One of the things that sets this server apart is its longevity. The map since the first anvil format (Minecraft 1.2.1) is still around. One of the promises kept back then is that your builds will never be erased, and that is still being honored. The old map from nearly a decade ago is still hosted.
Your builds are heavily protected. Server backups occur frequently off-site to AWS.
High Performance: 1Gig uplink, NVMe, databases, and plenty of dedicated cores and memory.
You can be confident that you will not lose your time investment building here.
The goal of this server network is to provide a clean and no-nag Minecraft experience. I have never and will never ask for monetary donations. The rules and functionality have not changed much since 2012. You automatically rank up by playtime, and voting. All players who were at least Rank 2 pre-overhaul on September 8th, 2020 have now been set as veteran ranks globally across the server network.
The rules are simple:
– Please be kind and respect one another
– Please keep the survival landscapes free from floating structures (trees, buildings, etc…). If you want to build a floating structure, feel free to do so in creative.
– Do not build offensive structures. These will be removed.
– Do not build low effort towers (1×1 dirt towers, etc). These will be removed.
– Refrain from asking for staff positions
– Most importantly, have fun!
Gray-list, please apply here with the following form, we are asking for mature players for our community
Minecraft Name:
Years you have played Minecraft:
Why you have interest in Valhalla:
Time Zone:
Although you do not need to apply before joining, it is recommended as it will make your Grief Prevention land claims permanent from the get-go if you are whitelisted. They otherwise expire in 30 days if there is no activity if you are a guest.
Visit the website for rank information (all free!), discord links, and more.
Hey foz idk if u remember me but, i was a high rank and had multiple houses and after being gone for about 4 months i go back on the server and all of my stuff is gone.... i worked very hard for everything i achieved just to find out that its all gone is heartbreaking and im a little bit frustrated.
To get your old things you need to tell me where they are.
You can view the Old Dynmap from:
From there, tell me the coords of your old house, and it will be moved to the new world.
Hello again, I was whitelisted a while back but now it seems i lost it probably too long since i have been on...
would love to be whitelisted again to continue my buildings and such
Ingame name is dSe7eNb
There is no whitelist, all you need to do is log in
There has been confusion on the website.
Since I migrated hosts, you need to add the www subdomain in-front of the address to get to the website. (Since they are on different hosts now)
I have moved to a server host with a player capacity of 55.
There are no longer admins or mods for the server. They are not needed at our player capacity.
Players at Rank 4 (Blue) can assist other players in rolling back griefs.
Please use GriefPrevention to protect your builds, so rolling back griefs is not necessary.
If I were to purchase both Webhosting:80 and Gameserver:25565 services, would I be able to use my domain name for both services.
Would both of their dedicated IP's be the same. Thanks.
Also, would it be possible for the webserver to be on the same machine as the gameserver. I would like the gameserver to write data to the webroot/some-directory/.
i loved this server! utill i was banned by kitten for no god damned reason, I've seen kitten kick multiple people for various reasons, with no warning, often abusing her power, the other day using god mode to kill people in there own protected area, they could not do anything to an invincible admin, also find myself getting ignored by an admin quit often, and when there actually is an admin on the server, they tend to not take care of any issues.
come on Venator, were's the server i loved and put so many hours into!?!?
You were unbanned last month. Kitten is no longer Admin.
Since many people have accidentally updated to 1.5, I went ahead and disabled client protocol checks.
Please note that the server is still running 1.4.7, so new features/items will not be available.
You will still be able to log in with a 1.5 client though.
Server Valhalla (US Hosted)
Game Address:
Website Address:
Server Valhalla is nearly a decade old, it has been around since 2012.
This is a Server Hub (BungeeCord), logging into the lobby will allow you to choose from 3 servers:
-Main: New, unexplored map as of 2020 (Click here for live dynmap: (Main Survival Large Biomes - 16 km x 16 km))
-Old Main: The old world from 2013, fully explored (Click here for live dynmap: 2013 Survival DynMap (4 km x 4 km))
-Creative Island: The custom island for those who want creative (live dynmap: Creative Island DynMap (2 km x 2 km))
One of the things that sets this server apart is its longevity. The map since the first anvil format (Minecraft 1.2.1) is still around. One of the promises kept back then is that your builds will never be erased, and that is still being honored. The old map from nearly a decade ago is still hosted.
Your builds are heavily protected. Server backups occur frequently off-site to AWS.
High Performance: 1Gig uplink, NVMe, databases, and plenty of dedicated cores and memory.
You can be confident that you will not lose your time investment building here.
The goal of this server network is to provide a clean and no-nag Minecraft experience. I have never and will never ask for monetary donations. The rules and functionality have not changed much since 2012. You automatically rank up by playtime, and voting. All players who were at least Rank 2 pre-overhaul on September 8th, 2020 have now been set as veteran ranks globally across the server network.
The rules are simple:
– Please be kind and respect one another
– Please keep the survival landscapes free from floating structures (trees, buildings, etc…). If you want to build a floating structure, feel free to do so in creative.
– Do not build offensive structures. These will be removed.
– Do not build low effort towers (1×1 dirt towers, etc). These will be removed.
– Refrain from asking for staff positions
– Most importantly, have fun!
Gray-list, please apply here with the following form, we are asking for mature players for our community
Minecraft Name:
Years you have played Minecraft:
Why you have interest in Valhalla:
Time Zone:
Although you do not need to apply before joining, it is recommended as it will make your Grief Prevention land claims permanent from the get-go if you are whitelisted. They otherwise expire in 30 days if there is no activity if you are a guest.
Visit the website for rank information (all free!), discord links, and more.
To get your old things you need to tell me where they are.
You can view the Old Dynmap from:
From there, tell me the coords of your old house, and it will be moved to the new world.
There is no whitelist, all you need to do is log in
Since I migrated hosts, you need to add the www subdomain in-front of the address to get to the website. (Since they are on different hosts now)
So: instead of just
There are no longer admins or mods for the server. They are not needed at our player capacity.
Players at Rank 4 (Blue) can assist other players in rolling back griefs.
Please use GriefPrevention to protect your builds, so rolling back griefs is not necessary.
Would both of their dedicated IP's be the same. Thanks.
Also, would it be possible for the webserver to be on the same machine as the gameserver. I would like the gameserver to write data to the webroot/some-directory/.
You were unbanned last month. Kitten is no longer Admin.
PvP is off. Someone messed with the global flag.
lol. he be trollin.
Please note that the server is still running 1.4.7, so new features/items will not be available.
You will still be able to log in with a 1.5 client though.
Uptime is still 99.6 after 6 months.