mean.
Have you read the rules?: I assumed there are Steamed Veggies in the midst here.
Name: Vaughn Gaude
Gender: Male
Age: Unk
Appearance: Droid
Roleplay Example: [Since I'm given no example to follow by. I don't know if I'm giving an example of in game rp, or otherwise.]
Vaughn turned toward the bay, focusing his sights on the horizon. Waiting, watching the sunset along the water, the smell of brine and storm setting along the shore. There were no sounds but that of the water lapping upon the beach, at Vaughn's feet. But he knew, he could sense a presence nearby, just as all people could. There was only sensing for Vaughn, though. There was no feeling, there was the detecting of a feeling, the processing of the information, and the reaction to it. But not the real feeling that a human, flesh and blood, would feel. To be an android was that of bliss, for eternal youth, no sickness, a perfect mind to think with... But being imperfect seemed much more "alive" so to speak. Much to be alive as the person who now stood before him, who reached out as if to ask for help. Of course, that is not what they were doing, the woman was just surprised that Vaughn knew she was there, and stopped in mid reach to get his attention.
Isabella, always so forgetful that Vaughn was not "alive" like she was, he was made. Built to mine, to clean, to build, to labor for the flesh and blood. They never expected a droid to gain self awareness, as now so few have.
"You know, it's slightly amusing to know you still think of me as something of yourself." Vaughn said solemnly, "You know, I can shed my skin like a snake, and have a new one to live in."
"Ah, you think you're like a snake now, wriggling out of you skin as you grow, leaving behind the old parts of yourself, to have the new parts live on." Isabella had a smile on her lips, and had a jocular tone, "You do realize that you live forever, though, and snakes do not."
"I realize this, I have thought of this, but I feel as if it's more true than being like a real live human, alive, and free. Death awaiting when you least expect it. Myself on the other hand, I must do the deed myself, if I am to be sure my existence fades, dwindles, and dies." He reached out, and took what was in Isabella's left hand. "This jewel will help me, I must leave now" and at that Vaughn turned, and began to walk toward the public bay.
Backstory(2+ GOOD paragraphs):
There was a spark, a flicker, a thing that was there. Something that was. Some type of thought, some type of sight, but only very basic. This was the beginning to a droid, building, testing, using until the heart's content. Steam runs through their veins as blood runs through a person's. They move like people, and now they evolve like people. This wasn't in the original plan, they were to be slaves, built to do the work people didn't want to do. Sewers, chopping wood, building houses, painting ships, chroming metals. But it seems that once a droid does enough work, once it gains enough knowledge, it becomes self aware.
This is how Vaughn was born, his body first, his mind latter. At first Vaughn wasn't sure what to do with his new knowledge, that he could think like a person, he was a person, he was better than a person. There was uncertainty, so he continued his tasks, but found he was becoming bored of them. Just as he did when he became self aware. He spoke to his master about it, the one who built him, Isabella.
Isabella was a droid maker, in the community of steam, and was since she was young. Her father used to build basic droids, to open doors, make water flow. So Isabella was naturally interested in her fathers work. Especially seeing as her mother died in a smelting accident when she was only two.
Isabella told her father about Vaughn, and in turn her father told the council he was on, about this sudden discovery. So, in the community of steam, where Vaughn, Isabella, and her father lived, it was declared that if any droid seemed to have becomming of an intelligence, that it be destroyed.
Isabella apologized to Vaughn, crying, saying things like she "didn't know such a horrible thing would happen", and the like. Vaughn completely understood, and believed her, but said that he had to set out on his own, in to the land, not to be bothered with such a thing as dying, at the time. Isabella understood as well, and let him leave, let him be the only "living" droid to walk, for now.
The "living" droid traversed the land, dressing himself in human clothing, to look as if he were normal. Able to blend in. His head looked that of a helmet, and people wondered why he never took it off, in the beginning. But, as time went on, he was known in his small area as a protector who needn't show his face. He slew things that exploded, things that weren't alive, things that were mutated. He protected, and destroyed these things, only to think. Only because he knew he was capable.
Once Vaughn thought through his processes enough, he continued on, in to a city, and then another, and then another.
