First Name: Sam, Though i really go by Vaur most of the time. In-Game-Name: Vaurature Country: Usa, Georgia Age: 18 M/F: Male How often can you play in hours?: 1-3 hours a day, excluding Monday/Wednesday/Friday due to clan responsibilities. Have you ever been banned before?: Yes, though it was because one of my friends got unjustly banned, and i was asking if he could put up some form of ban appeal, which the trigger happy banhammer wielder took offense to. Have you read and do you agree to abide by the rules?: Yes. How well can you speak English? (Poor, Fair, Good, Native Speaker): Native speaker/southern How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Beta, day after the April fools update. About 1.4.2. Do you have TeamSpeak and are you willing to use it?: Yes, i use it all the time. Favorite Block in Minecraft: Varies from time to time, but it is mostly the Cobble/Smooth stone on my texture pack that gets me. (Faithful 32x32) What is your favorite building style? Varies aswell, From simplistic castles, to less so underground bases(dwarf fortress inspired).
I don't really have a favourite genre, though i guess i could just pick Dubstep/Alternative Rock.
What is your real name?
Not entirely sure why you need this, but it's Sam. I really just prefer being called Vaur however Where are you from?
Georgia, U.S.
How old are you?
What is your Minecraft IGN?
Do you have any Minecraft RP Experience? Yes, i have been on "Asmalur:blah de blah" and "Betelguese (generations 1-infinity) and am looking for a server that isn't old and established, aswell as one that has the chance of taking off for more than a month
Have you ever been banned from any Minecraft Server? If yes why so?
Yes, for sticking up for a friend who was banned wrongfully.
Character Biography: (Be sure to include how old they are in game, and specific character traits.)
His mother dieing at his fourth birthday, he was raised the rest of his 18 years raised by his father and uncle, both of whom hunted. Ofcourse they weren't the best of role models, however he was taught all that was required to hunt, and not be cheated out of money when he sell the game. Aside from a basic math education, and wilderness survival skills, he has never been taught to read, or write anything. He is never caught without his hood, covering his face in darkness, leading others to suspect some form of deformity. Some say he has scars all over his face, from when he got in a fight with an adolescent bear. Others say he had acid spat in his face by some form of demon creature. Yet others say he was maimed by the order of a lord, who's wife he had slept with.
{Grammatical errors are mainly me typing this up at near midnight. I do hope you overlook them.}
Picture of RP Skin:
I can pull a livestream of myself using my skin up if you want? Pictures of Previous or WIP Builds:
Same as the above, mainly because i dislike making pictures. Doesn't give the full impression that a video, or experiencing it yourself, does. Though i do confess, i haven't built anything major in a while, i burned out from building castles and such a few months ago, and delete my minecraft files so frequently installing new mods and such, that i have no worlds saved with good builds.
Btw, the stream will be on:
What is Meta Gaming?:
Using OOC knowledge icly
You fight for survival, with no food, you're starving. You come across a hut in the Jungle, You enter and see a lit fire, however no one is around. Do you steal the supplies? or leave them be? If i see food, then i will take some, but i would leave a note, and something in trade.
You see someone heavily armored coming to attack you and your friends. Do you fight them? Or run at an attempt to save your life? Depends on the friends, and how lucky i'm feeling You meet a strange hooded man offering you supplies, you see he has a bag with something in it. What do you do? stare at him quizzically, then ask who he stole it from.
You come across a tomb, dark and quiet and huge in size, you see the edges lined with diamond plates. A sign reads "Enter if you dare". What is your first thought. Best enter it and see what all the fuss is about, quickly followed by the thought "best send someone else in first"
isn't there an easier way to do this already coded into minecraft in the form of '/gamerule firespread false', or whatever the middle part is ? not entirely sure why you needed to make a mod to do this, but i suppose thats one way of doing it.
RP Experience - Been with you guys for a little over a year now.
Character Name - Cypher (hater of Citrus fruits)
Character Age -30
Brief Description- Clad in dark red robes covering his entire body, a hood covering his head, and a white mask covering his face. These garments are a throwback to the traditional garb of a Cypher.
