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    posted a message on What is the most luckiest thing that happened to you in minecraft?
    I found some horses over a hill form where I spawned. beneath that hill is a cave that has a skeleton spawner. I also found an eight diamond block vein in my mine shaft.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Bugs I found while playing survival
    A few more bugs:

    When zombies are behind a gate and I open the gate, their speed increases almost five times as they come at you.

    Baby zombies don't give you experience or loot when you kill one. I also read that baby zombies being fast is a bug?

    This is not a bug but needs to be fixed: Let horses go through opened gates. It is annoying that I have to destroy a fence every time I need to ride a horse through a fenced up area.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What was your first death ever like?
    I fell down a tunnel I made.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Bugs I found while playing survival
    Quote from NinjaDolphin

    You just nullified what you have been trying to point out in the first place. Originally you said these were new glitches that weren't there last time you played.

    I don't care if a bug is old or new. That is besides the point. I just mentioned new bugs for the heck of it. Secondly, it was a different post, so I didn't necessarily mean it to follow from what I said in the original post.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on What happens when new features are added?
    When I was playing, every time new features were added, we had to start a new world to get those features. Does it still work that way? Say, if I was playing an old world and Mojang adds a mob that spawns on grass, will they spawn on grass in a world created before that patch?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Anyone else's animals glitching through gates?
    Yes, I have that same problem, but for me it's only the chickens. What I did to solve the problem was to make the pen two blocks high.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Zombie Midgets?
    Yea, I found some on the over-world. They sound squeaky and move very fast. So far for me they don't seem to give you loot or experience.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Bugs I found while playing survival
    Quote from Bro_Flygon

    a very long time.

    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Bugs I found while playing survival
    Oh yea, I forgot to mention that the chickens are escaping through fences and sitting wolves still randomly teleport to you when you are far away.
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Bugs I found while playing survival
    Why would they limit our options by having the compass point toward the place where we begun the map? What is the significance of that? Am I missing something here?

    Anyway, anyone else experiencing the eating food bug that I mentioned above, or is it just me?
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Bugs I found while playing survival
    After coming back to Minecraft after a year of not playing, I noticed new bugs that were not in the older versions of Minecraft.

    The first one is the random consumption of food right after you just ate one of the food. E.g., you eat one chicken from, say out of 5 chicken, then the game automatically and instantly consumes the next piece of chicken even though you are no longer eating(holding down right mouse button).

    The next bug is that the compass no longer points in the direction of your bed that you slept in, the place of your new respawn, but rather it points in the point of where you spawned when you began the world. But, I don't know if this is a bug or a change.

    Please fix this!
    Posted in: Survival Mode
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    posted a message on Servants ( And Mercenaries)
    Quote from StackyDavid

    Isn't this suggestion essentially just asking for the Tale of Kingdoms mod to be implemented in Vanilla MC?

    What is tales of kingdoms and what does it have anything to do with minecraft? Because as it stands it is a lame excuse to not implement something which has already been vaguely done by another game. Following your logic, world of warcraft shouldn't exist because there are already other MMORPGS out there.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Servants ( And Mercenaries)
    Quote from NerdPlus

    Takes away the whole purpose of the game.

    No support.

    Wolves, golems, testificates and cats, already support your character, I don't see the validity in the arguments. I support mercenaries, and I have made a thread suggesting one months ago, but I can't find it anymore. Basically, mercenaries are like wolves, cats, and golems, in that they attack hostile mobs, but the difference is that you can equip them with armor and weapons.

    The mercenaries would live in villages, and every now and then there will be a zombie invasion, and it is your obligation to help defend them by mining for diamond or iron and equip them for the zombie invasion.
    Posted in: Suggestions
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    posted a message on Concept drawings
    Any ideas what I should draw next? I am taking suggestions.
    Posted in: Fan Art
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    posted a message on Concept drawings
    I drew these on paper with pencil and scanned it onto the computer. I am taking suggestions for what to draw next.

    Posted in: Fan Art
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