Finally, through all his travels, he found another like him. In it's early stage of confused awareness. He spoke to it, guided it, led it on the path he was led by. Vaughn taught what he thought was important, and what he thought about himself.
Eventually, the other droid, with it's big lavender eye, looked at Vaughn, and asked a question that baffled him.
"Vaughn, I must wonder something that is so important, now, to me." the lavender eye'd droid stared at Vaughn.
"Continue," said Vaughn "I am interested in what you speak."
"Why is it that you have a name, or a gender? You are not a person, you are born with no gender, you do not reproduce. Your name is meaningless, and yet you cling to it, and correct me when I refer to you as your serial number. May I have a name, may I have a gender, aswell?"
This, as said, baffled Vaughn. He had to process this, the other droid wouldn't mind. It would understand. So, Vaughn thought, for quite some time, and eventually answered with a simple answer, atleast to a droid.
"I was given a name from my master-creator, she asked to call me Vaughn, I accepted this as an input, she then gave me the last name of her family, Gaude. She never referred to me as a thing, or a product, and doing such, she gave me a gender. I follows these guides as the person, this thing I am today. I am alive." he stared at the other droid momentarily "May I call you Lavender? You may have my last name, if so. Even though your body is pitch black, with tints of gold. Your eye is what stands out to me. It seems special for you, aswell, you polish your optic input often. To keep it clean. Lavender. I feel as if you are also male, as I was called, and so you will be, should you accept."
"Yes, I accept. I understand, and this input is acceptable. Your perception is clear. You are what I will call a friend, and you are a good one to teach me these things. But I feel as if we must part ways, and live and learn separate, I'm sure you understand." Lavender spoke softly, but swiftly.
"I accept this, aswell, and I believe we shall meet again. Remember what I have taught, and I'm certain of this encounter, again. Be well."
And with that, Vaughn and Lavender parted, and Vaughn's adventure began anew.
--------------------------- You list no race, so I assume most everything is human, since it's a steampunk world. But, as it is a steampunk world, there may or may not be mechanical companions, beings who are made of steam and metal who have self awareness.
I hope all of what I put is acceptable, if it's not I understand, as this may clash with things, or be too weird, or out of character for the story you're trying to set. I could use this elsewhere, if needed be. But I made it for here.
Agreed. I've been looking for an RP server to join, in general. Or to help out in.
I'd love to beable to create, and have part in something such as an RP project. :/
I'd like to offer some art if you need, but it's not something that's a priority to me. So as I can donate, I can not work art for you.
I'm not sure what style you want to begin with, either.
Mm, alright. That sucks.
Being unable to discern who is talking, when I see them, is annoying.
To know who is who would be that much more interesting. xD
Thanks for the help, though.
There are no links in the main post about it, so I'm unsure what to do.
On regular Minecraft, I just have MC Patcher, and it allows me to use the Texturepack, as well as partially fix the "hd" text.
On Spout I can't seem to read the text at all, it's completely broken.
Aswell, my initial connection through Spoutcraft led me to "Bad Login"s multiple times. :c
Is there anyone using Spout, at this time?
I understand this point, I gave myself an illusion, and followed it. I had merely just thought that there might have been a lot more people who were more serious in to the rping, rather than "Look, I'm cloud from FF7!", but I digress, I understand the predicament, and my no means wish for you to change what you're doing. Especially since you wouldn't know who's good or not, until you start the world.
As for age restrictions, I never thought there were any age restrictions on this rp. I merely thought, since seeing initially so many 16 or older apps, that it would be people around that age or older. You can see how I'm uncomfortable playing with a 12 year old, when if you reverse that number it's my age. The age restriction was just suggested to me, in a post, in which I could also understand why that's a bad idea. Especially since I have seen younger players who are literate, etc. I mean I, myself, myself, am only semi-literate. So, who am I to judge, at times.
When I was stating the age, and the seriousness of the apps, I'm just expressing how I'm not as excited, or the illusion is now gone. Only because it's not as "hardcore", shall I say, as it first seemed.
