- VeritasFC
- Registered Member
Member for 11 years and 4 months
Last active Thu, Jun, 8 2017 16:04:05
- 117 Total Posts
- 3 Thanks
fluffygigglebun posted a message on What to do with diamondsDon't listen to any of these people. What you have to do is take them to an ocean of lava and ritualistically throw them in, which will result in twice the amount sacrificed dropping from the sky into your hand. You're welcome.Posted in: Survival Mode -
Tihyo posted a message on [1.7.10] GODZILLA MOD - NOW APART OF THE LEGEND MOD
Are you a fan of the Godzilla Movies? Is Minecraft starting to get too easy in your opinion? This mod adds in the "King of Monsters", Godzilla (and other monsters) to your world so you can say yes to both! With giant monsters roaming around, your experience is sure to be changed! Minecraft just got a whole lot bigger!!!
The Godzilla Mod is now apart of the Legends Mod and can be downloaded at tihyo.com. For the newest downloads, changelogs, guides, and more visit tihyo.com.
Old Site
If you enjoy the mod subscribe to my YouTube channel! -
MinecraftTNTstuff posted a message on Too Much TNT mod (50+ TNTs)Posted in: Minecraft ModsTooMuchTNT [1.8]by MinecraftTNTstuff-TooMuchTNT adds 54 TNT's + Gunpowder and Uranium Ore to the gameAll items are in new tabsDownload Latest Version [1.8]:
Find older versions of TMT
Required:Minecraft Forge (get recommended installer): http://files.minecraftforge.netMake sure to download the right version
Pictures and Descriptions: (only a glimpse of the total destruction)
Sulfur Ore: As rare as gold, this will help get gunpowder for survival. Drops 5 gunpowder when mined.
Uranium Ore: A rare ore which has 50% to drop uranium or 50% to explode. Found at y<48. Uranium can be thrown or used to make Godly TNTs.
CustomTNT: You can now create your own TNT by editing the options in TooMuchTNT.cfg (config).
Nuclear Waste: Causes damage and poison.
Hell's Gate:
Global Disaster:
Throwable Dynamite:Most TNTs get a weaker throwable version. TNTs such as the houses don't get a dynamite. Right click to throw it. Crafting is as easy as placing preferred TNT into work bench.
Old Video:By MinecraftFinest
Change Log:
First to install forge all you need to do is open what you have downloaded and hit ok, it will automatically install forge for you. You should have also downloaded the TooMuchTNT mod which would come in a .jar file. Go to "Start" and type in search bar %appdata%, click the folder then find ".minecraft" and open the "mods" folder. There is where you will drag the the "TooMuchTNT v#.#.jar” into.After, log in to minecraft and before hitting play click "edit profile" and click "use version". Scroll down and click on forge version, this will run your mods.
First to install forge all you need to do is open what you have downloaded and hit ok, it will automatically install forge for you. You should have also downloaded the TooMuchTNT mod which would come in a .jar file. Go to Finder and go to your name (usually starts you there)
and click "Library" , "ApplicationSupport" , "Minecraft", then "mods". There is where you will drag the the "TooMuchTNT v#.#.jar” into. If there isn't a folder named "mods" already, create one.
After, log in to minecraft and before hitting play click "edit profile" and click "use version". Scroll down and click on forge version, this will run your mods.(If any of this fails then search up a video relating to your computer status)
Thank you guys for one million+ downloads of TooMuchTNT!
50 TNTs:
What a perfect update to a whole number version (3.0). Years ago when I first started this mod, my goal was to reach 50 unique and quality TNTs and I finally did it!
I hope this justifies the mod title.
If you want to post my mods on another site then at least ask me.
If you want this mod in a mod pack, I've really stopped looking at messages so just do as you will, just make sure to credit.
owner: MinecraftTNTstuff -
DINGO_WINTERWOLF posted a message on THE ORIGINAL! ::Desert Temple Guardian:: {{Day1625+}} NEW IMAGES! 11/8/2016Posted in: SuggestionsIMPORTANT NOTE!
Check Us Out On Reddit!V
Reddit Post Was terminated. Currently working on getting it back
Good Morning MineCrafters! Welcome to Day... 1625+ of the suggestion
(Name Changed From: OFFICIAL GOLD GOLEM THREAD)Quote from Sacheverell.Surprisingly solid idea you have there. Not sure how much work it would be for Mojang to program it, but definitely interesting.
When I found a pyramid it was just too easy to get my 11 gold, 2 emeralds, 3 diamonds, 12 iron, and 9 TNT. there needs to be something more to protect it. Such as "Desert Guardians" AKA "Gold Golems".
Health Points
200 (x100) (Debatable)
Armor 4 (
-Includes Boss Health Bar
-They do not: Take fall damage, Drown in Water or Burn in fire/Lava
-Slow healing factor so that you can't attack then wait a long time then attack again-High resistance to ranged attacks
Attack Strength
Melee Strike:Easy 4 (
) Medium 6 (
) Hard 8 (
Charge Attack:Easy 7 (
) Medium 9 (
) Hard 11 (
Laser Attack:Easy 4 (
Medium 6 (
Hard 9 (
(see info below)
-In Desert Temples
-Only ONE Gold Golem will spawn in the temple-If a Gold Guardian generated as part of a Pyramid is killed, another will NOT spawn to take its place.
-The Golem WILL spawn in peaceful, but will stay inactive.
(5-10)(Why Gold? Because Ancient Egypt used Gold Plating on it's statues))
(3-6)(Why Lapis? EXCELLENT QUESTION! The golem has blue glyphs on it and i like Lapis)
( 1 )( Mob Head. Trophy/Used to create Inanimate Statues) (more info below)
( 1 )("Power Core". An Item Used To Revive The Fallen Boss) (more info below)
(Not so strange to think about now-a-days since the dragon can be re-summoned with a single purpose item)
50 EXP
(Iron Golems Drop 0)(Wither Drops 50)
(Dragon Drops 1,200)
Rather slow unless charging(more info below)
Does not need to jump to move up 1 blockBehavior
-The golem will stand dormant in the Pyramid like a statue until a player gets within it's line of sight(10 Blocks), then it will "Wake Up" and attack the player.
