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    posted a message on Welcome to SoulFire (1.7.4) 100% Vanilla Survival Server
    First Name: Sam, Though i really go by Vaur most of the time.
    In-Game-Name: Vaurature
    Country: Usa, Georgia
    Age: 18
    M/F: Male
    How often can you play in hours?: 1-3 hours a day, excluding Monday/Wednesday/Friday due to clan responsibilities.
    Have you ever been banned before?: Yes, though it was because one of my friends got unjustly banned, and i was asking if he could put up some form of ban appeal, which the trigger happy banhammer wielder took offense to.
    Have you read and do you agree to abide by the rules?: Yes.
    How well can you speak English? (Poor, Fair, Good, Native Speaker): Native speaker/southern
    How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Beta, day after the April fools update. About 1.4.2.
    Do you have TeamSpeak and are you willing to use it?: Yes, i use it all the time.
    Favorite Block in Minecraft: Varies from time to time, but it is mostly the Cobble/Smooth stone on my texture pack that gets me. (Faithful 32x32)
    What is your favorite building style? Varies aswell, From simplistic castles, to less so underground bases(dwarf fortress inspired).

    I don't really have a favourite genre, though i guess i could just pick Dubstep/Alternative Rock.
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    Quote from chas5511

    The event was great and server lore will soon be updated!

    Hope to see more of these, best time rp i've had in a while
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Tales of Carpathia: Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy RP
    MC Name - Vaurature
    Age - 16
    Time Zone - eastern u.s.
    RP Experience - been with you guys since January. also i like the oatmeal you make daddy

    Character Name - Vaur_Ferric
    Character Age - 26
    Character Backstory(simple is good) -
    Born to a former pub keeper, he later joined the same profession, being lucky to have joined his father on the [Star]trek to the new town of Carpathia. While it stung to leave behind all he knew, he was quite grateful to leave the dull-town and head for somewhere new, and more importantly, safer. His father died on the trek however, leaving him alone for a small portion of the journey, and during this time he decided to do the one thing he knew once he got to this new town, Pubs. Also during this time he discovered the presence of untrained magic, manifest as a slightly higher tolerance to pain, and a force to push his muscles more beyond their limits, if only at the cost of extreme fatigue. He had plenty of time to decide on the name of the pub, and finally drew the final name "Fireside Pub"
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on [ADV] Kingdom of the Sky (Narrated Story) Multiple Perfect Review Scores - 175,000+ Downloads!
    Pause and millbee love your map, good enough for me to take a shot at it. Also, this map seems in tents! Quite the pause- ative Feedback from everyone in the livestream.
    Posted in: Maps
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    posted a message on [SHOP] KTB's Skin Shop *Open*
    Can you make Lakarl from Disgaea?

    Picture in the link Sorry if thats a wall of text.
    Time to Finish: However long it takes to do decent work
    PM or POST: either
    Did you + i will as soon as i get the skin
    Posted in: Skins
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    posted a message on Betelgeuse - Return of the Spiders [Fantasy RP] [Medieval] [1.5.1]
    Quote from the_elimist

    The double post is no worry, seeing as you have a legitimate question.

    We did just get the server updated to 1.1, however it appears that there's some bug or glitch or general thingummy that's causing our CPU to drop down to zero whenever someone tries to join the server. What this means is that the server effectively crashes.

    So until this issue gets resolved, we're stuck with 1.0.1. The good news is that we should know what's going on by tomorrow.


    Ok. Just making sure, cause my sister and i were freaking out a little

    Also Sight-Foreson is a good seed in 1.2 snapshot!
    Posted in: PC Servers
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    posted a message on Regarding SMP "cheats" -- An updated policy
    Think of it logically. Everyone griefs atleast once in their entire minecraft existance. I dont approve of doing it online but what happens happens. The Major deal is stealing with xraymod/texturepack to find a hidden chest on a server that has no lockette type program. I've even hidden a lockette chest full of diamond iron and gold and had my friend tell me he could break into it. There is no cure all pill/program. The never will be so stop your damned whining and just crack down on the Major Griefers. (someone who plays minecraft just to grief) and stop with the playful griefers (someone who just got a little bored and needed a little time with tnt experiments) And Revenge Griefers (people on pvp servers who cant fight back so just grief the fortress ((of their killer)) so they can ambush them in their sanctuary). These are one time or possibly once weekly things that will not disrupt the server too much. If someone goes into a hissy fit then just tempban them with a message saying something like 'cool down he wont do it again and if you just go and spawn kill him over and over then you will be Permabanned' or some such. I really dont care what the hell you say in response seeing as i am one of the very few who really doesnt care about what mods people use. I use several mods myself. Including Xray (for the night vision) Zans minimap, and Moveplus. All of these work (moveplus will kill you if you double jump down a 1x1 ledge. just one heart though) in multiplayer. My server hosts dont care. There are even plugins that make Xray really hard to use if you really care. AmnesiaCraft For Bukkit Servers

    And By god if you dont agree Post a reason why or live knowing you're a f***tard, who can't post more than gibberish (ex. a major griefer)
    Posted in: Minecraft Mods
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    posted a message on The Titan's Crossing [RP]
    how would one get an acount on the website
    Posted in: Minecraft Survival Servers (archive)
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