Character Backstory- One of the brighter youths in his village, selected secretly to be the next Cypher. Upon receiving this honor, his past life was forgotten, his name non-existent, and his title took place of a name. Years later, his village was attacked, and destroyed, and only he was left alive, if only because of his title. With the loss of his village, and his source for new lore and traditions destroyed, he turned to a new topic of study, Thaumaturgy.(note was planning on semi-rushing the first few researches, basically if i get gold transmutation, then i will attempt to learn all the other transmutations at around the same time, and so on, until i get past "Unified Thaumic Field Theory" At which point i was going to try and limit myself to one BIG research a week/2 weeks)
Character Name - Hiral Tyalo (Wood Elf)
Character Age – 30
Character Backstory - Found in the woods as a young lad, by the Grand Wizard Iali, who decided to raise him as his own son. He was raised in a household/tower of magic, even though he himself had no magical powers. Later in his life, around when he turned 18, his adoptive father gifted to him a Lamia Familiar called “Lizzy” to protect him. A few years after that, he decided to go in search of his true family, though he never found anything related to them. Jump to three years ago, when the Sun disappeared from the sky, and then 2 and a halfish years after that, when it reappeared, he finally gave up the search. But rather than return to his adoptive father in Vaile, he found a desert Oasis town, and decided to settle there for a while.
Character Name - Narkov Ventris, Snow Character Age - 27 Character Backstory(simple is good) -
The Eldest son of the Ventris Family, and the only one who joined the Famed Assassins of Vaile. He never tired of the Hunt, though recently a new "target" had entered his sights. His younger brother, Vaur, The only survivor of a tragic attack on the "Nalwoods" Ranger Academy of Vaile. He has recently found that his shadow has started moving of it's own accord, pointing in the same direction, as if The Lady of Darkness wished him to find something. Weeks of travelling in the heat of the wastes, running out of water in the past few days, leaving him hoping he hasn't been hallucinating, that the goddess Nyx is infact helping him find a town, or even better, His brother Vaur.
MC Name - Vaurature Age - 16 Time Zone - eastern u.s. RP Experience - been with you guys since January. also i like the oatmeal you make daddy
Character Name - Vaur_Ferric Character Age - 26 Character Backstory(simple is good) -
Born to a former pub keeper, he later joined the same profession, being lucky to have joined his father on the [Star]trek to the new town of Carpathia. While it stung to leave behind all he knew, he was quite grateful to leave the dull-town and head for somewhere new, and more importantly, safer. His father died on the trek however, leaving him alone for a small portion of the journey, and during this time he decided to do the one thing he knew once he got to this new town, Pubs. Also during this time he discovered the presence of untrained magic, manifest as a slightly higher tolerance to pain, and a force to push his muscles more beyond their limits, if only at the cost of extreme fatigue. He had plenty of time to decide on the name of the pub, and finally drew the final name "Fireside Pub"
In-Game-Name: Vaurature
Country: Usa, Georgia
Age: 18
M/F: Male
How often can you play in hours?: 1-3 hours a day, excluding Monday/Wednesday/Friday due to clan responsibilities.
Have you ever been banned before?: Yes, though it was because one of my friends got unjustly banned, and i was asking if he could put up some form of ban appeal, which the trigger happy banhammer wielder took offense to.
Have you read and do you agree to abide by the rules?: Yes.
How well can you speak English? (Poor, Fair, Good, Native Speaker): Native speaker/southern
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Beta, day after the April fools update. About 1.4.2.
Do you have TeamSpeak and are you willing to use it?: Yes, i use it all the time.
Favorite Block in Minecraft: Varies from time to time, but it is mostly the Cobble/Smooth stone on my texture pack that gets me. (Faithful 32x32)
What is your favorite building style? Varies aswell, From simplistic castles, to less so underground bases(dwarf fortress inspired).
I don't really have a favourite genre, though i guess i could just pick Dubstep/Alternative Rock.
Hope to see more of these, best time rp i've had in a while
Not entirely sure why you need this, but it's Sam. I really just prefer being called Vaur however
Where are you from?
Georgia, U.S.
How old are you?
What is your Minecraft IGN?
Do you have any Minecraft RP Experience?
Yes, i have been on "Asmalur:blah de blah" and "Betelguese (generations 1-infinity) and am looking for a server that isn't old and established, aswell as one that has the chance of taking off for more than a month
Have you ever been banned from any Minecraft Server? If yes why so?
Yes, for sticking up for a friend who was banned wrongfully.
Character Biography: (Be sure to include how old they are in game, and specific character traits.)
His mother dieing at his fourth birthday, he was raised the rest of his 18 years raised by his father and uncle, both of whom hunted. Ofcourse they weren't the best of role models, however he was taught all that was required to hunt, and not be cheated out of money when he sell the game. Aside from a basic math education, and wilderness survival skills, he has never been taught to read, or write anything. He is never caught without his hood, covering his face in darkness, leading others to suspect some form of deformity. Some say he has scars all over his face, from when he got in a fight with an adolescent bear. Others say he had acid spat in his face by some form of demon creature. Yet others say he was maimed by the order of a lord, who's wife he had slept with.
