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    posted a message on Best/Worst Reports
    Quote from Beltir

    Can torture be legalized for just long enough to break whoever started that stupid doge meme? I don't see how anyone can find it funny or amusing.

    I had to, I'm sorry.
    Posted in: Off topic, testing and misc. chat
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    posted a message on Homophobic People
    Quote from Wallace

    I haven't so far said anything about my religious beliefs nor have I used any arguments relating to Christianity, but it is a common assumption to make. Regarding your scenario, if I was a Christian in a Muslim country and I wasn't allowed to eat bacon, I would respect their beliefs but move to a country where I was amongst other Christians. In my opinion, it's their land, they can do what they want in it.

    I wasn't specifying you in particular. I was actually sort of only speaking to Christians who oppose same-sex marriage, which is why I said "To Christians who oppose gay marriage on religious grounds."

    But I digress. If you are arguing that people are obligated to conform to the attitudes of the country they live in, then I think we have a fundamental breakdown of what "freedom of conscience" and "freedom of expression" are.

    You are free to think and act as you please, but only if it is in a way that everyone else approves of?

    No; you are free to think and act as you please, but only if it harms no one but yourself. Homosexuality is a personal problem (if one considers it a problem). Merely witnessing a same-sex union does not constitute a trespass on someone's rights, and since the only reason to make something illegal is because it trespasses on someone's rights, there is no reason to make same-sex marriage illegal.
    Posted in: Politics, Philosophy, News and Science
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    posted a message on The Circle of Magi [Magic] [Kingdom] [Unleashed]
    Quote from LibertyFreedom

    But, now we got this new clan server going, I could imagine that this would be fun. Decleration of war on the other clans, competing in fun events that would reward the clan. I could get that that would be fun.

    *Unsubtle cough*
    Posted in: Clans
  • 1

    posted a message on 1.6 release date

    It will be released when it is released.
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Minecraft Wish List

    Suggestions belong in the Suggestions subsection.

    Wishlists are not allowed in the Suggestions subsection. Please re-post your ideas there, but be more specific.
    Posted in: Recent Updates and Snapshots
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    posted a message on suspected heobrine in my game (brineormal activity)

    Herobrine threads are not allowed on the forums. Herobrine was a hoax. He is not real, never was real, and never will be real.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Herobrine encounter! :O MC-X360

    Please do not post Herobrine threads, they clutter the forum. Herobrine was a hoax. He is not real, never was real, and never will be real.
    Posted in: Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Some crafting recipies
    Dynamite of Gayness? What is this I don't even

    Posted in: Suggestions
  • 1

    posted a message on The Circle of Magi [Magic] [Kingdom] [Unleashed]
    Your in-game name: VIROS

    What do you like to be called by? (Like being called Tom instead of Thomas) : VIROS

    Your Steam account name: VIROS

    Timezone*: EST

    How did you find out about CoM/The Agion Server(s)?: I joined CoM a little while after it's founding, but I had to leave it to keep up with my own clan's politics when I became leader. Of course, I always kept an eye on events in CoM, and I've been watching the thread as they moved on to FTB.

    Why do you want to join CoM?: I want to join CoM because it is the last great Minecraft clan from the old days, and I want to make sure it survives. Not to mention I want to help build the city, because it looks a little bare right now. :P

    What can you offer to make CoM better?(Screenshots/videos/experience*) : I'm a pretty good builder, although my skills might need adapting, since I'm more used to mansions and palaces than factories. Here's some of what I've built
    Guild Hall/Mansion
    Palace Exterior
    Palace Interior
    Victorian House

    I could also write documents, if you need someone in the Administratio branch making official-looking papers like government declarations, passports, and explanations of CoM culture. Here's some of my work

    About yourself (age, gender, interests, where you're from, etc): I'm 16-year-old male high school student from Ohio. I like history, sociology, and jurisprudence. I have an interest in architecture, but I'm not math-savvy enough to do it in real life. I really enjoy legal drafting, so much that I think I'd like to be a legal drafter when I grow up. The sheer amount of legal documents that are produced every day will pretty much make me immune to economic downturn.

    What craft would you prefer?: Architechus, but I know all about ThaumCraft 3, so I can do Magus if that's ever necessary. I can also do Administratio if you're short on people, given my ability as a scribe. Really I'm content in whatever craft the Archmagi think I'm best suited for.

    My least favorite program is Big Bang Theory. I'll get a lot of flak for that opinion, probably, but I think it is incredibly dull.
    Posted in: Clans
  • 2

    posted a message on Obsidian Tools and Weapons

    Wrong forum, suggestion redundant.
    Posted in: Future Updates
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