(It will also awake if any chests within a 20 block radius are interacted with. Eyes are dark while Inactive)Once awake, it's awareness of the player will extend 32? blocks.
If the player manages to escape, the Gold Golem will give up the chase and go back to its spawn point (or if target is killed).It moves slowly, but when it gets close (5-8 blocks Ish?), it will begin its attack pattern:
-Attempting to Melee the player three times, raising it's arms for a moment then brings them down, giving about half a second to react and move away.
-After that, Its jaw will drop, the Eyes Glow Red and it will charge the player, making a low Roar as it attacks. This sprint can only be stopped by a wall (of at LEAST 2m tall) OR if the golem has charged for a distance of 10 blocks, causing a sort of bull fighter effect.
(Anything weaker than blast resistance 30 EXCEPT for sandstone/sandstone variants will be broken on impact. stones/sandstone will show damage cracks but never break from impact.)
-Finally, After it has come to a stop, It will look at the player, after a few seconds will shoot a beam from its mouth in a horizontal line with the player in the midpoint, causing a sort of sweep attack from left to right. (This laser will be able to break the same blockset as the charge attack, igniting any Mob/Player in its path as well as any blocks it comes in contact with. The point of this is to clear out possible barricades the player has built around it, or used to hide.)
-If the player cannot be reached for Melee attacks (Like, being stuck in a hole or a small doorway) The Golem will go strait to using its Charge (To break a wall that's possibly blocking it), Then continue with the Laser.
Gold Golems do not attack random monsters because random monsters don't want to steal treasure. A Gold Golem's primary purpose is to defend Pyramids from raiding players
(But using one as a guard in your prison/gladiatorial battle/boss for your dungeon, is also GREAT!)
(And Because they only target players they cant be used to make mob grinders to get items easier.)
Gold Guardians are meant to protect Pyramids from THIEVES (Players) As Iron Golems protect Villagers from zombies.(And YES, Players are thieving from the pyramid, there is no way to sugar coat it. You tomb raiding player you......)
Gold Guardians do not attack random monsters because random monsters don't want to steal treasure.A Gold Guardian's primary purpose is to defend Pyramids from raiding players (But using one as a guard in your prison/gladiatorial battle/boss for your dungeon, is also GREAT!)
And Because they target players they cant be used to make mob grinders to get items easier.
They do not; Take fall damage, Drown in Water or Burn in fire/Lava
The Guardian Can NOT Be Tamed!
(The Purpose of the Golem is to attack players. NOT RANDOM MONSTERS! If you want that then make IronGolems. Not Going To Debate It.)
Crafting A Statue/Reviving the Boss.
To craft An Inanimate statue place the dropped boss's head onto a T of gold blocks.
To revive, use the "Power Core" on the statue to bring it back to life with a mighty roar and a short "Boot up" time
Here is a Concept model done by
____________________Frequent Comments/Questions____________________________
If you have been to one of these temples. you will see THIS BLOCK all over. It is the reason for the creeper faces and the Lapis bands. There ya have it.
I will not make a poll. This thread has had a number of polls, each having up to a thousand "yes" votes, so I don't find much of a reason to make one.
________________________________________________________Thank you for your time and patience!
This topic has grown a lot from the suggestions of the people. and i thank each criticism because it gives me a way to let the idea grow.
SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!(Copy This Into Your Signature To Show Your Support!^)
-A Larger/Alternate Temple Just for the boss? Up To Mojang.
(Open to Suggestions)
Found an error? Something I forgot to change? Tell me! I'll fix the problem!COMMENTS? QUESTIONS? CONCERNS? POST BELOW!
(vvv I Did This First vvv)
Don't Forget To Come Back Later!
This thread is subject to change at anytime for editing. Thank you all for your constructive criticism and comments.LAST UPDATED11/7/2016In Other News
Found A Modder!Facebook:Dingo Winterwolf Skype:DingoWinterwolf Or HERE On The Forum
Endergirl00 posted a message on The Obsidian Golem: Alchemy all the way! [Includes Concept Art and NBT Tags]Posted in: SuggestionsAs usual, this idea was created when a few noticeable golem threads didn't receive much of a reputation. So I decided to give a shot and introduce this new golem, complete with a unique ability and look. Before I go on, I'd like to thank Broccoli_Monkey, as half of this suggestion would not have been complete without him. This suggestion belongs to both of us.
This Obsidian Golem will share some attributes to an Enderman, tall and thin. The only difference it shares, is that it has an Obsidian texture, and sports crystals out of it's body, these crystals bare a crucial part in the golem, and will be explained further after describing the Golem's general stats:
- 40 heart points (20 hearts)
- 15 armour points
- Attack damage based on type of Potion
- Special buff given to specific Golem with a specific Potion
- 25 slots in it's Inventory
Concept Art:
1st style:
2nd style (with player size comparison):
Created by greenmajesti:
As mentioned, this golem focuses on alchemy. It uses the brand new Lingering Potions, which are dropped from the Ender Dragon, or common Splash Potions in order to activate itself. This is when the Golem's crystals come into play.
At first, when summoning the Obsidian Golem, it starts off with it's original form (shown in the Concept Art). It starts off with grey, dull crystals, meaning it has no power, and won't attack any mobs or help the player. In order to activate this golem, you need to splash it with a Lingering Potion or Splash Potion of choice, once doing so, if it is a Positive or Negative potion, it will bare blue or red crystals, and cannot accept any other potion. For example, if you splash this golem with a Healing Lingering Potion, it's crystals will turn blue, and will ONLY accept Healing Lingering Potions, in it's inventory, and no others.