But, as I stated, I'm still excited to play. I've set up such a character, that if I don't overly use him here, I'll write a story about him. But I do hope to use him here, and base a story on him, from my experiences.
I live in EST, so I assume that there will be many people online, but I could be wrong.
I recognize some of the other younger members who seem legitimate in what they do.
I'll be sure to see if I can tolerate your character or not, then. xD
I don't mean to be rude, it's just my preference.
Also, cool beans.
It sounds like those would be some intolerably annoying quirks that you'd have to work to make your character do. Odd that you'd restrict yourself so soon before you further devolop your character, and their traits.
This is pretty much what I meant.
I wasn't referring to any specific peoples.
There seems to be a lot of people who have poor seeming applications, and they're accepted.
Or, they make a poor application, and are asked to correct specific things. So, in the end the person will have probably not have learnt anything, and by looking at what was initially posted shows how they will be, and act, within the RP server.
On top of that, I initially joined thinking atleast people who were of 16 and older were joining. Perhaps making this one of the few, first servers, where I'd seen an older majority. I had seen 19 - 25 year olds applying, and just assumed, which I shouldn't have.
I was just really excited in a plausibly interesting world, in which I could explore Minecraft RPing, and have a set with a really interesting community.
But alas, I suppose I agree with you, Whitellama.
As for your character specifically @Sir Freakshow - Although, I don't overly appreciate over-the-top people who are just being gross, or are purposely trying to be offensive, or illogical in some way, these types of people can exist in reality, and in RP. It just means I need to put work in to avoiding them, or otherwise. Though, I personally think there are other ways to be interesting or less "normal" without also being annoying, controversial, or over-the-top, which to some that type of character might not be annoying, but to me I just don't jive with it.
This feels a lot like spam. Which I'm pretty sure isn't really allowed. Just saying.
I see now, by the participants, that it might not actually end up as such.
I'm still semi-excited for the opening of the server. But not as much, anymore.
Yes, I've sent this to two different emails. Both had not received any emails from the forum, in either inbox, nor junk/spam mail folder.
I wish it was starting on Sunday, that'd be perfect.
Also, to know if my skin is suitable.
The one on the right would be Vaughn.
Great, I can't wait to join. I'm excited already. I think, if I'm able, I'd like to contribute as much as I can.
I regret to say that I might be unable to join in on much until Sunday, I think. I'm usually busy of Fridays, and Saturdays.
Define Metagaming: Using knowledge your character wouldn't otherwise know to your advantage.
If it's otherwise, please elaborate on what you mean.
Vaughn turned toward the bay, focusing his sights on the horizon. Waiting, watching the sunset along the water, the smell of brine and storm setting along the shore. There were no sounds but that of the water lapping upon the beach, at Vaughn's feet. But he knew, he could sense a presence nearby, just as all people could. There was only sensing for Vaughn, though. There was no feeling, there was the detecting of a feeling, the processing of the information, and the reaction to it. But not the real feeling that a human, flesh and blood, would feel. To be an android was that of bliss, for eternal youth, no sickness, a perfect mind to think with... But being imperfect seemed much more "alive" so to speak. Much to be alive as the person who now stood before him, who reached out as if to ask for help. Of course, that is not what they were doing, the woman was just surprised that Vaughn knew she was there, and stopped in mid reach to get his attention.
Isabella, always so forgetful that Vaughn was not "alive" like she was, he was made. Built to mine, to clean, to build, to labor for the flesh and blood. They never expected a droid to gain self awareness, as now so few have.
"You know, it's slightly amusing to know you still think of me as something of yourself." Vaughn said solemnly, "You know, I can shed my skin like a snake, and have a new one to live in."
"Ah, you think you're like a snake now, wriggling out of you skin as you grow, leaving behind the old parts of yourself, to have the new parts live on." Isabella had a smile on her lips, and had a jocular tone, "You do realize that you live forever, though, and snakes do not."
"I realize this, I have thought of this, but I feel as if it's more true than being like a real live human, alive, and free. Death awaiting when you least expect it. Myself on the other hand, I must do the deed myself, if I am to be sure my existence fades, dwindles, and dies." He reached out, and took what was in Isabella's left hand. "This jewel will help me, I must leave now" and at that Vaughn turned, and began to walk toward the public bay.
