Yeah I just gave it a shot, and they still derailed. I noted that when it derails it always faces in the same direction...if that helps any. Meaning, if the train is heading down a northbound, southbound, westbound, or eastbound track, when it falls off the slope it always faces east.
Is it possible to create liquids that work with another mod's bucket? There's a mod that adds wooden buckets, but they don't work with other mod liquids.
Actually, no. If I remember correctly, it ONLY spawns below sea level to make sure that it's underground. I think I chose 50 blocks? It then vertically searches for air blocks to find caves, then searches in all directions to find the cave wall, then places the room there.
No, nothing else. The fight is designed around having exactly that much space, though. You can easily spawn it without the chamber.
Wow, that's pretty specific! You sure put a lot of thought and effort into fleshing out your mobs, and it shows! I'll see if I can hunt down one of those chambers to see how it's spawning...or if it's spawning...I'd obviously prefer it work as intended.
Honestly as of the moment none of us have a clue why this happens, however it does not seem to effect vanilla and railcraft rails, so that is an alternative option for the slopes (admittedly not a pretty one).
Although i'd have to wager that whatever is going wrong with this, is probably related to the jumpy pitch rotation of it going up slopes....
But that doesn't really help solve the issue.
The plus side is that the 1.7 rewrite (which has none of these issues) is coming along well, aside from one trig calculation I cant seem to get right... all the necessary stuff for trains is nearly complete.
After that its rolling stock (basically copy-paste of trains), crafters, items, blocks, and rails. Plus side being the trains were the hard part (and kinda still are because my math skills aren't as good as they used to be).
And guessing by the images he sends to the dev group, canitzp's rewrite for 1.11 is coming along well too.
Thanks for the update. Sadly, if there's a glitch in a game or mod, I tend to find it. Are you saying that the traincraft trains run on vanilla and railcraft rails? That is an option...although I'm still sorting out some other conflicts right now so you may well be done with the update for 1.7.10 before I settle down to actually start playing again with some friends.
Yeah, chamber generation checks to see if it's below sea level before creating the structure. Depending on what TFC changes it to, this could be a problem.
Safe to assume it won't spawn below sea level, and won't spawn above a certain height, which might create the issue as TFC sea level is likely above that height limit? Is there anything in that structure that spawns, apart from decoration? If not I can use Just Another Spawner too, but I want to make sure there's not something I'm missing.
Yeah, they fight zombies too.
Good thinking, but they're all monsters. That is strange...
Not ore generation, just world generation in general. If Terra Firma Craft lets mods generate structures, it should still work. Unless... Does Terra Firma Craft change the heights of sea level and world limits?
It does change the height of sea level, and height limits. It also removes vanilla structures, although I don't know if it changed any settings related to it. Will the height change be an issue?
Well. I can confirm it's happening and it is also happening when just using TC over height XX. We'll investigate this.
Thanks for testing it out, and confirming it wasn't something just on my end. So it actually is a height related issue? Sadly I'm not surprised. I hope it's something that's easily fixed, I'd hate to only have deep tunnel subways
Not a clue why Journeymap would miss them.
That makes sense, I suppose.
I've explicitly coded them to attack cows, chickens, pigs, and sheep. "Game" animals, so to speak. I could change this to any mob that is classified as a creature, but then they'd kill horses and such too. And probably any modded mobs. It would just rid the savanna of life.
Frankly, it doesn't add much to gameplay. In fact, it just makes finding food in the savanna harder.
Really? Weird...I could have sworn I saw them fighting vanilla zombies at some point. Maybe they shot a zombie when they were trying to shoot at me and maybe that started the fight. I think I can override the spawning only on vanilla grass issue, but I'll have to do some testing.
As far as journey map, what are your mobs classified as? Ambient, creature, monster, or something else? It's weird, because even when there isn't a sprite to show the mob, it uses a generic white arrow to show you that something is at least there and which way it's facing. In all the mob mods I've tried this is the only one that doesn't show on the map.
Regarding the armornaught or whatever it's stated that it's spawn was based on ore generation? Well, that the room it spawns in is? Can you explain that a bit? I'm hoping I can add it to the ore generation settings in TFC too.