However, once the Obsidian Golem uses up it's potion of choice, only then you can replace the Golem's inventory with a new potion, but with the same results. It cannot accept any other potion but the one that you are offering. For example, after the Obsidian Golem uses up all of it's Healing Potions, only then you may replace those Healing potions with a new kind of potion, such as a Splash Potion of Weakness Potions. This results in the Golem changing from it's Supportive state, to it's Offensive state, and once you place in the minimum amount, you cannot place any other potions other than Splash Potions of Weakness or access the inventory until it runs out of the potions, and then you can repeat the process. This allows the Golem to use a more variety of potions, but still remain balanced.
Once you splash this golem with your potion of choice, you can then right-click the golem, which opens up it's inventory that has 25 slots. For each potion placed in, it can be used 3-5 times by this golem, and will do slightly more of the effect it does onto players or mobs. In order to prevent this mob from using an unlimited source of potions, once you place in a minimum of 5 Potions, which then allows it to attack mobs in it's radius or support the player, you cannot right-click the golem again to open it's inventory. Not until it uses up all the potions in it's inventory, only then you can right-click it again to refill it's inventory.
This golem reacts differently depending on it's 2 forms, which is its Supportive and Offensive forms. In it's Offensive state, it will attack mobs when it's within it's radius, using the potions given by the player. This Golem also shares a mechanic of the Tamed Wolf, as it can attack Players as well, if the Player, the one who created the golem, attacks an opponent or the opponent attacks the player, the Golem will target that opponent and use it's potions.
In it's Supportive state, it will follow the player, giving it positive potions when the player needs them the most. And since some of the positive potions do harm to particular hostile mobs, it will be a good bonus to have around. In this state, it's AI would also be "smarter" (If I had an adjective to describe the high intellect of a digital being created from code, then "smarter" might be it) meaning this Golem will use it's potions depending on the situation and the potion it has. For example, if you were to go swim in a lake or ocean, the Golem will splash you with a Water Breathing potion. Or if you were to go Mining with it, it will splash you with a Potion of Night Vision. Or if Night were to come around or if there is a certain number of mobs around, this golem will splash you with a Strength Potion.
This golem can be especially useful for mapmakers, as it has some interesting NBT tags. Basically, Obsidian Golems will be able to be customized using three different Data Tags:
-"Color", to be able to change the colors of the crystals on the Golem (this same tag is also used to determine the color of sheep)
-"Effect", which determines the type of potion the Golem will throw.
-"Amount", which determines the amount of potions the spawned Golem will throw before returning to it's 'empty' state.
the Color Data tag works as follows:
Each number between zero and 15 represents one of the 16 dye colors in Minecraft, in the same order as they do on sheep. When this tag is not used, the color will default to white (Color 0)
The numbers 1-25 are all the ID's of Minecraft's potion effects, and determine what type of potion the Golem will throw at you or your opponent. When this tag is not used, the potion used will default to Speed (ID: 1)
The amount tag determines the amount of potions the Golem has in it's inventory. When set to 0, the Golem will be in it's 'empty' state. The maximum of 100 in this instance is just an example, I don't know the exact limit Minecraft sets to tags like this, so I chose a limit of 100 myself.
When, instead of a number, you give an Amount of "X" the Golem's inventory will never have to be refilled, meaning that you can have it throw an infinite amount of a specific potion. When this tag is not used, the amount will be defaulted to 0 ('empty')
So, to give an example, Imagine you want to summon a Golem with red crystals, that throws Harming potions at opponents, and has 25 potions in it's inventory when summoned, you'd input this command:
/summon EnderGolem ~ ~ ~ {Color:14, Effect: 7, Amount: 25}
A new golem, with a unique ability and stylish look. Created using Obsidian and your generic Pumpkin to follow the tradition of making Golems. Unlike the Iron or Snow Golem, it uses an AOE effect, with an alchemy theme to it. The Obsidian Golem uses Lingering Potions given from the player in order to activate one of it's two alternative forms. It uses its potions effectively in battle or in a situation when the player needs them the most, like mining with no torches, or battling a horde of creepers. Use a positive potion to turn it to its Supportive state, or use a negative one to turn it into its Offensive state. But don't be alarmed, you can always change the Golem's form once it has used up all the potions in its slot. Not only is it a very loyal companion, but it comes with 3 NBT tags that customizes this golem in colour, potion type, and amount, very useful for mapmakers!
Zcrumb posted a message on Digging straight down is the new cool?!Posted in: Survival ModeI recommend the next best thing to straight down, dig a 1 x 2 hole. Stand on one side while digging the other throwing ladders up as you go. It gives you time to react and a way out. I place torches across from the ladder so I can see better.
codewarrior posted a message on MCEdit: Minecraft World Editor (Now open source!)MCEdit, a Minecraft World EditorPosted in: Minecraft Tools
MCEdit is an open source world editor for just about any version of Minecraft. MCEdit was first created to allow players to preserve anything built with several old versions of Minecraft and take them forward into newer versions of the game. It also aims to be forward-compatible with future (or even modified) versions of Minecraft. It has since been improved with brush tools for laying down blocks in different shapes, integration with the Minecraft Server to generate terrain using Minecraft’s own seed algorithms, support for multiplayer worlds, and editors for certain blocks including chests and mob spawners.
To get an idea of what MCEdit can do, just watch this tutorial/walkthrough by a famous mapmaker:
To download the latest MCEdit or report any problems you may have, head over to the official site. You can find downloads and other helpful links on the left sidebar, and news about the program's development will be posted regularly. If you want to share MCEdit, please only link to the official site at http://www.mcedit.net/. Don't upload MCEdit to a file sharing site or post links to the direct downloads. If you downloaded MCEdit from a site other than mcedit.net, I do not recommend using it.
MCEdit is continually under development. If you want to help, the simplest thing to do is download one of the "development" builds from the download page and play around with it. Post in this thread or on the issue tracker on GitHub if you find anything wrong. Be sure to include version (and build) numbers or your report won't be very helpful. Click on the Report an Issue link to find out what is needed for a helpful problem report.
