I wouldn't mind some degree of character customization (a faster guy with fewer hearts or something like that), but I think this game gets on well enough without fantasy races. Equipment crafting is probably a better way of changing your attributes, and your appearance can freely be modified to look like a dwarf if you want already.
Needing to make a wooden pick is kind of a pointless extra step you shouldn't need to take if you want to conserve wood or something. Breaking stone with your hands takes long enough that it's not like it would be a big advantage or anything. It'd just be nice if you don't have immediate access to wood. Collecting iron and diamonds should still require a pick the way it is now.
Is it a big deal either way? No, but I'd rather have it be my way.
Dying shouldn't make you any worse off than flat out restarting would. Otherwise anyone who dies is just going to log out of the server and start fresh.
If the player has a torch in their hands it should give off light like it would if it were placed down, and attacking with one should ignite flammable objects.
There's no reason to make a wooden anything after that initial pickaxe to get you started on rocks.
It wouldn't break either, but that's not how it works in Minecraft.
Is there some important reason why fists absolutely must not yield stone that I'm missing? It's just a minor convenience feature.
Is it a big deal either way? No, but I'd rather have it be my way.