There should be an official server list for this cause im really bored of looking at all these lame unofficial server lists with barely any servers registered.
There should be an official server list for this cause im really bored of looking at all these lame unofficial server lists with barely any servers registered.
can i use this in a modpack im making? you'll get credit if you want some
Can't wait for 1.12
Notice me pls.
There should be an official server list for this cause im really bored of looking at all these lame unofficial server lists with barely any servers registered.
1.7 is gr8
Looking for a server.
Tinkers Construct Mod
At least 10 players on most of the time.
English Server
GalaxyDash it happened to me too.
i brought my dog INSANELY far away and when i used a TP command to get back he wouldnt teleport or anything so RIP dog.
How do I load HUGE structures without getting intense lag and/or crashes
[Insert update spam here]
(Don't false report me for this, its just a joke)
FINALLY a mod that has hammers
I'm making a new server which will have the RPGme plugin installed. (maybe some other plugins too if i feel like it)
I'm looking for some admins and builders.
There are not very many requirements and I don't judge people's ages so even if your a 10 year old you can get in.
You actually are just promoted to helper at first but you will rank up fast if your good.
If you cheat to get builder, you will be permanently banned from getting a staff rank or builder rank.
Requirements (Admin)
Nice Person
(may put more stuff in later but currently thats all)
Builder Requirements:
(This may be a little hard, so don't go and get someone's map and call it your own)
Very good at building things
High quality builds
A picture of a really nice build. (It can be pretty much anything but put alot of pictures of its a huge build.)
If you don't know what RPGme is, its like mcmmo, but like 10x better.
Can't understand why nobody uses it
When is it going to be for 1.11
can you make it for 1.7.10 so i can use it with my other mods
*Starts Reading* "[insert random format things here]" *stops reading*
I need a good towny server with FREE towns, not those rip-off servers where you have to pay like $100 per day just to keep your town claimed.
Not really requirements, but give you a higher chance of getting me to join your server:
If you have all the requirements and I like the server i'll invite my friends. (I have over 200 friends, lots of them play minecraft)