A brief Frequently Asked Questions list is maintained on github. If your question isn't answered there, go ahead and post in this thread. If you think it should be included in the FAQ, just say so!
Features:- Navigate the world using familiar WASD controls and mouse aiming.
- Show the locations of dropped items, game entities including monsters and villagers, hidden ores, plus blocks with TileEntities and other Minecraft internals.
- Load saved games from current Minecraft versions, plus the older Classic and Indev versions.
- Limited support for Minecraft Pocket Edition saved games
- Export blocks and game entities as a .schematic file to be imported by MCEdit or compatible programs.
- Automatically fixes wool colors when importing and exporting between Minecraft PC, Classic, and Pocket editions!
- Double-click on a chest to change its contents, or double-click on a mob spawner to choose what spawns.
- Brush tool “paints” blocks in a round, diamond, or square shape with configurable size. Different brush modes will add new blocks, replace blocks, alter the top layer of the terrain or wear it down to smooth out rough objects.
- “Paste” brush allows you to import an object with a single click.
- “Flood Fill” brush will change all blocks that form a connected mass.
- Clone tool makes a copy of blocks and entities, optionally making multiple clones in a line or scaling the copy up or down.
- Clone and Import tools can rotate an object around any axis, or flip it horizontally or vertically.
- “Filter” plugins let users add functionality to MCEdit by writing Python code.
- Move the world’s spawn point, automatically removing blocks to make sure the spawn point is acceptable to Minecraft.
- Move and rotate any player in a single- or multiplayer world.
- Expand or contract the world’s size by adding or deleting chunks. Chunks are the basis of Minecraft’s “infinite” saved game format.
- Create new worlds or add chunks to existing worlds. The Minecraft Server can be harnessed to create natural terrain that meshes with the world’s existing seed. Flatlands can also be created at any height.
- “Analyze” feature counts the block and entity types in a selected area, optionally saving them to a .csv file.
- Maintenance commands can delete all blocks, entities, or chunks in a selected region. This is useful for getting a “corrupted” world back into a playable state.
AbrarSyed posted a message on [v4.7.1-BETA] SecretRoomsMod - Malsis Doors Compat!Posted in: Minecraft ModsSecret Rooms modThis mod adds a variety of cool blocks that camouflage themselves to the surrounding world. All of these blocks have extremely useful functions that allow you to simply hide your diamonds, or punish all who dare try to get to them. Hidden doors, pressure plates, hidden levers and more! pay special attention to the revolutionary Ghost block. this block is visible in every way, but you can walk right through it. A fearsome trap for anyone who dares try stealing your diamonds with a floor made of this stuff over a pit of lava.
SecretRoomsMod for 1.7.10 in BETA01/23/2015 6:04 PM Central Standard Time USAYeah I kinda gave up on adding new features because im busy and lazy. However thanks to Ordinastie, we now have Malsis Doors compatibility and fancy animations for the camo doors (if Malsis doors is installed). And ownership is now saved, so when permissions become a reality this mod will be nicely compatible. And maybe to help you do other stuff too, wel see. I also have word that someone may be helping me maintain this mod, so we might get some new features sooner rather than later. More details on that later.
Featured video (outdated) by TheDiamondMinecart
Error Reporting (where and how to report crashes)
- I will not read repetitive crashes
- look here for your problem, if it is not there, add a new issue
- create or log into a Github account
- Go here: On the upper right side, click 'New Issue';
- Put something relevant as the title
- include the following information
- Minecraft version
- SecretRoomsMod version
- MinecraftForge version
- any other mods that may have an impact (not your 64 long mods-list)
- an explanation of what you did to get your error
- if applicable, an error report
- your MinecraftForums username
- click submit new issue
- wait for me to respond
~~ Downloads ~~Latest edition is a beta.
Thanks to LClouds for converting this sectionback from HTML .
- backslash '\'; -- changes the way the OneWay camo blocks are placed. this can be changed under the controls menu.
- /srm-show -- toggles the visibility of the secret blocks. They only update in a certain radius though. so going around breaking blocks is a sure way to update the Camo blocks around them. It may be a good idea to toggle this command multiple times.
1) Torch lever
BlockID = 2020
Works like a normal lever, but looks exactly like a torch. It even sheds light.
2) OneWay Camo
BlockID = 2021
One side camo, all the rest glass. Looks like glass in the inventory. When placed, camo side is either towards or away from you. This can be toggled with the BackSlash key, \.
3) Secret Gate
BlockID = 2022
Camoflages to the blocks arround it, and when its powered, it extends up to 10 blocks. Try for your self in an open area.Its orrientation is the same as the OneWayCamo blocks.
4) CamoDummy (shelfgate extension)
BlockID = 2023
Camoflauges to the blocks arround them.
5) Camo TrapDoor
BlockID = 2024
A TrapDoor that camouflages itself to the surrounding blocks. it is open-able with clicking or right-clicking, Be careful not to forget where you put it. It can be placed flush with the floor, and flush with a cieling depending on where you right-click to place it.
6) ShelfGate Extension
BlockIDs = 2025 & 2026
ItemIDs = 4106 & 4107
Doors that camouflage. AS usual, the iron doors are only openabble by a redstone signal while the wooden doors can be opened with a click.
7) Camo Paste
ItemIDs = 4108
You can see them, but walk right through them.
9) Secret Lever
BlockID = 2028
Camoflages like all the other "camo" blocks, but his one works like a lever.
10) Secret Redstone
BlockID = 2029
Another Camo Block. but this one carries a redstone current just like normal redstone. The redstone works exactly liek vanilla redstone, and is nearly 100% interchangeable with it. Like vanilla redstone, it decays within 15 blocks, and needs to be refreshed with a redstone torch or repeater.
11) Secret Button
BlockID = 2030 (metadata is 0 for stone, and 1 for wood)
Another Camo block, but works like a button.