{Grammatical errors are mainly me typing this up at near midnight. I do hope you overlook them.}
Picture of RP Skin:
I can pull a livestream of myself using my skin up if you want?
Pictures of Previous or WIP Builds:
Same as the above, mainly because i dislike making pictures. Doesn't give the full impression that a video, or experiencing it yourself, does. Though i do confess, i haven't built anything major in a while, i burned out from building castles and such a few months ago, and delete my minecraft files so frequently installing new mods and such, that i have no worlds saved with good builds.
Btw, the stream will be on:
What is Meta Gaming?:
Using OOC knowledge icly
You fight for survival, with no food, you're starving. You come across a hut in the Jungle, You enter and see a lit fire, however no one is around. Do you steal the supplies? or leave them be?
If i see food, then i will take some, but i would leave a note, and something in trade.
You see someone heavily armored coming to attack you and your friends. Do you fight them? Or run at an attempt to save your life?
Depends on the friends, and how lucky i'm feeling
You meet a strange hooded man offering you supplies, you see he has a bag with something in it. What do you do?
stare at him quizzically, then ask who he stole it from.
You come across a tomb, dark and quiet and huge in size, you see the edges lined with diamond plates. A sign reads "Enter if you dare". What is your first thought.
Best enter it and see what all the fuss is about, quickly followed by the thought "best send someone else in first"
Best Backstory ever
Character Backstory- One of the brighter youths in his village, selected secretly to be the next Cypher. Upon receiving this honor, his past life was forgotten, his name non-existent, and his title took place of a name. Years later, his village was attacked, and destroyed, and only he was left alive, if only because of his title. With the loss of his village, and his source for new lore and traditions destroyed, he turned to a new topic of study, Thaumaturgy.(note was planning on semi-rushing the first few researches, basically if i get gold transmutation, then i will attempt to learn all the other transmutations at around the same time, and so on, until i get past "Unified Thaumic Field Theory" At which point i was going to try and limit myself to one BIG research a week/2 weeks)
Character Age – 30
Character Backstory - Found in the woods as a young lad, by the Grand Wizard Iali, who decided to raise him as his own son. He was raised in a household/tower of magic, even though he himself had no magical powers. Later in his life, around when he turned 18, his adoptive father gifted to him a Lamia Familiar called “Lizzy” to protect him. A few years after that, he decided to go in search of his true family, though he never found anything related to them. Jump to three years ago, when the Sun disappeared from the sky, and then 2 and a halfish years after that, when it reappeared, he finally gave up the search. But rather than return to his adoptive father in Vaile, he found a desert Oasis town, and decided to settle there for a while.
Character Age - 27
Character Backstory(simple is good) -
The Eldest son of the Ventris Family, and the only one who joined the Famed Assassins of Vaile. He never tired of the Hunt, though recently a new "target" had entered his sights. His younger brother, Vaur, The only survivor of a tragic attack on the "Nalwoods" Ranger Academy of Vaile. He has recently found that his shadow has started moving of it's own accord, pointing in the same direction, as if The Lady of Darkness wished him to find something. Weeks of travelling in the heat of the wastes, running out of water in the past few days, leaving him hoping he hasn't been hallucinating, that the goddess Nyx is infact helping him find a town, or even better, His brother Vaur.
What does going to minecon have to do with anything?
No, he decided who got in, and simply applying is not a way to get accepted.
Calm yourself, this is all for the admins to decide, who gets in, not us to mess with people.
Also the server is having a problem with the plugins and such, will be fixed soon. {hopefully}
Age - 16
Time Zone - eastern u.s.
RP Experience - been with you guys since January. also i like the oatmeal you make daddy
Character Name - Vaur_Ferric
Character Age - 26
Character Backstory(simple is good) -
Born to a former pub keeper, he later joined the same profession, being lucky to have joined his father on the [Star]trek to the new town of Carpathia. While it stung to leave behind all he knew, he was quite grateful to leave the dull-town and head for somewhere new, and more importantly, safer. His father died on the trek however, leaving him alone for a small portion of the journey, and during this time he decided to do the one thing he knew once he got to this new town, Pubs. Also during this time he discovered the presence of untrained magic, manifest as a slightly higher tolerance to pain, and a force to push his muscles more beyond their limits, if only at the cost of extreme fatigue. He had plenty of time to decide on the name of the pub, and finally drew the final name "Fireside Pub"