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    posted a message on Villagers aren't breeding (first time trying this)
    Quote from JSTDV8»

    Thank you,

    I'll try just making actual little houses.

    Do you know if they need to be fairly close to the actual villagers or as long as the new houses are pretty much in the general vicinity of the original village I should be good.

    I guess I could also just make a fenced in system on the outside of the house they are trapped in and plant a garden out there and let them grow their own stuff, I think one of them is a farmer. Come to think of it, they trade fish, coal, and string. so maybe neither is a farmer. that might not work.

    The villagers have to be close enought to detect it as a house. According to the Wiki on Village Mechanics, that distance is 16 blocks horizontal and 3 blocks vertical. Here's the link:


    The Wiki on villagers indicates that all brown robed villagers will tend crops... and I do notice the crops changing even in the sections of my village that don't actually have a farmer in them... I only have 2 farmers for 20 villagers right now and those 2 farmers don't have access to all the farm crops... just some... but the "rows" I plant do wind up getting mixed up from time to time... indicating that the villagers are indeed harvesting and replanting... just not in the neat rows I put in.
    Posted in: MCXONE: Discussion
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    posted a message on idea for random wells

    Oh ok. (still is creepy how you are on almost every post...)

    I'm old (like dirt), stubborn, opinionated and with more free time than a lot of other people. I like to talk and I like to try to help out where I can. Beats drinking myself to death in a bar or sitting in a casino spending my kids' inheritance :)
    Posted in: MCX360: Discussion
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    posted a message on Lost all my stuff in lava. Can't reverse the effect in any way on the version I'm playing...

    I guess you're only playing PC from now on then. I thought losing some stuff was just part of the game...

    Posted in: MCPE: Discussion
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    posted a message on Getting new biomes, but what about the new World Generation algorithm?
    Quote from SylvaRanger»

    Gah, and I had such hope too! :( I thought at least that random seeds generated would improve, and I dared to hope that mountains would look better also. It starts to feel like 4j just don't listen.

    Unbelievable that they cannot, or don't want to, fix world generation. Extreme hills are just a joke at the moment.

    4JSteve posted on the bug tracker this morning that they are still looking at world generation for a future update.
    Posted in: MCXONE: Discussion
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    posted a message on What is the most worthless item in Minecraft?

    Ummmm air

    ... except when your head is in some other kind of block and you're taking suffocation damage... lol... but it would get my vote as well.

    Actually, all the blocks in this game are useless IRL... they're all just pixels, right?
    Posted in: Discussion
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    posted a message on Slime chunks in a swamp biome

    Slime chunk finders could also be off. They frequently have missed the chunk on me. Verify your slime chunk using a superflat copy of your seed. Fence off the chunks in question (so the slimes can't travel between the chunks) and see if they do indeed spawn inside your fence corrals. I believe being in a swamp should interfere with the rates in that some will be spawning above ground and robbing your farm of possible spawns once the cap is hit, but it shouldn't (I don't think) stop them completely.

    Posted in: MCXONE: Discussion
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    posted a message on Getting new biomes, but what about the new World Generation algorithm?
    Quote from ubergine»

    It made no difference pretty much. Some seeds I use are actually worse - where there were Savannah mountains they are now gone!

    Agree completely... whatever they changed really made no significant difference.
    Posted in: MCXONE: Discussion
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    posted a message on Tu32 animals still disappearing.

    It's doubtful that starting a new world will correct animals disappearing. Perhaps try rebuilding your pen (just in case the game has "lost" the idea that it is a pen - doing it again might refresh those blocks - just a hunch).

    Posted in: Minecraft (Bedrock) Support
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    posted a message on what tu do i have

    If you connect to the internet and join Live (free account), the game should automatically update to the most recent version. Until you do the update, it is whatever version it was when your disk was manufactured. They don't press new disks with each update; you have to update online. Most disks, I believe, are at TU9.

    Posted in: Minecraft (Bedrock) Support
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    posted a message on Minecraft xbox 360- CAN'T JOIN FRIENDS

    Not a clue... this is the second report I've seen today of the same problem. Maybe contact Xbox Support to see if they can somehow verify the update version you are running and maybe get the system to correctly register it.

    Posted in: Minecraft (Bedrock) Support
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