12 -15) Secret Pressure-Plates
BlockIDs = 2031 -- 2034
These are very special camo blocks. when something passes over them, they emit a redstone signal. The wooden one on the left powers when anything goes over it. The Stone version on the right only provides power when a player passes over it. The Gold and Iron versions are weighted pressure plates and behave like their vanilla counterparts
16) Secret Stairs
BlockID = 2035
Works like stairs. You place them like you would any other, and ofcourse, they are camouflaged.
** works best with the Ghost BlocksThe recipe for this block now works with all the different types of wooden stairs that exist.
17 & 18) Secret Chests (and trapped chest)
BlockID = 2036 2037
Works like a chest, just camouflages like everything else, and doesn't open up like other chests. Camo trapped chests can be crafted the exact same way, simply with the trapped chest in the center rather than a normal chest
19) Secret Light Detector (and trapped chest)
BlockID = 2038
Works like a vanilla light detector, simply camouflaged.
20) Solid Air
BlockID = 2038
Solid air is entirely invisible, yet solid. The other Secret blocks can camouflage to its entirely transparent texture in order to make completely invisible passages and structures.
Copyright and modpack permissions
This mod is release under the LGPL v3 also known as the Lesser GNU Public License.
The full body of the licence can be found here: https://github.com/AbrarSyed/SecretRoomsMod-forge/blob/master/LICENSE.txt
- The mod is Open Source on github
- You may use the code from this mod. However you cannot make money off of it.
- You may redistribute this mod in modpacks.
- You may redistribute this mod outside modpacks or repost it in other places ONLY if you retain the original adfly links.
forge = changes in only the Forge version.
Modloader = changes in only the ModLoader version.
both = changes in both versions. (also forge.. since only forge versions now.)
- 4.7.1 BETA
- added MalsisDoors (1.3.X and 1.4.X) compat. Camo doors will now have fancy animations.
- Ownership is now saved. the /srm-show command will only show you the blocks you own.
- Decent WAILA compatibility, respects ownership.
- Fixed various crashes placing Secret blocks and with the ownership file
- Fixed various issues with SecretRedstone
- 4.7.0
- updated for MC 1.7.10
- Never actually released this version apparently..
- 4.6.3
- updated for MC 1.7.2
- 4.6.2
- updated for MC 1.6.x
- Blocks now track who owns them.
- proper WAILA support
- the '/srm-show' command now only shows the blocks you own.
- 4.6.0
- updated for MC 1.5.x (works for 1.5.1 and 1.5.2)
- added Solid Air
- added Secret Light Detector
- added Secret trapped Chest
- added Secret Weighted pressure-plates
- added wooden variant of Camo button
- fixed Secret redstone so that its entirely like vanilla redstone now. (its still ot perfect though)
- Secret blocks and stuff can now be made out of any color of wool
- camo paste can now be made out of any dyes, not just the shown ones (no ore dictionary integration yet)
- 4.5.1
- finalized for forge #534
- OneWay blocks are no longer susceptible to fire
- Crashes when placing a OneWay have been fixed
- fixed various crashing errors
- fixed world-corrupting crash
- fixed crash when using DimensionalDoors, Mystcraft, and SecretRoomsMod together,
- 4.5.0
- Updated for Minecraft 1.4.7 and Forge 500+
- added a tone more mod compatibility
- the OneWay camo now works with leaves
- FullCamo blocks no longer crash when the block they were copying from is broken.
- *maybe* have fixed compatability with IC2 Solar panels
- *maybe* have fixed that crash when placing a OneWay camo...
- 4.4.1
- Updated for Minecraft 1.4.5
- 4.4.0
- Updated for Minecraft 1.4.5
- did most of promised reqrite
- fixed Camo redstone
- fixed any camoflaging issues
- possibly fixed mod-block support.
- added recipes for CamoChests and CamoStairs in the post
- 4.3.0
- Updated for Minecraft 1.4.4
- added CamoChests
- added CamoStairs
- added a CreativeTab for only this mod
- Lots of bugs exist.. bear with me. this is pending a complete re-write.
- 4.2.1 FORGE
- Fixed a bunch of stuff regarding the forge version.
- no more crashes
- no more lag
- some flickering, but no more defaulting textures.. most of the time.
- 4.2.1 FORGE
- fixed the majority of crashes.
- 4.2.1 ModLoader
- updated for MC 1.3.2
- fixed the choosing for CamoOneWays
- added blocks to the creative menu
- 4.2.0
- Implement the new Forge system
- replaced ShelfGates with CamoGates
- fixed various things
- 4.1.0
- Updated for Minecraft 1.3
- Added command /srm-show
- removed Shelf blocks except the shelf gate which is to be replaced with camo version in next update.
- 4.0.3 FORGE
- Fixed crash with/near camoOneWay blocks
- fixed lighting when copying Forge blocks
- 4.0.2 FORGE
- fixed CamoDoors
- fixed lots of bugs
- copying glowstone now makes the camo block glow as well
- OneWay glass no longer lets light through
- Lighting bugs with copying Forge added Blocks still exists.
- 4.0.0
- added Camo-TrapDoors
- added Camo-Doors
- added Secret pressure plates
- added camo Ghost blocks
- fixed grass issues with one-Way and camo blocks.
- 3.6.1
- Updated for MC 1.2.4
- Proved compatible with Minecarft 1.2.5
- 3.6.0
- Updated for MC 1.2.3
- 3.5.1
- Added Forge and ModLoaderMp version downloads.
