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    posted a message on Ice and Fire: Dragons in a Whole New Light! - Build 1.1.0 - 1.11.2 Update
    Quote from GrasshopperFK»

    Thanks for your Answer, but they are still freeze at Night. Like i said, they just don't move and or attack anymore.
    How are you supposed to kill and remove the trolls?

    Use a thing called "Pickaxe"....

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from BobMowzie»

    A look at the new frostmaw model coming in the next patch!

    It looks like an Ice version of Rajang from Monster Hunter series...(So as the risk)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Vampirism - Become a vampire!

    If the the vampire player was been defeated...

    This will happened...(Just kidding...)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on (OPEN SOURCED) More Creeps and Weirdos Revival|Guinea Pigs, Sneaky Sal, Lolliman and more!

    Nice update, And I like you solved some mobs are not labeled as "Hostile mobs" (Now my base defense are working correctly without manually set the target...)

    And.... Happy Now Year.....

    Lawyer from Hell : You're not allowed to celebrated the New Year, I'm gotta to sue you!!!

    Oh yeah? (Draw out a pistol) *Bang!*

    Now... Sue my gun... You greedy b***rd !!!....

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Techguns - Guns, Worldgen, NPCs, Machines and more
    Quote from Szimokima»


    Can you help me?

    how can i set it to generate steel ore?

    please help me.

    Nope... Steel is not a natural element like iron or copper, It an alloy for iron and carbon mixed together , You can get it from alloy furnace by mixing iron ingots and coal or charcoal...

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on (OPEN SOURCED) More Creeps and Weirdos Revival|Guinea Pigs, Sneaky Sal, Lolliman and more!

    At now, Schlump only has scale up grown...

    In the original mod, Schlump will have long beard and mustache, He also grows another two heads as will....

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on (OPEN SOURCED) More Creeps and Weirdos Revival|Guinea Pigs, Sneaky Sal, Lolliman and more!

    Eh.... In the original mod You need to use shrink ray on big baby and trapped him into the glass jar to get Schlump ....

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on (OPEN SOURCED) More Creeps and Weirdos Revival|Guinea Pigs, Sneaky Sal, Lolliman and more!

    Thieves idle sound was a little buggy, It's very ear-rape annoying.... Also thieves can steel your items even you're in creative mode (This shouldn't be happening)

    And thief's spawn rate was too high (You will encounter a horde of thieves with ear-raping sound, And your entire items will been stolen)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on [1.12.1] [1.12] -- Dungeon Tactics

    This mod was good, Since it add some wonderful items and custom generate dungeons, But i have some questions...

    1. The dungeons were only generated in the Overworld, It seems not supported other dimensions that using overworld's generating rule (Such as Mirror Overworld or Muiti-world), Maybe a small patch and tweak to fix this....

    2. There's no ways to find the dungeons locations, Player must searching cautiously to not missed the dungeon's entry or outer buildings....

    (Sorry for my poor grammar, My English was not good...)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Atum 2: Return to the Sands

    When i exploring this realm, I'm encountered a "Strange camel-alike tomb",It looks I can going inside it.... Hmm.... I wonder....

    (Yep...This means I found the Easter egg of this mod...)

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Techguns - Guns, Worldgen, NPCs, Machines and more
    Quote from MCSuire»

    What's the best mod for supplying fluid to the reaction chamber?

    For my example: I'm using Thermal Expansion's Fluiducts or Ender I/O's fluid pipes....

    If your reaction chamber is just for only one kind process (Such as making Enriched Uranium), Use Thermal Expansion's Fluiducts...

    If you has more different fluids wants to process, Use Ender I/O's fluid pipes (It can transfer different fluids in one pipe without blockage each other)....

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Mowzie's Mobs: Powerful overworld enemies and more! - Version 1.5.14: Down below and up above!
    Quote from loi864»

    Create some kind of giant manta rays that will fly. There would be babies too. The width of the wings of the babies would be about 5 blocks and that of the big ones up to 20 blocks. Then we will tame them and we will build on the adults a small cabin. We must be placed on their heads to direct them. we can simply steer the baby and place a chest on him. The color would vary between black and white and gray

    This is most likely the "Phantom" in the upcomming Minecraft 1.13 mob, I guess someone will making a mod to these "Flying manta rays" already....

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Techguns - Guns, Worldgen, NPCs, Machines and more
    Quote from MCSuire»

    Okay, I have one more problem with the mod. There seems to be problems with reloading magazines. I'm not sure whether magazines are destroyed after use or if they can be reused with more bullets. Sometimes reloading leaves you with an empty magazine and other times it leaves you with nothing. Is it a glitch or is there something I'm missing?

    Each bullet items has a value for actual bullets value, For example: Rifle magazine use three rifle round items to refilled, and most rifle has 30 shots, This means each rifle round item value 10 shots...

    If you force reload when your magazine has 20 more shots, it return two rifle round items and an empty magazine...
    If your magazine has 10 more shots, it return one rifle round item and an empty magazine...
    If your magazine has less then 10 shots, it return only an empty magazine...

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Vampirism - Become a vampire!
    Quote from merakio3o»

    1. Add an umbrella that you can craft with some sticks and black wool (or any wool) but you must carry it in your items all the time or you'll burn.

    2. Add an integration for Howling Moon Mods

    3. Make it so that when vampire hunters are low on health, your bites that does damage takes some blood too.

    4. Make it so that you can also drink blood from other vampires if theyre low.

    5. Skill that makes things turn into vampires and you can turn them into your minions.

    1. This suggestion was good, Especially for those female vampires who wants some fastions...

    Or you can make some "Vampire Sunblock" into the game, It's function like potion that neutralized the sun's effects temporarily...

    2. This one is acceptable, Just like "Underworld" and "Blade", Since werewolves and vampires are feuds...

    3. This one was not gotta be possible, Because vampire hunter's blood was poisonous for the vampires, Even just a small drip, It's will make some vampires have some adverse reactions...

    4. Not gotta be possible too, Because vampires are has no actually flesh body (This is why vampires do not have reflections in the mirror) , Besides...you cannot drink blood from the person who was already dead....

    5. This one is acceptable too, Since the vampire lords has their own minions, You probably wants some minions for you own too....

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on Techguns - Guns, Worldgen, NPCs, Machines and more
    Quote from lagrasshopper»

    This may be my fault entirely, I haven't kept up with the RF energy system. I just got techguns, and when I realized it needed an RF mod I put on buildcraft which I'm familiar with. But the pipes are not connecting to techgun machines like they're supposed to. I've tried buildcraft 7.99.14 and 7.99.21. Using Techguns . Appreciate any help on what I might be doing wrong!

    The newer buildcraft was switched back the MJ energy again, It's not supported RF energy anymore...

    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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