Oh! Well, the foliaath can only spawn on grass and leaves; there's no requirements about being under trees, but seeing as that's most of the jungle, it makes sense that that would be the case most of the time. Other mobs by default are explicitly coded to need grass to spawn. TFC must override that on vanilla mobs to use their dirt/grass? It seems like you'll have to override that to get it to work.
They've replaced the vanilla mobs with their own versions, that spawn on their own dirt and grass. I also noticed your mobs don't show up on journey map's minimap, which is weird because your mod is the first time I've seen it miss picking up new mobs!
The foliaath must spawn on the modded leaves, then fall through them. TFC's leaves you can push your way through. You've pointed me in the right direction, now I just need to see if I can override it with Just Another Spawner.
Is there any way to tell the Barakoa what mobs to target/hunt? I've noticed they attack vanilla mobs, but don't target mod mobs all the time.
Having an issue with the crystal tuner. I can put in a crystal, assign a name, have it validate my URL, and it says "Tuner ready!", but the Tune button remains grayed out. Any fix to this? The records are great, but I'd really like to be able to use the radio too!
Hey NitroxydeX, I'm having a weird issue with slopes. I thought it was fixed, but it must have been a one off that it was making it up. While trying to use this along side Terrafirmacraft (, most times I take a train up a slope it reverses at the top of each piece of slope, doesn't matter if it's the 6, 12, or 18, doesn't matter if it's connected to a flat piece or another upward slope. Before it was derailing with version 001, on 004 it seems to just turn the engine around. Once in a great while it will make it over and continue on. I tried this with the shay and the high speed mostly, tried a few others though. It's almost like it's smacking into the next section of track, and visually it looks like the engine nose dips down a bit here and there as it goes up the track. They go down the slopes just fine it seems.The only real change that TFC adds that I can think would affect your rails is terrain height. Sea level is moved up to 160~, the worlds are much taller and deeper. I can't think why that would affect the trains, but stranger things have happened
Could you look at this please and test it out with Terrafirmacraft on your end? I'm trying to figure out if it's something strange I'm doing or if it's just a compatibility issue. I've been testing it with just traincraft and TFC. TFC requires great distances of travel, and using trains would be VERY helpful!
P.S. Thanks for finally updating a sorely missed mod!
Alright, getting back into it tonight. The foliaath seem to spawn mostly under trees, I haven't seen one spawn anywhere else yet, even though I have them set to spawn on plains as a test. If the wroughtnaut only spawns in a special room, that explains why it wasn't even listed in the autogenerated spawn lists. The TribesmanElite was what I was trying to use previously, so I'm not sure what's wrong.
I just tried placing vanilla dirt on the ground randomly, because I was thinking maybe something else was required for spawning...and it looks like they are spawning now, and only on top of vanilla dirt. Also foliaath will spawn on vanilla dirt without tree cover. Is there something in the mod that requires tribesman to spawn on vanilla dirt? It might be something related to Just Another Spawner, as you can set what blocks mobs can or can't spawn on, but if I don't add that argument I think it should just spawn anywhere that biome is present.
What's the point? All the good names are taken by now anyway. You're still going to be HerpDerp72165012, and if they do something like allow non-unique names, tying it to an email or something, that will only cause confusion as 20 people log into the same server as members from the yogcast.
Yeah I just gave it a shot, and they still derailed. I noted that when it derails it always faces in the same direction...if that helps any. Meaning, if the train is heading down a northbound, southbound, westbound, or eastbound track, when it falls off the slope it always faces east.
Any chance the 005 update sorted the issue with the inclines not working at high Y values?
Is it possible to create liquids that work with another mod's bucket? There's a mod that adds wooden buckets, but they don't work with other mod liquids.
Wow, that's pretty specific! You sure put a lot of thought and effort into fleshing out your mobs, and it shows! I'll see if I can hunt down one of those chambers to see how it's spawning...or if it's spawning...I'd obviously prefer it work as intended.
Thanks for the update. Sadly, if there's a glitch in a game or mod, I tend to find it. Are you saying that the traincraft trains run on vanilla and railcraft rails? That is an option...although I'm still sorting out some other conflicts right now so you may well be done with the update for 1.7.10 before I settle down to actually start playing again with some friends.