- Only ModLoader version removed
- Fixed most BlockID issues
- 3.5
- Now compatible with Forge
- Added Blocks to creative mode
- ShelfRedstone now works flawlessly
- Updated for Bukkit 1.1 R4
- 3.0
- Added ShelfGates
- 2.2
- Fixed crashes for OneWayCamo block
- Camo Blocks work on everything but Side-Grass and Leaves
- 2.1
- Updated for MC 1.1
- fixed some crash causes for the OneWayCamo blocks
- 0.1
- Initial release
Todo list
striked red- Fixed/Added
green - working on for next update
blue - coming, kinda down the line though
- Camouflaged dispensers
- re-enforced OneWay glass (explosion proof)
- Revealing dust
- AntiCamoCannon
- Goggles of Tru Sight
- configureable sounds
Idea and more ideas from iampeppino
1.6.4 updated by CaptainShadows
Stay up to date!
Follow me on twitter for updates @AbrarSyed101!
Use #SecretRoomsMod in tweets!
Support Banners
thanks KeKoSlayer29
thanks Btrpo
Pyrosparker posted a message on [Idea] Realism Survival Mod (Make survival about survival!)-Realism Survival Mod-Posted in: Requests / Ideas For Mods
The Realism Survival Mod would make Minecraft survival challenging, fun, and more as though you actually did wake up on a beach!
No more punching trees!
While punching trees is an iconic part of Minecraft, this is a realism mod. And well... Go try it IRL and see how well you do. So instead, you can break the branches off (punch leaves) to get sticks, and leaves (not leaf blocks, actual leaves). Now your first way of getting wood is to go find some flint, attach it to stick with cord made of vines, and make a flint axe!
Found randomly here and there on the ground, and very abundant near gravel patches and caves, you can find rocks on the ground you can simply pick up. You can take rocks in your hand, and either throw them inaccurately as a weapon, or throw them at the ground to make them break. If your lucky, you can break one into a sharp shape. If you take a sharp rock, or a flint, and poke it through a stick (branch), you can make a primitive stone knife! Pretty realistic, and very useful! Also, smooth stone is only obtainable by mining all around a single stone block, so that nothing supports it. Stone block carving!
Realistic tool making!
So in Minecraft, take 3 blocks of planks that amount to be taller, wider, and deeper than your whole body, attach 'em to 2 sticks by fusing them with your hands, and presto. A handheld-size pickaxe. Again, I don't think that would go too well IRL. And wood is too soft and splintery anyway. But I bet if you took any large rock and started hitting stone/ore blocks with it, it would start to chip away. Rock; your first "pickaxe"! After you've gotten some iron with your rock, you can go ahead and make a real pick!
Scared animals!
Starvation is absolutely NO problem when you start a game. Pork chops, steak and chicken, and they aren't even afraid when they watch you kill their peeps! Well, in this mod, a bow is actually going to be an essential! Since you can make cord from vines, you don't even need find giant spiders to make a bow. If you walk straight up to an animal, it will run straight away from you, VERY quickly before you are even able get within 10 blocks of it. They will avoid dead ends and holes, but you can craft a pit trap with sticks and leaves. You could sneak up behind an animal and kill it, although you have to be very careful. If you kill an animal, any animals around it will flee for at least 30 blocks, even if they can't see you. Food now runs!
Better animals!
All animals need to eat, so now cows will also eat grass, chickens will peck at tall grass to get the seeds, and pigs will look around for mushrooms. All animals will now act a lot like ocelots, and will slowly consider to walk over to you if you hold what they eat and walk very slowly. If you can gain it's trust, it won't just follow because you fed it, but you can tie a rope to it and lead it wherever you wish. Except for chickens... You can just right click on them to pick them up, since they are much lighter than the rest. All tamed animals will require feeding. Cows and sheep are easy, just place them in a pen which will grow grass back as they eat. Chickens will eat when seeds are dropped (as an entity) by them, and pigs will eat when any food item are dropped next to them. To make animals breed, cows and sheep will eat whole wheat, chickens will eat wheat grains, and pigs will eat red mushrooms. If not fed once a day, animals will starve. This makes live-stock a somewhat challenging, yet rewarding resource.
Carrying mountains in a not even visible backpack... Need i say anything more? IRL, unless your carrying styrofoam, you can pretty much carry anything of any size, as long as it's not too heavy. Many may think this would add an annoying inconvenience, but a new mechanic would add a familiar, interesting way of digging and mining. You can still dig and mine the classic way, but you can't carry a whole lot. But now, if you right click on a chunk of dirt/stone with a shovel/pickaxe, you will break it up and pick up the resources in your hand, then you can turn any direction you like and right click again to throw it, creating an entity like falling sand. Wherever it lands it will place itself, again like falling sand, breaking torches in it's way instead of the torch breaking it. Dig holes like you would IRL, throwing the dirt out of your way with each scoop! You can hold up to 80 pounds when you start, but you can craft backpacks which will let you carry weight more efficiently, thus letting you carry more weight over all.
Energy and thirst!
You can be completely well fed and hydrated, but if you just ran a marathon, you probably won't be able to go and dig a huge hole without some kind of break. So, Energy Meter! It will slowly fill up at all times, will fill up a little quicker when mostly full, and will fill up even quicker if fully hydrated. Every significant action, or carrying too much weight will drain your energy, and sleeping will fully restore your energy. Thirst can be quenched by drinking ANY water, however, if you drink water straight out of a lake/pond, you risk being poisoned which CAN now kill you. If you drink straight from a river, you'll almost always be fine. If you drink from an ocean, you will always become poisoned. Poison can last anywhere from half a second, to two minutes, enough to kill without treatment. The oceans contain a different type of water from any others, saltwater. You cannot make saltwater safe, however you can heat up a bucket of salt water to evaporate the water off, and leave you with salt. Other water you can just heat up to make safe.
Plants and herbs!
In Minecraft, wild plants include 4 types of trees, tall grass, vines, cocoa beans, pumpkins, cactus, lily pads, flowers, sugar cane, and mushrooms. Pretty good, however there are NO natural remedies or herbs, and only 1 readily edible plant product; apples. The answer to this is coffee trees, berry bushes, another use for pine trees, aloe vera, ginger and bamboo. Coffee trees provide coffee, which will replenish energy, berry bushes are a quick source of food when you start, and farm-able later on, breaking pine leaves will drop pine-needles which can be brewed into tea which will quench some thirst and slightly increase health regen for 20 seconds, aloe vera's liquid can be squeezed into a bottle, which you can drink for 1.5 hearts instantly restored, ginger can be eaten for a small amount of hunger restored, and to cure poisoning and bamboo can be used for crafting.
