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    posted a message on Survivalist Season 2[1.14 vanilla] [survival]

    Welcome to Survivalist, Season 2! We are a vanilla server, started in 1.13 with the launch of the Aquatic update. We have a memberbase of around 10 people from last season.

    To join the server, please join the discord: https://discord.gg/XqCFEwv

    Once you join the discord, be sure to follow the instructions on how to apply!


    Rules must be followed at all times. Warnings or Bans will be given out depending on the severity of the rule broken.

    1. No racism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or any other form of major harassment. This includes using racial slurs in any context, using "gay" as a derogatory term, discriminating against LGBTQ+ people, and using slurs such as "trap". None of these will be tolerated, and, if caught, you will be permanently banned immediately. No exceptions.

    2. No jokes about said things in rule #1. This includes things such as "n-word pass" jokes, "i sexually identify as.." jokes, and other jokes of such nature. Cases will be brought up to a moderator and the severity of the punishment will be determined based on their judgement.

    3. No griefing. Griefing means intentionally ruining or destroying someone else's' property, build, or inventory. Pranks are okay, but do not intentionally, and for no reason, mess with other people's things for no reason than to be a ****. Cases will be brought up to a moderator and the severity of the punishment will be determined based on their judgement.

    4. Don't be an asshole. It's as simple as that. Joking around is all good and fun, and we encourage it, but don't be rude for the sole reason of being rude.

    5. No sharing the server IP to those who aren't a Trial Member/Member. Even if you do, it doesn't matter, as the server has a whitelist.

    6. No cheating. This includes x-ray mods/texture packs, flyhacks, etc.

    7. Trial Members will be transfered to Members after ~1 week of being active and playing. Activity will be determined by a moderator's judgement. The point of the Trial Members role is simply just to differentiate between the new players and the old, as well as to see how well a Trial Member meshes with everyone else on the server.
    Posted in: Server Recruitment
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    posted a message on [Whitelist][Vanilla 1.13][JAVA][SMP] Survivalist v1

    Unview here, and I would like to invite a few people to join the newest Minecraft project - Survivalist. The server is based on HermitCraft, we have added the datapack they use.

    Looking for around 15-20 people who will be active

    Please join the discord here: https://discord.gg/XARVGBp

    The server is brand NEW! It is being hosted in the US

    The rules are:

      No griefing;

      No stealing;

      Have common sense when typing in chat (Basically don't insult others);

      Have fun and enjoy your time :).

    Here's the application:


      Where are you from?:

      What do you like to do in Minecraft?:

      Favorite thing build on minecraft?:


    How to Join

    Reply to this thread with the application filled out OR join our discord and check out the #apply channel

    Posted in: PC Servers
  • 0

    posted a message on [Whitelist][Vanilla 1.13][JAVA][SMP] Survivalist v1

    Unview here, and I would like to invite a few people to join the newest Minecraft project - Survivalist. The server is based on HermitCraft, we have added the datapack they use.

    Looking for around 15-20 people who will be active

    Please join the discord here: https://discord.gg/XARVGBp

    The server is brand NEW! It is being hosted in the US

    The rules are:

      No griefing;

      No stealing;

      Have common sense when typing in chat (Basically don't insult others);

      Have fun and enjoy your time :).

    Here's the application:


      Where are you from?:

      What do you like to do in Minecraft?:

      Best thing built on minecraft?:


    How to Join

    Reply to this thread with the application filled out OR join our discord and check out the #apply channel

    Posted in: Looking For
  • 0

    posted a message on Vanilla Survival Map
    Quote from boja»


    Quote from hUgHiEh»

    inv me. name: hUgHiEh

    Added both

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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    posted a message on New Aquatic Update Realm - Looking for players 17+

    IGN: Unview

    AGE (17+): 22

    How Long You've Played: Been playing minecraft since I was a kid, just recently got back into it.

    What you're best at/ looking forward to: Going to the end

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
  • 0

    posted a message on Vanilla Survival Map

    Map started 8-13-18 (1.13 Java edition)

    Players 18+

    Looking for a few people to play my realm with me.

    Add me on discord, or reply with your username below.

    Discord: Tyler#2425

    Posted in: Minecraft Realms
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