Once again, a brilliant disguising of one's own opinion as the truth! Another victory for the collective intelligence of the Minecraft forums! What a show! What an argument! I am in awe of your stupendous argumentation! I was going to doubt you, but once I saw that this was "the truth", what could I do but believe you? Amazing!
You need around 3 doors per villager for them to breed. Also even when you have enough for a golem to spawn it can take a while for it to actually spawn.
The wiki says "Once housing has been established, Villagers will then mate until the number of adult Villagers equals 1.35 times the number of doors." So it's 3 doors per villager, not a closer proportion?
I've read a few bits on the relation between villagers and the number of doors/houses, and I'm trying to get enough villagers to spawn an Iron Golem. I've heard various numbers for the number of doors you need for a number of villagers, but none of them appear to be happening here.
I've got about 35 doors, all attached to houses. I've only got 15 villagers and no golem. So, some questions:
1. What rate do villagers reproduce at? I've had a few born, but nothing is happening right now. Does it happen gradually?
2. Is it all right for houses to share walls? I have several apartment rows like so:
3. Do villagers add houses easily, or can houses go uncounted by the village?
Oh gosh, how did you get cocoa beans out of any of this? Like said, he wants to bring back the gold block recipe but keep the nugget recipe. Wishful thinking much?
"I'm adding another use for this item." "I'm doing something"
The forums in a nutshell.
Once again, a brilliant disguising of one's own opinion as the truth! Another victory for the collective intelligence of the Minecraft forums! What a show! What an argument! I am in awe of your stupendous argumentation! I was going to doubt you, but once I saw that this was "the truth", what could I do but believe you? Amazing!
The wiki says "Once housing has been established, Villagers will then mate until the number of adult Villagers equals 1.35 times the number of doors." So it's 3 doors per villager, not a closer proportion?
Raiding from the confort of your own home.
I've got about 35 doors, all attached to houses. I've only got 15 villagers and no golem. So, some questions:
1. What rate do villagers reproduce at? I've had a few born, but nothing is happening right now. Does it happen gradually?
2. Is it all right for houses to share walls? I have several apartment rows like so:
3. Do villagers add houses easily, or can houses go uncounted by the village?
"I'm adding another use for this item." "I'm doing something"
The forums in a nutshell.
Also, I don't think it falls within IP at all.