First off, when it rains it will no longer sound like T.V. static. We all know how annoying it can be, and real sounding rain will actually make rain something to look forward to! That, and because rain will speed up all plant growth! Rain can also be collected in bowls/buckets to get free fresh water. However, like most people, Steve doesn't like getting wet in the rain... Especially not while carrying lots of stuff in a big backpack, so walking around in rain will make you walk a bit slower.
Food spoiling!
Ever wondered how 64 raw pieces of meat can sit in an un-refrigerated chest and never go bad? Well not any more! Almost all foods now spoil. Spoiling shows up as a durability bar on the food, and therefore, food will no longer stack. But, food now fills you up more. No longer will eating a whole chicken fill you up less than a single pork chop! Meats last two hours in real time, fruits last three hours in real time, vegetables last five hours, wheat items last 6 hours, pie lasts 4 hours, mushrooms and herbs last forever. Now I know mushrooms don't last long IRL, but being able to thrive in the nether, these obviously aren't normal mushrooms... Meats can be dried, or smoked to preserve them forever and enable stacking, but lower the hunger restored. An ice box can be built with wood and cords, and will let you place snow blocks inside to keep food frozen and preserved, forever... As long as it stays cold.
Real Mining!
Mine carts are now very useful, due to weight being added. Chest carts now only have 9 slots, but can carry infinite weight, like single chests will now have. Of course carts aren't required, but having something to carry tons and tons of weight for you over large distances will make strip mining bearable. Until then, cave mining is the best option. The catch about carts, though, is powered rails and powered carts are now disabled. To make carts go anywhere, you have to let gravity do it for you, or tie a horse to your cart to haul it. Ores now drop an item, not a block, which is good because that means less weight. You just can't place it down as a block again. Torches now require sap, obtained by processing wood, or by tapping trees, and will burn out in 15 minutes, real time. Burnt out torches can be refueled with sap, then re-lit with another torch. Torches will now provide light when held, so you can explore without having to waste tons and tons of torches! Jack-o-lanterns will also run out over time, and turn into a normal pumpkin again when the torch inside burns out. Lava can't be carried in buckets anymore, for obvious reasons. Now near lava, you can find Sulfur Ore, and in jungle caves, you can find Niter Ore. Also, on the note of digging, you will still be able to dig with your hands, it will just take a lot longer. If Minecraft condenses 24 hours into 24 minutes for a full day, then 60 minutes of digging a square meter of sand/dirt/gravel/clay will turn to 60 seconds.
Smelting and smithing!
Iron takes a lot hotter of a fire to melt than you could get from burning coal in a small hollow stone block. Furnaces are still good for cooking, boiling, clay firing and drying, but not for melting metal, unless you have bellows that take nails to make anyways. To smelt your first metal, you need to fire a clay crucible, and make a bonfire. If you place a crucible on the ground, you can place ore into it and light wood blocks on fire around the crucible. As long as at least four fire blocks exist within a 3x3x3 area around the crucible, the ore will melt. Once the ore has melted, a mould made from fired clay can be used on the crucible to pour the metal into, and an ingot is formed. Although a bonfire is required to melt metal, only a furnace is required to make it soft enough to work with. Using a stone block as a weak makeshift anvil, and a hammer and chisel, you can shape metal into any tool head or material you need. A stone anvil will break after a few uses, but a stronger anvil (replaces vanilla anvil) made by melting iron into a clay anvil mould will last for 30 or so uses. Due to having a chisel, you can make holes in the tool heads, so you no longer need to use cord to secure them to sticks. Gold follows just about all these guidelines, except you can not make a gold anvil. Using Graphite you can find as a medium/rare ore close to, but not quite at diamond level, you can add it to your iron ore in a bonfire/stoked furnace to create steel ingots! Steel can be used to make tools almost as strong as vanilla diamond tools, but not quite.
But what about redstone, diamonds, and all the unrealistic magic type stuff?
Well, there's room in this mod to keep magic and such, but mainly because the methods here no one has ever tried, IRL. Redstone occurs near lava level, which no one has really gotten to, so for all we know it may actually exist beneath us. Diamonds can't be used for tools anymore, because although diamonds are possibly the hardest material found in nature, the truth is diamond is very brittle. They can still be used to make an enchanting table though, and now steel can mine obsidian. Again, no one has ever tried to make a huge portal out of 14 blocks of obsidian before, so for all we know if you did it IRL, it may work. So the nether stays, and due to their supernatural nature, netherrack still burns forever, and glowstone still glows forever. All the Nether pretty much stays the same, and Netherrack is very light compared to the weight of stone. As for all the unrealistic mobs, there is a difficulty added to change that. Now, the difficulty levels will be peaceful, easy, normal, hard, realistic. Realistic isn't necessarily harder than hard, it's just a different gamemode, pretty much. In realistic, zombies, skeletons, creepers, spiders and endermen do not spawn, but environmental damage is much much higher. Because i don't think you could make a quick, full recovery from a 3 story drop IRL, at least not in the wild. Now, if you want to get to a stronghold and then The End, you need eyes of ender. Since there are no endermen in realistic mode, you can get enderpearls and eyes of ender from a special new mob in a Nether Fortress!
More crafting!
You can craft a mortar and pestle with two stones, a hammer, and a chisel. A mortar and pestle can be used to turn wheat grains into flour, after taking the grains out of the bundle, and can be used to grind all the ingredients for gunpowder together. The mortar and pestle is also used to grind about anything down, you now need it to make bone meal, blaze powder, etc. If you find cacti, you can collect them and take the needles out of them. A needle plus a feather will make a dart, which can be shot out of a blow gun, weaker but more accurate and farther shooting than a bow. A dart gun is made by a piece of bamboo, and a knife. TNT is replaced by Powder Charge, which is crafted with cord, paper, and gunpowder.