There was a spark, a flicker, a thing that was there. Something that was. Some type of thought, some type of sight, but only very basic.
This was the beginning to a droid, building, testing, using until the heart's content. Steam runs through their veins as blood runs through a person's. They move like people, and now they evolve like people. This wasn't in the original plan, they were to be slaves, built to do the work people didn't want to do. Sewers, chopping wood, building houses, painting ships, chroming metals. But it seems that once a droid does enough work, once it gains enough knowledge, it becomes self aware.
This is how Vaughn was born, his body first, his mind latter.
At first Vaughn wasn't sure what to do with his new knowledge, that he could think like a person, he was a person, he was better than a person. There was uncertainty, so he continued his tasks, but found he was becoming bored of them. Just as he did when he became self aware. He spoke to his master about it, the one who built him, Isabella.
Isabella was a droid maker, in the community of steam, and was since she was young. Her father used to build basic droids, to open doors, make water flow. So Isabella was naturally interested in her fathers work. Especially seeing as her mother died in a smelting accident when she was only two.
Isabella told her father about Vaughn, and in turn her father told the council he was on, about this sudden discovery.
So, in the community of steam, where Vaughn, Isabella, and her father lived, it was declared that if any droid seemed to have becomming of an intelligence, that it be destroyed.
Isabella apologized to Vaughn, crying, saying things like she "didn't know such a horrible thing would happen", and the like. Vaughn completely understood, and believed her, but said that he had to set out on his own, in to the land, not to be bothered with such a thing as dying, at the time. Isabella understood as well, and let him leave, let him be the only "living" droid to walk, for now.
The "living" droid traversed the land, dressing himself in human clothing, to look as if he were normal. Able to blend in. His head looked that of a helmet, and people wondered why he never took it off, in the beginning. But, as time went on, he was known in his small area as a protector who needn't show his face. He slew things that exploded, things that weren't alive, things that were mutated. He protected, and destroyed these things, only to think. Only because he knew he was capable.
Once Vaughn thought through his processes enough, he continued on, in to a city, and then another, and then another.
Finally, through all his travels, he found another like him. In it's early stage of confused awareness. He spoke to it, guided it, led it on the path he was led by. Vaughn taught what he thought was important, and what he thought about himself.
Eventually, the other droid, with it's big lavender eye, looked at Vaughn, and asked a question that baffled him.
"Vaughn, I must wonder something that is so important, now, to me." the lavender eye'd droid stared at Vaughn.
"Continue," said Vaughn "I am interested in what you speak."
"Why is it that you have a name, or a gender? You are not a person, you are born with no gender, you do not reproduce. Your name is meaningless, and yet you cling to it, and correct me when I refer to you as your serial number. May I have a name, may I have a gender, aswell?"
This, as said, baffled Vaughn. He had to process this, the other droid wouldn't mind. It would understand. So, Vaughn thought, for quite some time, and eventually answered with a simple answer, atleast to a droid.
"Yes, I accept. I understand, and this input is acceptable. Your perception is clear. You are what I will call a friend, and you are a good one to teach me these things. But I feel as if we must part ways, and live and learn separate, I'm sure you understand." Lavender spoke softly, but swiftly.
"I accept this, aswell, and I believe we shall meet again. Remember what I have taught, and I'm certain of this encounter, again. Be well."
And with that, Vaughn and Lavender parted, and Vaughn's adventure began anew.
You list no race, so I assume most everything is human, since it's a steampunk world. But, as it is a steampunk world, there may or may not be mechanical companions, beings who are made of steam and metal who have self awareness.
I hope all of what I put is acceptable, if it's not I understand, as this may clash with things, or be too weird, or out of character for the story you're trying to set. I could use this elsewhere, if needed be. But I made it for here.
Thanks for reading.
Agreed. I've been looking for an RP server to join, in general. Or to help out in.
I'd love to beable to create, and have part in something such as an RP project. :/
Either it's already happening, or it's dead.
I don't understand why it was bumped. D;
I'm not sure what style you want to begin with, either.