Safe to assume it won't spawn below sea level, and won't spawn above a certain height, which might create the issue as TFC sea level is likely above that height limit? Is there anything in that structure that spawns, apart from decoration? If not I can use Just Another Spawner too, but I want to make sure there's not something I'm missing.
It does change the height of sea level, and height limits. It also removes vanilla structures, although I don't know if it changed any settings related to it. Will the height change be an issue?
Ironic...quoting the entire log he posted then telling him to use spoilers
Thanks for testing it out, and confirming it wasn't something just on my end. So it actually is a height related issue? Sadly I'm not surprised. I hope it's something that's easily fixed, I'd hate to only have deep tunnel subways
Really? Weird...I could have sworn I saw them fighting vanilla zombies at some point. Maybe they shot a zombie when they were trying to shoot at me and maybe that started the fight. I think I can override the spawning only on vanilla grass issue, but I'll have to do some testing.
As far as journey map, what are your mobs classified as? Ambient, creature, monster, or something else? It's weird, because even when there isn't a sprite to show the mob, it uses a generic white arrow to show you that something is at least there and which way it's facing. In all the mob mods I've tried this is the only one that doesn't show on the map.
Regarding the armornaught or whatever it's stated that it's spawn was based on ore generation? Well, that the room it spawns in is? Can you explain that a bit? I'm hoping I can add it to the ore generation settings in TFC too.
So how does the radio work exactly then?
They've replaced the vanilla mobs with their own versions, that spawn on their own dirt and grass. I also noticed your mobs don't show up on journey map's minimap, which is weird because your mod is the first time I've seen it miss picking up new mobs!
The foliaath must spawn on the modded leaves, then fall through them. TFC's leaves you can push your way through. You've pointed me in the right direction, now I just need to see if I can override it with Just Another Spawner.
Is there any way to tell the Barakoa what mobs to target/hunt? I've noticed they attack vanilla mobs, but don't target mod mobs all the time.
Having an issue with the crystal tuner. I can put in a crystal, assign a name, have it validate my URL, and it says "Tuner ready!", but the Tune button remains grayed out. Any fix to this? The records are great, but I'd really like to be able to use the radio too!
Hey NitroxydeX, I'm having a weird issue with slopes. I thought it was fixed, but it must have been a one off that it was making it up. While trying to use this along side Terrafirmacraft (, most times I take a train up a slope it reverses at the top of each piece of slope, doesn't matter if it's the 6, 12, or 18, doesn't matter if it's connected to a flat piece or another upward slope. Before it was derailing with version 001, on 004 it seems to just turn the engine around. Once in a great while it will make it over and continue on. I tried this with the shay and the high speed mostly, tried a few others though. It's almost like it's smacking into the next section of track, and visually it looks like the engine nose dips down a bit here and there as it goes up the track. They go down the slopes just fine it seems.The only real change that TFC adds that I can think would affect your rails is terrain height. Sea level is moved up to 160~, the worlds are much taller and deeper. I can't think why that would affect the trains, but stranger things have happened
Could you look at this please and test it out with Terrafirmacraft on your end? I'm trying to figure out if it's something strange I'm doing or if it's just a compatibility issue. I've been testing it with just traincraft and TFC. TFC requires great distances of travel, and using trains would be VERY helpful!
P.S. Thanks for finally updating a sorely missed mod!
Alright, getting back into it tonight. The foliaath seem to spawn mostly under trees, I haven't seen one spawn anywhere else yet, even though I have them set to spawn on plains as a test. If the wroughtnaut only spawns in a special room, that explains why it wasn't even listed in the autogenerated spawn lists. The TribesmanElite was what I was trying to use previously, so I'm not sure what's wrong.
I just tried placing vanilla dirt on the ground randomly, because I was thinking maybe something else was required for spawning...and it looks like they are spawning now, and only on top of vanilla dirt. Also foliaath will spawn on vanilla dirt without tree cover. Is there something in the mod that requires tribesman to spawn on vanilla dirt? It might be something related to Just Another Spawner, as you can set what blocks mobs can or can't spawn on, but if I don't add that argument I think it should just spawn anywhere that biome is present.