Active Villagers!
So, villagers can build houses, farms and even find diamonds (as seen in blacksmiths' chests sometimes), but they can't defend themselves from even a single zombie? Very realistic! NOT! So now, farmers will actually collect crops, replant them, and re-till soil as needed, blacksmiths actually use their anvil and forge, every villager will at least punch zombies if they can't run, and there are 3 new types of villagers! The first of which, the Hunter. The hunter will leave his house every dawn and hunt for animals with a bow and a pet wolf, and come back to the village no later then when 3/4 of the day is over. The Miner will spend almost all of his time in the village's mines, coming up now and then to re-supply, and drop off the mined goods at the blacksmith. And lastly, the Knight will patrol the entire village at night, armed with chain or better armor, and stone or better sword, and a bow. Farmers will also act as builders, and expand the village slowly as it advances.
Electricity is realistic! You should add machines and stuff!
Well, is electricity in Minecraft realistic? Yes and no. Yes, it certainly does exist in real life, but it's not realistic for one person who woke up in absolute wilderness to be able to create controlled, usable electricity, or any functional
machines to use it for that matter, within their span of life. The power of electricity wasn't harnessed in a single
human generation in real life, much like Rome wasn't built in a day.
So, that's what I have so far. This would make a very interesting fun mod, where survival really is survival. If anyone likes this idea, wants to make the mod, wants to make a banner for it, or wants to add their own idea, by all means leave a reply! I would like to see everyone's and anyone's opinion on this idea!
And if anyone wants to make this mod, I have already made 90% of the (originally planned) textures, and they all fit in with vanilla textures.
We could use a nice, simple, to-the-point banner if anyone would like to make one.
Armorika posted a message on Summonable Player - new utility potential for adventure, modding and testingThis is an idea for a useful new summonable entity, simply called 'player' that will allow mobs to interact with it without a real player's input.Posted in: Suggestions
A blank, standard no AI 'player' would be summoned and all mobs would react to it as they would to a real player (spawning if it's in the vicinity, attacking it, looking at it like passive mobs, running away). Potion effects can be given, and all usual commands to entities would apply to it.
Passive mobs will follow it if it's holding wheat/seeds/carrot in its hand, as it's to emulate exactly how mobs behave towards a real player.
It'll only be accessible via command - /summon Player
By default it'll have no AI, and simply stand there similar to armour stands. However some basic AI could be implemented. Even so it wouldn't place nor break blocks, nor access containers.
- Run from hostile mobs =1
- Chase passive mobs =2
- Wander =3
- Pace =4
- Attack =5(I haven't thought this one through much, but the code for skeletons and zombies could be applied and tweaked so it shoots at hostile mobs, and inflict damage up close
It would be able to hold items allowing it to attract passive mobs, or attack if its a bow. Unlike zombies and skeletons the damage of any weapon its holding will be applied.
- Knockback from projectiles and explosions (on=1, off=0)
- Damage (on=1, off=0)
- Affected by gravity (on=1, off=0)
As this entity is to be used as a tool, not a mob that you as a proper player would interact with, an appearance isn't really necessary for it. It should be simply utilitarian and not distracting. Something as plain as this would do as it'd be most effective invisible anyway.
However it'd also be possible to add custom heads and armour to it, so it fits in with adventure map themes. Thanks to Bloodyghost9 for this idea
[quote]The syntax could be /summon player {SkinOwner:Notch}. To use mob skins such as zombie, skeleton, etc you could say /summon player {SkinOwner:mob.skeleton} or something similar. Also, if you wanted the player to have health and be able to die, you could say /summon player {Invincible:0, Health:20} which would be 10 hearts (20 half hearts)
This will allow map makers a lot of new potential with storytelling and triggered events.
How it differs from Armour Stands
Armour stands are available in survival, items and armour can be placed on them by hand, they don't have any skin and they require command blocks and /tp commands to emulate movement.
The 'player' in a way is a more advanced version of them; they can move like a regular mob, have skins applied and probably won't be used to store your armour (as it'd look like a guard rather than an armour stand)
Breaking/ placing blocks
Idea in progress...
Potential uses
- Battle scenario where you want skeletons to shoot on command - Summon a 'player' in front of each one, and they'll begin shooting at it. Add invisibility to make it look more authentic
- Server minigames - Tons of potential from helpers to class selectors without having to use signs or immobile mobs, upgradeable companion in PVP, hireable mercenaries in survival
- Zombie attractor - Have zombies focus and follow something that won't die (unlike villagers) and doesn't have to be contained in safety
- Adventure map characters - Pacing guards on their rounds (pace behaviour), townspeople (wandering behaviour), hireable mercenary (fighting behaviour)
- Mob grinder - Test the effectiveness of a mob grinder for hours while you do other stuff in your world
- Music disc generator - Test skeleton and creeper music disc traps more effectively by having a 'player' attract them via pistons
- Farms using the Wither - Summon one behind the blocks you want the wither to break, and it'll try to attack it.
- Sci-fi laser gate - Guardians will target and attack invisible 'players' and with summoning you can have the laser beams move
- Youtube tutorials/ showcases - Show a feature without having to rush from the input to the output (especially if its far away) with a 'player' summoned at the coordinates and interacting with redstone
- Building time-lapse recorder - If you don't want to buy a second account for recording a building time-lapse, you could set a 'player' to record it instead, using the recording mod
- Mod testing - Test mod items and blocks where you can see the effects better
- Mod mob testing - Test mob behaviour from a bird eye view (or any other angle) for testing
- Holy piggy shrine - Have your mobs gaze adoringly at a golden pig idol (invisible 'player' in front of it
- Tutorials - IIP (idea in progress)
- To post a comment, please login.
That's exactly what I was thinking no support