Current dev status:
Lithial will be the one handling the Forge port and updates while I'm away.
He is a very talented coder, and so I've given him my source code.
As for me...
If you still want to reach me:
I'm slowly starting to use Twitter, with the fortune of negotiating an hour of work each day:
The purpose of this mod, is to provide a much more practical, balanced and rewarding alternative to the current enchantment system.
NOTE: Single player/lan version requires Modloader/Forge
>>Lithial provided his own updates for 1.5.1-1.5.2<<
>>Download for 1.4.7<<
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Download Archives:
Download for 1.4.5
Download for 1.3.2
Download version 1.10 for 1.2.5
- Compatibility with almost every mod ever written 1.3.2+ including (Boss Craft, Balkon's weapon mod and twilight forest)
- Re-enchantment
- Selective De-enchantment.
- Enchant empty bottles (cost 15 POINTS) to become Bottles o' Enchanting:
- Unbreaking on any tools
- Smarter cost system.
- Quicker Level Selection
- More flexible placement of bookshelves:
- Repairing items (at workbench) now partially retains enchantment
- Anyone can join your server, with or without client-side installed.
- New in 1.4. Rejecting an enchantment twice prevents it appearing again (unless you've gone through all other enchantments/closed the table
- New in v.1.5: You can now undo enchantments on books and enchanted books.
Fixed all known bugs with multiplayer port.
NOTE: Recommended usage with More Enchantments mod
Only watch if you want to find out more about the mechanics behind the mod
Repair Mechanics:
- All enchantments drop by one level by default.
E.g. Fortune II + Unbreaking II ---> Fortune I & Unbreaking I
- The value of the enchantment is the cost in experience orbs.
- If a conflicting enchantment occurs on an item, and the value of that enchantment is 60% of (or 1 level less than) the original Than the enchantment with the higher value is kept
- If a rare and expensive enchantment is consumed in the process (e.g. silk touch/fortune). Than all other enchantments retain their level.
Smite II + Bane of arthropods I -> Smite II
Bane of arthropods III + Sharpness III -> Sharpness III
Flame I & Punch I + Power IV and Infinity ----> Flame 1, Punch I, Power IV
Special Thanks To:
- The people who have posted their support for my mods, and other projects the past few months.
- Lithial for providing support for my mods while I was away.
"I'm adding another use for this item." "I'm doing something"
The forums in a nutshell.
Also, I don't think it falls within IP at all.